Our Great High Priest by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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This book is a commentary on the book of Hebrews in the Holy Bible.  Hebrews is a book that many do not read or study.   At times it seems difficult to understand.  However, it is truly an amazing book in the New Testament that explains how Jesus Christ of Nazareth is our Great High Priest.  In the book of Hebrews Jesus Christ is shown to be greater than Moses, the angels, and the priesthood.  We see that the Old Testament sacrifices, ritual, and symbols have been fulfilled by Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

I wanted to write this book to show the importance of Hebrews and to share my commentary on it.  In this easy to read book we will see that Jesus Christ has made all Christians a priesthood. We now have open access to the Father through the one time sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.  I hope this book will be helpful and interesting to those who might not have previously read or studied the book of Hebrews.  It is as relevant today as it was when it was written.