Is This the Kingdom of God? by Brian E. R. Limmer - HTML preview

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The bird does not produce an egg to fly, it produces an egg to be transformed into a bird, that will fly.


Egyptians, Babylonians, Sumerians, and early Greeks, all tell a kingdom story based on a creation story. There was no evolution-theory alternative for early scholars. That option did not appear until later, when Greeks thought gods behaved so badly, they should be ignored. Of course, since the beginning of time, people have tried to abolish God. That was what Babel was all about. Josephus tells us the purpose of the tower was to reach heaven and kill God, so they would have no more interference from Him. Looking deeper, we see it was not so much God they disproved of but rather the way in which He had fenced them in by laws, hierarchies, powers, and authorities. The assumption was, if they could get to the pinnacle of the hierarchy they could be free of restrictions.


One thing early thinkers did not question, was the existence of two realms. Once they questioned creation, they had to resolve the issue of purpose. If the Physical-realm had not been conceived in the Spiritual-realm, then we would be free to dominate the Spiritual realm and not be dominated by it.