Observers' Guide to God


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Book Description HTML

Observers’ Guide to God, an eBook by Derek Thompson, is a field guide for observing God in the wild, or other places. At a concise 13,430 words and with colour pictures printed on fire proof paper, it is an eBook for intrepid explorers. The critics loved it. Des Lang: “nearly brilliant”, Betsy Nomor: “The end is a bomb!”, Albert Steinberger: “What a field guide!” Dr Imy Haratharama: “laughed ‘til I cried. (Admittedly, those last two are fictional characters). Available at Smashwords and other ebook retailers, where it is freely available in numerous eBook reader formats:- Humorous Narrative Non-fiction.

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Derek Thompson

Derek Philip Thompson was born in Hammersmith, England in 1950 and in 1957 his family immigrated to Australia. He grew up and went to school in Penrith, NSW. After studying electrical engineering at Sydney University, he worked for 34 years with NSW Public Works as an electrical engineer and project manager. It was in 1974 that he became a Christian and married Margaret. They have two daughters. After taking early retirement in 2009, Derek completed a Diploma in Theology at Charles Sturt University. Since 2005 Derek has been involved in a regional ecumenical church organisation called Five Islands Christian Ministries and in 2020 helped to plant Albion Park Community Church, as its Associate Pastor.

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