How to Share your Faith with People of Other Faiths: A Study in World Religions by Ryan M. Marks - HTML preview

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This curriculum is designed to be taught in 4-6 weeks with a class time of about 45 minutes. The curriculum can easily be adapted to go longer; however, to allow for more discussion and questions. Follow the Spirit as you lead and/or participate in a class! May the Lord’s presence fill your times of fellowship and study and serve as a time to equip everyone there with tools to go out and do the work of the ministry.

Week 1-2  Introduce the class and look at Christianity from a religion perspective (yes Christianity is about a relationship and not a religion, but the majority of nonChristians are going to look at Christianity as a religion and honestly so do a lot of  professed  followers of Christ). Branches of Christianity—Church History Big Picture—Denominations

Week 2-3 Common Cults: What they Believe and Core Scriptures that disprove them:    Mormons—7th Day Adventists—Jehovah’s Witnesses—“Christian Science.”     In a Cult, you can’t have a brain 

Week 3-5 Major Religions:  Hinduism—Buddhism—Islam

Week 6 Religions of Today: New Age—Secular Humanism

Note: in this study we have not included a plethora of lesser known religions including Judaism or Satanism/the occult. The Reason: Judaism is basically the Old Testament; minor religions often differ little from major religions accept in their specific false teachings; and Satanism/the occult must be cautiously studied for it is very, very dark—caution should especially be exercised on this topic around new/immature Christians and young children.