Jesus Christ's Salvation – Biblical Teachings for Abundant Life by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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I thank Jesus, my God, for His inexplicable grace and mercy, which led me to Him and caused me to write this book. Unfortunately, this is indeed my book. Therefore, it is full of errors and flaws, subject to all my failings and weaknesses. Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit of Jesus has freely granted this sinner some knowledge, and has trained me to use it wisely during some favoured moments. So there is some good in this book, though it is small, while the rotten things of my flesh are many and ruin much. Still, the good that has been freely received must be freely shared. So here it is. If only I could subjugate all my flesh and write only God’s words!

I also thank my family and friends (you know who you are) for your loving grace and patience. How dependant I am on all of you! And this is good. For I know that an utter dependance upon our God and upon His people will not only humble our hearts to receive love, but also strengthen our spirit’s resolve to guide its love into every open door, and work therein.

By the way, I apologize for my lack of writing skills. I try to write well, and I usually edit my works many times. Regardless, my works always end up being poorly written and difficult to read. I could offer some excuses, such as my cognitive disorders. But, in the end, they would make no difference. I only hope you gain something meaningful from this book.