How to Steward Your Destiny by Trevor H. Lund - HTML preview

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Point 4 - Shut the door

Shut the door to criticism. Shut the door to naysayers. Shut the door to voices who are agreeing with the enemy. Take what you’ve borrowed and add what you own to it... make it all your own.

a. Dream
Dream about your prophetic word. What will it look like?
...for as he thinks within himself, so he is. Proverbs 23:7 (HCSB)
Know God is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.
b. Declare
The second thing you can do when you shut the door is to declare the promises of Scripture.

Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In him, this is what we preach and pray, the great Amen, God’s Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident. God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting his Yes within us. By his Spirit he has stamped us with his eternal pledge—a sure beginning of what he is destined to complete. (2 Corinthians 1:20-22 (The Message))

Let the Spirit lead you to the promises from Scripture that speak to you on a particular topic. Then personalize them, write them out, and regularly declare them out loud. For example:

Ask for increased favor with God and with man.

I declare in Jesus’ name that I am blessed with the favor of the Lord. His favor is a shield and protection around me. I grow in favor every day with God and man. I am favored in everything I put my hands to and everywhere I go. The blessing of the Lord’s favor opens doors for me that no one can shut. I am blessed beyond measure because of the undeserved, unmerited favor of the Lord.

I am constantly filled with goodness, because the favor of the Lord blesses me. I have favor everywhere I go because I seek good and because I love wisdom. I am favored at home, in my church, in the work place, marketplace and everywhere I connect with people. The rich among the people entreat my favor. Those in authority favor me. I am favored in all my dealings because of the blessing of Christ over my life. ( According to Psalms 5:12, 45:12; Proverbs 3:4, 8:35, 11:27, 14:15. From an email sent out by Patricia King <>)

c. Practice

When you’re behind closed doors, away from the public eye - practice your passion. It’s OK to make mistakes. It’s OK to not always get it right. It’s OK to not be perfect. Hone your skills. Keep pouring that oil until all the vessels are full. You can’t get more of what you have until you pour out what you’ve got.

Do this in private. Please hear what I’m saying... For example, if God has given you a passion to see people healed. I’m not saying, “Don’t pray for anyone on the street until you know they’ll be healed.” I’m not saying, “Don’t pray for anyone at church until you have a testimony.” Both of those situations are private, even though they are done in public. They are private because you’re not confronting the prophets of Baal on primetime TV.

God may give you a great ministry. He may ask you to do many public challenges. When it’s time for you to practice, it’s not time for you to make public challenges. Your church family is a safe place for you to practice.

There will come a time when you are to launch that new business or release that movie, or run for public office or start that mom’s group or syndicate that teaching or publish that book - those are times to be public. You’re never going to be ready for the next step until you practice behind your closed doors.
Do you know you should write one million words before you get published? I’m getting very close. I did that in private...except for my blogs. You hone the skills, you learn the art, you channel your passion, you do that behind closed doors.

Shut the door to criticism. Shut the door to naysayers. Shut the door to voices who are agreeing with the enemy. Shut the door so you can dream with God. Shut the door so you can agree with His promises. Shut the door so you can practice. This is how you take what you borrow and add to it what little you have so have something that others are going to find value in.