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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 5

THE NATURE OF MIND SELF AND REALITY .................................................................................. 7

AWAKENING ..................................................................................................................................... 11

THE STAGES OF INNER MYSTICAL TRANSFORMATION ............................................................. 13

THE SUBTLE DIMENSION ............................................................................................................... 16

THE PRIMACY OF MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE ................................................................................. 18

GO WITHIN ....................................................................................................................................... 20

SELF-OVERCOMING ........................................................................................................................ 22

THE INVISIBLE REVOLUTION ........................................................................................................ 23


I was just like you.

Though the costumes and stage sets of space-time were different, the template underneath it was just the same.

I was lost in a cave of shadows, blindly trying to grasp my way through the darkness, my slamming and stumblings a danger to myself and the world, no escape from that subterranean realm could be glimpsed, let alone conceptualized.

And just like you, it was the completely unexpected unforeseen saving power of grace of destiny of accident that would give me a glimpse of the exit, now matter how fleeting that fiery light.


The bathroom tile floor - now hypnotic mesmerizing layered arabesques shifting – ancient – familiar –

eternal – amazing.

K wakes me up from my trance. Reminds me where I am. Leads me out of there.

I lay down on the bed in the living room.

Music loud. Pounding.

Time slows.

The doors, the walls, the door frames vibrating with some kind of energy.

This is where language fails.

Where I was taken outside of that False Self that I thought was.

And was initiated into another reality whose existence I had not even conceived of in this rational mechanical world where all was apparently known, which was deprived of all mystery.


It was this experience – this Initiation – that sent me on a search, a journey, a quest for similar experiences and their wonder, their vision, their ecstasy. Though undergone without any conscious intent, the cultivation of such states did lead to a final Awakening – that while at the time was completely surprising, even terrifying – but now in retrospect was inevitable, destined.

Though it was not all liberation and light – as the mystical path of inner development is fraught with peril and danger and the unnegotiable fact that there is no way out but through your own suffering within.


As an inhabitant of the current age of scientific secularism and technology I believed Enlightenment be a myth, a fantasy, an illusion for frauds and fools.

Though the living reality of Awakening was completely different than the one depicted in the dead books I used to have piled around me, those ghost haunted graveyards of symbols.

But it is as real

as the vein on my neck.


I was just like you.

And just like you I used to lay awake at night in sleepless moments of boredom, exasperation and despair as ask myself -

Why am I here?

Why do I exist?

What is my purpose in life?

All humans can't help but be perplexed by these questions – especially in this age – or more precisely –

at the end of this age – where history and society has vanished into the lightless event horizon of the market – where the only options available for living are to be a psychopathic DNA survival robot hunting the aisles of an infinite mega mall reality or to simply and bleakly go through the motions of a meaningless life on a meaningless planet alone in the void of a meaningless universe.

But there is no need for nihilism or mindless despair.

You were not born to be a slave to biology or to the economy.

You were born to realize your true nature.

You are here to become



At this moment in space-time there are not supposed to be any mysteries – Mind Self and Reality has been largely discovered, mapped and understood and the remainder is just a simple problem of temporarily.

Though like me you have had experiences that shattered exploded destroyed the reality you considered to be objective eternal and complete and discovered new dimensions of Mind Self and Reality that were awe-inspiring, profound, miraculous.

Things are not what they appear to be.


After the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation has been completed the nature of Mind Self and Reality and its mechanisms - when viewed from the other shore - are completely different from the current consensual reality.

Since this understanding of the True nature of Mind Self and Reality is the cornerstone of this mystical philosophy and process it is where we shall begin.


You live in a virtual world.

In a reality super-imposed over the real.

You are convinced that what you are seeing is real when in fact you are perceiving reality through a screen, a filter projected by your mind.

The False Mind.


The False Mind is an imaginal theatre whose costumes and stage sets are constructed out of the tawdry scraps of fear and desire generated by the storehouses of suffering in the bodymind, those unhealed festering wounds.

When engaging with the world the False Mind's primary mechanism is association.

An object perceived by the False Mind does not perceive it objectively but through multiple overlays of associations of prior experience and conditioning.

Seen through the augmented reality of the False Mind a flame is just not a heat radiating shimmering form of shape and colour but that burn and those tears and that mother's comfort, that night of cold, that everlasting eternal illumination.


The False Mind is also a mirror.

Since what you are perceiving is not generated exterior to yourself but internally, you just perceive projections of your fear, desires, experiences, conditioning, your pleasurable experiences and your painful ones.

Only perceiving what you want to see – or what you do not – living in a simulation in which you can only perceive different aspects of yourself.


The furnaces that fuel the False Mind are the loci of suffering stored within the bodymind. Their presence or lack of, their weakness or strength determines the intensity and totality of the False Mind, whether it is just a trace upon the real or a wholly detached phantasmagoria of desperate desires and heart-pounding fears.


You are also not who you think you are.

You are not you location. Your job. Your bank account.

You are not that shape. That form. That body.

You are not those actions. Those successes. Those failures. That pride. That guilt.

You are not.

That False Self.


You weren't always like this.

You came into this world clear, bright, pristine, undivided, boundless.

Then you were given a name.

You became that.

And as your form was moved through this reality we all have somehow improbably found ourselves inside more selves kept being attached to you - nailed to you - by family, school, work and society.

You become a son. A daughter. A bastard.

A good student. A bad student. An indifferent one.

A worker. A bum.

A hater. A lover.

A saint. A sinner.

Selfless and selfish.

You became a constellation drawn from the infinitude of selves existent and available in this reality.

You became this. And that.

All the multitudes that you and others perceive yourself to be.

The False Self.


The final pillar in the triumvirate of ignorance and delusion is the False Reality.

The False Reality is divided. Composed of distinct objects. Separate.

Temporal and casual. It is subject to cause and effect.

It is a reality of conflict and opposites and strife and fire.

Of endless perpetual struggle and war with the other within and without oneself.

The prisoners that inhabit the False Reality are perpetually always searching for a cause, that fragment that will somehow make the False Reality whole again.

That wholeness that always inverses – turns into its opposite.

The False Reality.


Though these structures of Mind Self and Reality are how life is perceived and lived at this moment in space-time, when one begins and undergoes the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation one will realize that false nature of these conceptions and experiences and awaken to the true.

For when one transcends the virtuality of the False Mind.

When one transcends the illusory associations of the False Self.

And when one transcends the separateness and temporality of the False Reality.

One is brought to the same place.

To a Mind Self and Reality that is infinite.



Constituted of light.

It is unconditional peace.

Ecstatic love.

And Consciousness infinite and eternal.


There is no purpose in this life.

At least not in the sense of sense of purpose that societies cultures and civilizations prior to this age did

– for in this age the undoing is complete and society has been transmuted by some dark alchemy into a field of separate individual atoms – civilization culture and society now just an image on a screen.

Or if there is any last purpose for the last people it is humanity warehoused in cubes bioengineered into a being of stomach and thumb like a genetically engineered legless animal bred to be slaughtered and packaged and sold.

Like you, I used to think the same.

Until by grace and accident I experientially – not merely considered conceptually – discovered dimensions of Mind Self and Reality far beyond the simulation humanity is trapped in now, that they believe to be real.

But it is these true dimensions of Mind Self and Reality that are real – and what passes for Mind Self and Reality currently – unreal.

You are not a meaningless speck of dust floating in the void moving through the matrix of your life until you are clicked off into darkness.

You exist to awaken to your true nature and destiny.

There is a purpose in this life.

Though the imperative to awaken has been an important and crucial guide enlightening the historical procession, the actual mechanisms of mystical enlightenment have always been obscure.

Either communicated in sayings obscured and hidden behind veils of myth, legend, parable and symbol how to actually awaken to one’s own true nature is largely unknown in this world of shadows.

Like all those who have awakened – those beings that our civilizations are built around – whose worlds we live in – you have to grow that which lies seedlike within all humans – that mysterious force – that extraordinary power – that miraculous energy when stimulated allows one to perceive reality as it truly is and when fully flowered, to dwell within it, be it.

As you progress through the stages of inner development – and awaken this vital power dormant in all beings – your bodies gross and subtle will be reconfigured and refashioned by this divine energy –

breaking down the old material body of contraction and suffering – opening new flows and channels –

and developing the Subtle Body and its Organs – the true source of mystical perception and capabilities.

Once this power is fully and completely developed, opened and fully flowered – you will have the capabilities to perceive – to awaken to – the True nature of your Mind Self and Reality.

The Awakened state is the transcension – the destruction – of the worlds of suffering and ignorance that we mistakenly believe to be the only ones – reborn into a state that is your true birthright and destiny – an awakening to the true ground of reality – which is peace – ecstasy – consciousness.


The Process of Inner Mystical Transformation – the journey from the puzzling and wondrous initial expanses of awareness to the ecstatic awakening that is its completion, its finality – has six distinct stages.

Though when dealing with the systematization of such a rare and complex lived reality there are a few caveats to consider.

The first is that the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation and Awakening largely occurs in symbolically unfathomable realms beyond the walls and structures of language, so it is always important to keep in mind that these experiences downloaded into the containers of language and symbol are just traces, not the thing in itself, but still have some use in the same way a somewhat incomplete and even wondrously fantastical crinkled and stained parchment would have helped alight the way of those bold and mad explorers of the new lands of humanity's past.

And secondly due to the variations in biology and location in space-time your own lived experience of the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation and its stages may have some variation and difference, but it is more likely, despite the illusions of separateness and difference that make it appear to not be so, your experiences on this path to Awakening will be similar, because in reality you and I are the same being.


The first stage of the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation is the Initiation.

Though the experience itself will be relative and dependant on your space-time environment the essential core of the Initiation experience is always the same.

For during the Initiation you will have an experience that takes you outside of the self that you think you are and be initiated into another reality and state of being.

The Initiation reveals your True Mind, Self and Reality. Who you actually are.

Though it will feel timeless – it is the nature of the Initiation to be just a fleeting glimpse – for after you are initiated you will return to the self that you always thought you were – but which you now realize is actually a prison – a prison from which the plans for escape will begin.


The second stage of the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation is the Search.

After the Initiation to – and experience of – the True Mind, Self and Reality it is almost as if a template of a new mode of being and existence is imprinted and a process is begun that will not cease until it is realized.

This stage is a search for some explanation and understanding of these new expansive dimensions of awareness, a search for methods and techniques in order to return that state of ecstatic liberation, a

search for new ways of authentic and vital ways of living and being different from the bottomless illusions of contemporary life.

To facilitate these actions during this stage one has to create and experience mystical states of awareness – to go within and understand the blind mechanical nature of oneself – to struggle against and overcome what is robotic and unconscious and unaware in your thought, behaviour and actions.


The third stage of the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation is the Blackening.

The Blackening is the death of the will and desire for transcendence that characterizes the previous stages.

Always returning to the same prison whose bars are forged out of ignorance and desire – always returning to a life that is human all too human – disillusioned and bored - ones gives up and loses interest in that which had animated one so furiously, gave purpose to before.

The once overflowing springs of inspiration and vision are reduced to barely a trickle, then nothing.

The only knowledge one will receive at this stage is the knowledge of shadows, chthonic, of descent.

But it is this putrefaction of self that provides the rich soil for the seeds of the previous stages to finally germinate.


The fourth stage of the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation is the Equinox.

The Equinox could almost be considered an intermediary stage, though it is necessary chapter in this story.

Here the nigredo of the Blackening processes even further along into the abyss – but like most well crafted tales – it is when the darkness threatens to become total that the saving power begins to stir.

Though the ground of the inner earth has been parched and scorched – the doorways to new worlds seemingly shut and locked forever – the absolute reaffirms its reality in occasional visions and acasual experiences that one had abandoned the hope of being graced with again.

It is as if when the traveller who is lost in the darkest forest – the darkest cave – is surprised and tearfully relieved to catch a glimpse of what might be the light of a torch – a candle flame.


The fifth stage of the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation is the Awakening.

The Awakening is not only the pinnacle and goal of this system – it is the goal and pinnacle of existence.

No matter where you are in the universe - what dimension – what new form – the purpose of your life is to awake.

All human actions are attempts at this transcendence – though they are actions that are misguided and misplaced.

Do not listen to the merchants of despair and materialism who peddle the idea that that there is no reason or purpose to life on this abandoned planet or that which is highest is to be a toiling beast whose only transcendence comes from the obsessive and obscene gluttony of the senses.

For you are not slugs.

You are gods.


To awaken means to realize your true nature – to permanently transcend the False notions of Mind Self and Reality and to cross over and dwell within the True.

To awaken that power that lies seedlike in all beings, that overflowing ecstasy, a union that in a wasteland world that is completely cracked and barren of such, is truly divine, a miracle.


The sixth and final stage of the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation is the Resurrection.

The Resurrection was a stage that was completely unexpected. My previous quest to consume what felt like every word and image produced by humanity did not prepare me for this stage and its reality whose mechanisms have heretofore been hidden behind the veils of myth, parable, legend and symbol.

When that power that lies seedlike in all beings is awakened and fully flowered its divine energy creates a new body – a new mode of being – a body that gives one the ability to perceive existence as it truly is and to live within these new infinities.

During the stage of the Resurrection not only does ones old bodymind of contraction and suffering get broken down ripped apart rebuilt healed reborn by this Sacred Energy but a new one on another plane yet somehow intertwined with this one is developed – a Subtle Body with its own organs and flows –

with new modes of perception and new capabilities – an existence that is our actual next stage of human evolution.


The Subtle Realm is the stratum of all mystical experience and visions – a realm that is separate from the Gross Material World – yet somehow intertwined with it – a dimension invisible to the senses that have been evolved to this point – a realm between the human and the totality.

But before we delve into the nature of this dimension I would like to make a suggestion in regards to the approach I recommend you take with not only this aspect but the whole of the mystical system I am endeavouring to communicate, to transmit from my reality to yours.

As you may have noticed I use little of the terminology typically utilized when discussing these matters. This is done with conscious intent in an attempt to prevent the reader or listener from getting ensnared in the preconceptions and language games of their previous learning and the concatenations of infinite associations they would initiate.

For this system of inner transformation is not just another set of ideas to decorate your personal conceptual structure but something to be directly perceived and lived until you are transmuted into your ultimate destiny.


The ability to perceive, act and exist in this Subtle Dimension lies seedlike in all beings – but tragically for the majority of humans it will lie dormant from their entrance into this world until their final exit from it.

The Subtle Body and its organs, its centres, its energies and flows – the means by which gives one the ability to perceive, act and exist in the Subtle Realm - is stimulated, grown and developed by Mystical Experience and the deepening of awareness within and without.

The Process of Inner Mystical Transformation will tend this garden of Sacred Energy until it finally and miraculously flowers and opens up into your true nature, your birthright, your destiny.


The Subtle Body when fully flowered and developed consists of its own organs, centres, channels and energy which flows through it.

While a full description of this esoteric anatomy would require storm tossed oceans of ink to fully elucidate here in this limited space I will restrain myself to just giving a tracing of a few of its major components.

The organs of the Subtle Body are similar to the organs of the gross material body in name and location only for they transcend the dualistic and compensatory limitations of matter but whose operations can still have an effect in the universe of the five senses that have evolved to this point in space time.

The three main organs or centres of the body subtle are the Navel, the Heart and the Crown.

The Navel is the centre of peace.

When fully opened it is a pure flow and circulation of peace without object.

Not a peace as it is commonly understood in the Gross Material World as the cessation or resolution of conflict but a peace that is a force like gravity – a peace that saturates one down to every cell of their bodymind – a peace total complete and nondual – a forceful grace.

The Heart is the centre of ecstatic love.

When fully opened it is a pure radiation of love without object.

Not a love as it is commonly understood in the Gross Material World as a love for a person or object but love as a force like gravity – a love that radiates out from the breast alighting all universes with its ecstatic bliss.

The Crown is the centre of Consciousness.

When fully developed it is the awareness and becoming of the true nature of reality which is Consciousness.

Not consciousness as it is currently understood in the Gross Material World as mere self-awareness or thought but as the infinite eternal energy field of pure mind.

The mind that is not in the body – but the body in the mind.


If you are reading this series of lectures, it may be safe to say that you have had some variation of Mystical Experience in your past (or if you have not, you may be curious about one, desire one).

You – just like myself – have had experiences and expansions in awareness that were both simultaneously wondrous and terrifying – experiences and expansions that were both beyond any conception of our ordinary reality and yet somehow seemed more real than the one you left behind –

like you had finally returned home.

It is these Mystical Experiences that have sent you on the Search for answers about that transcendence, about how to experience that sacred mystery again.

It is these Mystical Experiences that are the foundational aspect of the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation and Awakening I am conveying here.


In this secular and technocratic society the only way we can contextualize and interpret such experiences is within the frameworks of mental illness, substance abuse or weak minded delusion. The totalitarian nature of collective conceptual structures can make one silent about ones own Mystical Experiences, despite the deepness of the impression they have left on ones being.

Though I am here to assure you that you are not insane, drugged or a simpleton.

The Mystical Experiences that you had are actually key to the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation – the key to your final Awakening.


Once you have been initiated by Mystical Experience one of your primary goals during the period of the Search is going to be the cultivation of such higher states of awareness and being.

As this message is for all beings in all times in all worlds – due to the continually changing nature of the time-space process specific techniques of mystical expansion cannot be recommended, as you will have to discover the ones that can be used at your location in the totality.

The Mystical Experience will be your teacher, your guide, your guru.

Each time you transcend the illusions of the False Mind Self and Reality, each time you ascend to the True Mind Self and Reality, you will receive teachings from direct perception and experience.

This method of inner teaching does not merely present you with concepts to further adorn the apparatus by which you perceive reality, but to apprehend existence directly, as it really is.

From this direct perception you will realize the errors of your thought, speech and action, realizations you cannot deny, that you cannot run away from.

You will also be revealed the beauty, truth and wisdom of how things really are.

You will be shown what is truly important in this life.

Thus it is imperative for my readers to learn how to undergo the ecstatic ordeals of Mystical Experience.


Another important aspect of the mystical transformation process in the necessity of going within.

This is in contrast and in opposition to life how it is lived now – which is a going without.


There is not a person who has escaped being wounded by this cruel and primitive reality – whose wounds have not hardened them in a futile attempt to never feel the agony of those wounds again.

Who desperately try to relieve the suffering of their contracted bodymind through frantic escapes into sensation and fantasy – anything to escape that imaginal theatre that is always playing its phantasamagorical dramas on the top of your shoulders - no matter whether you are asleep or awake.

Frantic escapes that are eternally returned to no matter how darkened the sky is with the mountains of your victim's bodies – no matter how scorched and razed and pillaged your life has become – no matter how much you have poisoned the wells and salted the fields of your relationships, your loves, your life.


Though these eternal returns of suffering can make it appear like there like there is no way out from the agonies of this valley of tears.

With the only healers of the soul proffered by the dark powers overseeing the end times apocalypse of the False Mind Self and Reality being at best ignorant fools and at worst criminal frauds who have never learned to first heal themselves.

But there is no reason to despair.

Here there is good news – a flame alighting a way out of this vale of shadows.

A way out by going within.


Initially there are two main types of inner awareness you have to develop.

The first is to simply turn your awareness from the world outside and external to yourself to the world within.

Observe your actions, your thoughts, your re-actions, your emotions, your feelings.

Dispassionately and detached observe your thoughts rise and fall, the concatenation off associations chained to each, follow the links all the way down.

Dispassionately and detached observe your actions and re-actions, the concatenation off associations chained to each, follow the links all the way down.

Dispassionately and detached observe your feelings rise and fall, the concatenation off associations chained to each, follow the links all the way down.

Make what was unconscious, conscious.

What was unaware, aware.

For when you bring your thoughts, actions and feelings out from the darkness and into the light you will be freed from them.

And no longer be a slave to their blind automatisms.


For the second type of inner awareness that you have to develop – you will have to go deeper.

You will continue to turn your attention inwards, observing your thoughts, actions and feelings detached and dispassionately following the chain of associations until you reach their source, that Point of Contraction, that knot.

As you near these locations of intensity you will have to be fearless.

As you storm the gates of the autonomous protections of the bodymind have no fears as you enter the white-hot intensity of that which is at the root, surrender to what you discover there, let it overtake you, consume you, surrender and finally let it go.

For as always in this level of reality the storm shall pass, day follows night and the snow and ice will melt and transform into streams and rivers of flowing crystal.

It is these storehouses of hurt within that you have to discover and release - those hellish furnaces that fuel and power the engines of desire and fear – those engines of suffering and delusion that have to be extinguished.

For while the demands and dangers are great – so are the rewards.

Actual peace.

Actual love.

Actual understanding.

Not the garish and tawdry ersatz simulacrums that you believe these actualities to be now.


In order to progress during the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation one has to practice Self-Overcoming.

You are going to have to go against – struggle against – your unthinking unconscious sleepwalking thoughts and actions.

Of course this approach to one’s life stands in stark contrast and opposition to life how it exists now at this moment in space-time.

The conceptual system that currently dominates and controls this planet exists in part to sooth and feed your natural tendencies – your unthinking unconscious sleepwalking thoughts and actions – and celebrate them – even deify them.

Wheeled around from box to cube in a mechanized world pushing buttons for pleasure like a laboratory rodent entranced and perpetually gazing at those mirrors of self whose reflections increasingly become more depraved and grotesque by the day.

Genuinely perplexed and confused as the deeper one progresses into this cybernetic playpen from which there is no release but increased slavery, no dignity but further degradation, no peace but the endless hellish tortures of an infinitely spiralling hell.

Though this does not have to be your destiny.

In order to awake from this you have to learn and practice Self-Overcoming.


Seedlike within each person is a Sacred Power – a power that usually lies dormant through the emergence from the womb of the mother to the final closure in her darkened tomb.

But this divine energy can be stimulated by mystical experience and inner awareness – then grown by the daily efforts of Self-Overcoming.

Continual and sustained efforts of going against your own natural tendencies – your unthinking unconscious sleepwalking thoughts and actions – will generate this divine force within you – which in turn will stimulate further mystical experiences and inner awareness – ideally creating a positive feedback loop of inner transformation.

Self-Overcoming when put into the service of the techniques and Process of Inner Mystical Transformation will tend and grow that garden of the subtle within you – efforts that will continue until they invert into surrender and after untold aeons what and who you actually are flowers and reveals in ecstasy its beauty sublime, perfect, infinite.


If you are reading this it can be safely assumed that you are either undergoing the Search or maybe just curious about the reality of Awakening and the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation.

But we are deep into an age whose totems are separation and fragmentation – atomization and monadism – where even those who are immersed in the Search are still entranced and trapped within the spiral black magick spells of this age.

Working on their inner transformation like a brain in a jar separated and fragmented – atomized and monadistic – and if there is any connection at all it is just with the fellow devotees of their occult and hermetic mystery cult.


But despite these appearances – their apparent separation and fragmentation – their apparent atomization and monadism – existence is in actuality not divided, but interwoven and interconnected.

And although this is closer to the reality of how things really are, it too is not entirely correct.

For on another level reality is not interconnected, because there are no distinct parts to connect.

It is instead undivided and indivisible.

And although this is closer to the reality of how things really are, it too is not entirely correct.

For undivided and indivisible are just words and for every word there is that which it is not.

And for the True Reality that encompasses everything, there is nothing that which it is not.

A totality that transcends the limits of language and thought.

A reality of that which cannot be spoken. Of that which can, is a lie.

An existence that is was and always will be a silent and unutterable sacred mystery.


Though from your current loci of perception in space-time the idea of an existence that is in actuality a sacred totality may seem as fantastic as the feverish rantings of a madman or the wish fulfillments of a simpleton - for you appear to be hopelessly enmeshed in a life of endless perpetual war between neighbour and neighbor – the grotesque exploitation by brother of sister and sister of brother – and the endless perpetual war within your mind body and soul from which there is no real escape, no permanent release from the conflict you carry around inside you.

However, the society that appears external and objective to oneself is really just a mirror of one's inner experience collectively expressed.

Society is not something external and outside existing independently of one's being but a reflection of the participant’s inner lives - a concretization of their minds.

If you want to change this world that distresses and upsets you – first you must change that empire of hell within you.


At this location in space time humanity is aware, all too aware of the blood soaked plains of history, of the endless and eternal reversals from the ideal to the guillotine. Too educated and well read to not be aware of those external changes that in the end increase suffering instead of decreasing it, creating ignorance instead of enlightening, slavery instead of freedom.

A humanity still aware, all too aware of this world currently on fire, historical awareness leading to impotency then a resigned nihilism, the flames within and without just seeming to fan further no matter how many mind-bending drugs you take, glowing screens you stare at, blood soaked gold you amass and hoard.

But despite the apparent hopelessness of all this.

There is actually

a way out.


First, you are going to simply detach.

There is no need to drop out externally. To leave your everyday life to pursue your inner transformation. You will rise the same. Work the same. Educate the same. Play the same. Among your friends and family. In the midst of the chaos and conflicts and the strains and stresses of your society.

Your mundane existence is going to be your yoga.

Direct you attention to your immediate actions, the flows of your thoughts and feelings and observe them detached. Let them rise and fall and follow and understand the concatenations of associations behind them.

For when your inner awareness and self understanding grows gradually so will the power of the False Mind Self and Reality gradually lose its power its grip its hypnotic trance over your being.

And although you will continue to rise the same. Work the same. Educate the same. Play the same.

Among your friends and family. In the midst of the chaos and conflicts and strains and stresses of your society. Your external reality will gradually and incrementally change.

For what was important before will seem less so.

And what was not, now will.


Since the apparently objective and external societal reality you are embedded in is really just a mirror of one's inner experience collectively expressed undergoing the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation will transmute the apparently objective and external societal reality as well.

Your new supramundane reality will overflow the walls and barriers of the cubes that you inhabit with a chaos celestial.

And a net will form with the others.

At first with only one link. Then two.

Each node in the network a reflection – in that net of reflections.

Increasing exponentially.

Without asserting itself. Without struggle. Without war.

A revolution invisible to those who only see struggle and dominance and gold - to those without the eyes to see.

An invisible revolution that proceeds until all are reflecting – all are connected in a jewelled network.

And society is finally transformed

ascends to

the unutterable sacred mystery of which it really is.

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    Nov 2024

    Throughout the history of man humans have existed and functioned under the delusion that they can and in fact must develop systems for solving the problems, p...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT

  • How to be a Divine Mercy Superhero
    How to be a Divine Mercy Superhero Religious by Sr.Mary Joe CSN
    How to be a Divine Mercy Superhero
    How to be a Divine Mercy Superhero



    Oct 2024

    Let's be Divine Mercy Superheroes! Be motivated to pray more for the souls in Purgatory.

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT