Quotes And Tales by Okechukwu Okereke - HTML preview

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“And he said, ‘Come’. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying Lord save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him…” MATT 14:29-31;


Very amazing miracle by Jesus, walking on the water. Well, some credit must also be accorded Peter for his bravery, trying to emulate Jesus’ feat.

However, you would discover from the preceding verses that the disciples were on a voyage and a great storm rose against them. The bible says that the tide was contrary, meaning the sea was opposing them. There are times in life when it seems like the elements of life are working against you; when it looks like everything around you is opposing your journey of vision and purpose, cheer up, the God who saw Peter and the disciples through, the same God will see you through.

They had a vision and a clearly defined purpose to cross to the other side of the sea. They also had the Master’s instructions to do so. They were not on a frolic of their own; they were men on assignment. Yet the environment of the sea opposed their movement to achieving their goal. Are you in the same situation, where you find yourself opposed by the environment of your job, family, mind, past experience, nationality etc, here is a word for you; there is a God who is master over any environment – he is God Almighty and he will make you prevail today like the disciples did prevail, in Jesus name.

Also, note that the disciples did not sink nor did their ship before the Lord Jesus came to their rescue, because he instructed them to over to the other side. In the same vein, God has instructed you go on to live and not die, go on to progress and not regress, go on to prosper and not stagnate, go on to be blessed and not be cursed; and on the strength of God’s word, I decree that you will not sink neither will the ship of your life sink before your help arrives.

The bible says that while the disciples struggled with the storm, Jesus came walking on the same stormy water. He is Lord over all. The disciples were struggling with the storm but when he showed up, there was no struggling, but a triumphant walk over the boisterous sea. I pray that Jesus will show up in any area of life you may be experience a struggle. When he shows up, every toiling will cease.

Then Jesus shows up walking on the boisterous water; it was so sudden a sight to the disciples that they trembled and thought it was a ghost. However, Peter summoned courage and requested that if it be the Master he should tell him (Peter) to come. Jesus asked him to come. So, he stepped out, relying on the Word of the Lord, he walked on the water towards the Lord Jesus – what no man has ever done. Peter did not walk on the water because he was just courageous, but because he had faith in the Word from the Lord – ‘Come’. Reliance on God’s Word connects you to the Realities of God’s Ways. 

Notice that Peter had a target which was to walk on the water, get to the Lord Jesus, and eventually return to the ship with him. So, he began his journey of purpose, walked on the water – making the impossible possible in his journey, he was quite successful already, completed the first phase of the journey, but when he was close to reaching the Lord Jesus the bible says:

But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying Lord save me.” Matt. 14:31

Peter was close to completing his course, but he began to sink. He was at the brink of accomplishment and began to sink. What really happened?

Remember the disciples were experiencing a storm on the sea but when they saw the Lord walking on the water, that wonder took away their mind from the stormy sea that they worried no more about the sea waves but who it was that was walking on the sea. From the tone of the scriptures, that miracle made them forget that they were experiencing a storm, which was the reason the bible says, “But when he saw the wind...” The wind had always been there, it did not stop until the Lord Jesus got to the ship; but the miracle they saw made their problem look so elementary that they forgot it. There are miracles that God will bring your way and it will make the many years of the enemy’s torment look like they never existed. I pray that God will give you a Miracle that will swallow your Debacle, in Jesus name. So, the storm did not stop at any time, then started again, while Peter walked on the sea; rather, the wonder of a man walking on water swallowed their concern for the raging sea. Note, that as long as Peter was not distracted by the raging sea he was under no threat of sinking. Distraction Attracts Destruction. As long as Peter was focused on the wonders and possibilities of God he was on the water, walking on it. As long as his eyes could see only the Lord Jesus victorious over the sea, he was on the water, winning against the tide. As long as he was in sync with what God was doing (currently) before him, he was on the water never going to sink. As long as his connection to the Lord Jesus was unbroken, he was definitely going to get THERE –the ordained destination.

Unfortunately, his mind raced back to the old problem – the storm, which by this time was their past experience for they had forgotten it. Thus, his past came to hunt his present progress. And once his past gained access to his mind, fear crept in, doubt sat down, and he began to sink. Never allow your past cast a doubt on your future; and beware, fear is satanic fiat that flattens a man’s future. Fear deflates, but Faith Elevates. I pray in the name of Jesus that no undesirable past will hunt down your present progress and may every such past remain in the past, amen.

Peter could have completed his quest if he stayed tuned and in sync with God at his critical moment. However, thank God for the merciful Lord who stretch out to pick up Peter from the watery grave. And may God who is rich in mercy, by his out-stretched arm restore every sinking area of your life, spirituality, business, marriage, destiny, etc. in Jesus name, Amen!



 Reliance on God’s Word connects you to the Realities of God’s Ways

 Never allow your past cast a doubt on your future… Fear deflates, but Faith Elevates