One Man's Walk with God: Preparing for Trials and Fears by Jeremy B Strang - HTML preview

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"Grape juice, apple juice, orange juice or another type of juice, are all the result of pressure being applied to the outside until what is inside flows out. Strangely enough, you can’t obtain olive oil from apples or apple juice from grapes. Each of these when under pressure reveal exactly what they ‘are’ inside.

"When God transforms a life by His grace, the person’s very nature is changed by the indwelling nature of Almighty God. Jeremy Strang has undergone that spiritual metamorphous. How do I know? Because of what flows out of him. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, or in this case he writes. He writes about a love affair with his God and Savior. I pray as you read that you too will fall in love with the one who is 'The Desire of All Nations, The King of kings, The Lord of lords, The Maker of Heaven and Earth, the altogether Lovely One, and our glorious Redeemer'. Eternity will not be sufficient to grasp the magnitude and greatness of our God."

– David Ravenhill, Itinerant Preacher, Teacher and Writer

Written with a heart to edify believers, this book will encourage you to communion more with God and thirst and hunger after Him. I recommend it. For those who spend time with God truly will become more like Him.”

– Greg Gordon, Founder of Sermon Index

I see such passion, such as one whom has been touched by the Lord Himself, going strongly yet humbly, before our God, sometimes tearfully before Him. With such passion in his heart, thus for a steadfast and unshakable relationship, and bearing the very heart and thoughts wide open before God. How pleasing this is to our Lord and the very thing our Father desires, communication with the deep thoughts and praises of his child. I see the very representation of the heart of David here. I believe this book is the working of the Holy Spirit to draw us closer to our Lord and to pursue Him with our whole heart. For it is there we shall find him.”

– Lynn Clark, Christian

What an encouragement to listen in as Jeremy Strang speaks to the One his soul loves. As I hung on each word, I got the real sense that Jeremy communicates out of the overflow of his heart. As we serve God in dark places throughout a world that is not our home, it is a blessing of God to be encouraged by such men. My prayer is that God might deepen your sense of awe in Him, your love for Him, and your service to Him as you read this beautiful work.”

Jeff Bys, Missionary in Kenya

To any true seeker, believer, and follower of Jesus Christ, Jeremy Strang’s words encapsulate the heart felt yearning, constant search, inner struggles, and rich spiritual blessings that accompany the ever-deepening relationship Christ wants with each of us. As a fellow believer my faith is enriched, and so will yours be. Read on and be blessed!“

– Steve Shullanberger, Pastor and Preacher

In the spirit of the Psalmists in the Scriptures and the Puritans in The Valley of Vision, Jeremy Strang writes as a man who has been gripped by the grace of God. Each chapter is filled with prayers that reckon with the sinfulness that yet remains in the hearts of even the redeemed as their hearts are laid bare and are confronted with the pure, unapproachable holiness of God in His Word. Yet, while bringing such grievous realities to light before God, Jeremy Strang quickly looks to Christ, the One who stands before God with our names written on His hands and ever lives to intercede for us. In short, my brother teaches us again in this book, when our devotional lives feel dried up and our fruits are few, that our gaze must ever be on Christ all our days. Only in Him will we once again see the truth of that beloved hymn, “Our sins, they are many. His mercy is more.” I heartily recommend this book.”

– Ryan Rutan, Christian and Moody Bible Student,

If your desire is for a closer walk with the Lord, this book is a must read. The love this author shows for Jesus flows off the pages in a beautiful form of poetry and prayers to the Lord. I too not only hung on each word but wept as I understood the love Jeremy has for Jesus. The honesty, humility and passion written on these pages is an encouragement to give up all for our precious and most worthy Savior.

– Linda Mann, Christian

“I’ve known Jeremy Strang for quite some time and read his books, read his blogs and speak with Him regularly; he is my friend and brother in Christ. So to some extent, I’ve seen his passion for God and understand when he writes a book such as this. If I could focus on one single goal of Jeremy through his writings, it is that you would seek the Lord and know Him more and more. At the end of our time when it is all said and done, we all must have Christ. This is where our lives begin and this is where it ends, in Christ. So seek the Lord today that you may know and be found in Him as Paul describes in Philippians 3:7-11.”

Christ blessings,

– Warren Judge, Christian and Layman Preacher

“One Man’s Walk with God reads like a conversation between the author and his Heavenly Father. From a humble and sincere heart, Jeremy writes out of a desire to draw himself and others closer to our Lord and Savior.”

– Charaki Yeomans, Christian