Message In The Mirror by Wade Welch - HTML preview

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Today our society is falling apart. We are the result of many decades of egoic domination. Our leaders are trying to form a country that is divided into a system where money is able to keep automated control. Control over all systems internally, and the freedom to implement a new world order. Is this intended to establish the ability to reject our souls? Is this a product of some universal evil? Or is it designed to identify the egoic opponents so we can clean up the path to Heaven? I can write ten pages discussing our American history that illustrate the covert operations of our leaders.


I can show how the secret societies have paved a trail where they recruit young talent and eliminate the old. Where politicians are purchased and natural resources are exploited. The path of wealth is based on knowledge and technology, but it is decorated by money. The product is power and control.


I don't feel it is necessary to write a whole book about the reality of government, as we all know what is obvious...we just don't want to admit it. As long as our ego is supported by a comfortable life, we will fight for the delusion that will maintain it. This results in our tendency to stay within ourselves and ignore what is outside that boundary. This is why suffering is it forces that boundary to disappear.


Here is the answer. Think of your children. Think of your future. Is the ego enough to satisfy your concerns? If your children ask you about truth are you going to hide within your delusions? Within your wealth? No, you will hide within your fortress. It is a blanket that is built of excuses. That is the mechanism of the ego...blame someone else and enjoy the moment. Excuses support pride and are quite tasty.


It does not take a rocket scientist to see that a strong person has value while the weak are wallpaper. The strong accept what they know is truth...knowing that the soul is within this truth waiting for us to embrace it. The strong person has an obligation to the weak. They must sacrifice and seek the path of the unknown. That is how we find out if we are strong, or weak.


If we identify truth in<