My Way - The Highway by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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I have been expressing my personal views on various aspects of my way of life and I am happy to put all of them together for my friends and relatives to read and understand my feelings.

The views expressed are mine and my readers are free to accept them, reject them or follow them but those who wish to criticise these should offer equally valid alternatives or just relax and follow their own ways.

I am doing this for one reason only and that is to enlighten my people about Hinduism so that the future generations can freely follow the true essence of this credible way of life.

Hinduism provides the best form of family life if the followers refrain from hierocracy and obsolete ceremonies. It gives us the freedom to follow, pray and believe and we should just do these without any fear of contradiction. Let our home and heart be our greatest temple.

Truth, beauty and goodness remain the cornerstone of this powerful and open way of life.

Ram Lakhan Prasad