Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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Why this book.

When a Muslim asks me why a certain so called Muslim or Islamist killed innocent people or blow up countries and holiday resorts, I reply saying it is the Religion. It is because of Islam. Being Muslim themselves, the response is swift. No no no, it cannot be so. I know. I am a Muslim. You are wrong about Islam. Islam is good. It is a Religion of Peace. You see, they say, you don't understand Islam. At this point I just usually smile and walk away.

Yes, Indeed. And a lot of good Islam has done to the World. Go on TV and say that . Say it in the World News of CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera or whatever news channels out there.

The war with Terrorism requires the participation of all sane and peaceful, Peace loving humans. We cannot rely on just Countries, Organisations, Superpowers, United Nations even, to save the world. We each do our own little part to make the world a better place to live in. We owe it to ourselves, and to our children, who will inherit the Earth.

At the time of writing of this book, the situation with Islam, especially with what is happening in the Middle East, and the repeated failed attempts of the Superpowers to bring the wars caused by or amplified by Islam to an end, for they all have each their own vested political and economic interests.

And the very many lives lost all over the world in explosions, beheadings, tortures, crimes in the name of Religion, ( In the Name of Allah, the Most gracious, Most Merciful - Muslims begin each and every act in their life with this saying, this prayer. Sex even, yes. ), mistreatment of children and women, with millions of humans beings running away from these wars and cruelties, becoming refugees willing to risk their lives simply to find a safe haven, making stable countries suddenly having to cope with the arrival of thousands and millions of refugees that their own well being and stability is being affected.

Middle Eastern countries are typically Islamic countries, and the breaking down of peace and order must be attributed to the rise and abuse of Islam There are many more stories that deserve perhaps another book, but how can we as peaceful living human beings simply sit back and watch all this and say well, it's sad but it's not our problem, we need to be on time for work tomorrow, switch off the telly and go to sleep soundly ?

If you can still sleep well with all the cruelties in the world, even perhaps some in your own backyard, I salute you. They say what comes around goes around. It is a matter of time before the acidity of Islam corrodes you and your life and that when it happens to you, it may be your neighbours will also do the same as what you are doing now, watch everything in the news, and then sweep everything under the carpet, sleep soundly, complete with polite snoring. Islam has destroyed my personal life, out of my own negligence of not studying and analysing the religion accurately and correctly ( I was not allowed to ), to find bugs, lethal bugs.

There are also those who argue they can't really do anything, that life's like that, that Religion is like that and that we should just pray to God for help. Really ? Well, this book has some suggestions on how you can help, in simple almost effortless ways. And out of your own naive mind or religious posture you think God or Allah will help. Well, Allah says

Koran 13:11

Verily! Allah will not change the condition of a people unless there is a change of what is in themselves.


We have to do our part, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. I think there are millions even billions of people in the World who actually care, and want to do something to help, but do not really know how, some even believing naively, as I myself once did, that we can do nothing and we have to accept it all. On my part I want this book out, to bring some ideas. Maybe some of the ideas are bad, some are good. However they are, this is my contribution to a better world. It is time to repair Islam.

Recent events and lives lost, and my own personal serious medical and life issues taught me that we can, each of us, contribute to World Peace and Harmony and make this world a better place to live in for ourselves and most importantly for our children, who are now growing and seeing and even suffering from all this sheer cruelty, stupidity and nonsense, all in the name of Islam.

And if you do agree, please join me in this little effort and plea, for World Peace and for Love to Prevail. May you be rewarded with peace and happiness all your life. God bless.

Only then can Muslims say " In the Name of Allah, the Most gracious, Most Merciful" and really mean what they say. Until then, the Islamic World or Muslim is all lies, mere lip service and sheer hypocrisy.