Keys To Everyday Life by Douglas Stutts - HTML preview

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We as people are so fast to push the blame and even faster to say" Oh woe be unto me everyone always judging me and
condemning me all the time oh what will I ever do" here is the simple solution... (Luke 6:37)"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven"

If you will stop judging and condemning others then you wouldn't feel that way when someone looks at you oddly.
The next big issue is, "Why do everyone give me a cold shoulder and never give me a simple smile?"
This next verse is widely used for giving offerings and tithes but it can also be used in this case
(Luke 6:38)"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."

If you walk around with your nose in the air and never smile at anyone, don't expect others to treat you any differently, sometimes it’s just a smile that you give someone or a simple word of Hello, that along will change someone’s life and day

when you work so hard to keep your salvation and you feel a breakthrough coming on Satan will throw tactics in your way to make you stumble, but stand fast and hold your ground, Believe your heavenly Father and he'll come through for you every time.

When I was just starting out and had my first revival it was in a church that ran about ten people on a good night, and I had to try so hard not to judge because of the area and reputation of this church. Well let me back up a few weeks.

I had been praying that God would open a door for me to work in my calling; I told God that I wanted to work for him full time and know that he really was God. He woke me up one morning around three; he told me to go pray, so I walked to my pond and began to pray. First thanking him for everything and every blessing then for every open door. After thirty minutes of prayed he told to call the pastor of this church in the morning, after laughing and somewhat questioning Gods decision I submitted and called that morning around ten, the pastor was out so his wife asked me to come over that evening, when I got there I had be careful not to judge the living conditions of the pastor and his wife.

I knocked on the door and was welcomed in, the pastors wife was full of excitement and asked the pastor “should I tell him now or just wait?” he said “ok go ahead “she begin telling me how they have prayed for God to send a man of God to their house and if that happened then they would know it was of God that sent him, well, I was that man of God just so happened. After we finished scheduling the services we set it for a six night revival unless God wanted it to go on then we will, little did I know it but was about to enter the biggest spiritual warfare of my life at that time.

I invited my older cousin to come and help out with services, this was on a Wednesday we had our home church on Sunday so that night after church we went over to that church as the pastor let us and gave us the key so we could pray. As my cousin and I entered this dark empty old smelling building we turned the lights on as a wave of fear rushed over me, I have never felt such demonic power as I did that night. I told my cousin to get the oil and we would pray over each room in this church.

As I started at one end and he started at the other end met in the middle, I should say this church could easily set over three hundred people. As I began to move from room to room God would show me different stuff about this church and the ones in the church it was a shocker and again I could have easily judged these people and condemned them but I would never do such thing.

About midweek prior to revival the pastor calls me and invited me to take the Wednesday night service so I agreed that I would, after service I would receive the offering from the pastor he looked me with somewhat sorrow eyes and said “Bro Stutts all we had was twenty dollars tonight in the plate” I just smiled and said “pastor God will supply as he always does so there is no worries” he looked relieved. On that Friday I seen the deacon of the church in town and he began telling me how I was wrong by saying that I have been through hell and back when I am just 19 almost twenty years old.

I looked him right in his brown eyes and said “God knows my heart and when I stand behind that pulpit I’m putting my life on the line, all your blood in on my hands” I smiled and said have a good day I’ll be expecting to see you Sunday morning and I drove away. Again If I would have judged him for judging me and if I would have condemned him for condemning me I would have probably made a face plant in the sand so to speak.

After seven days of fasting and prayer it was time to go to battle. The first night was a challenge but the alter service was great, I am about 5’9 145 lbs. well this guy comes up for prayer he stood 6’8 about 280 lbs.

I looked up to speak to him I laid my hand on his head and he dropped as if he was hit on top of the head with a hammer, from that night on it was great we seen God heal deliver and set free. Oh yeah that deacon who said I was wrong came to me with tears streaming down his face
apologized, you see how good God is. I was contacted later the next week and informed that there were over 6 out of 10 healed. Praise God!