Gospel From The War Front by shingirayi gwete - HTML preview

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Some things are best explained through the use of illustrations. Jesus, the greatest Teacher of all time, made use of earthly illustrations to explain heavenly things. He used physical examples to drive home spiritual lessons. In one of His parables, He used an illustration of a King who makes preparations and consultations before going to war (Luke 14:31-32). The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Timothy 2:4, that those who are engaged in warfare do not involve themselves in civilian affairs. The Apostle used a war principle to explain a spiritual principle; that those who are serving God should not engage themselves in worldly matters.

The Apostle John also writes in the book of Revelation about a war which happened in heaven. He writes about a dragon which made war with the remnant of the seed of a woman, and also of a beast which made war with the saints (Revelation 12:7, 17; 13:7). In the Bible, since the creation of the first humans (Adam and Eve) in Genesis, through to the end of the Holy book in Revelation, various battles are raging on which can simply be summarised in five words: WAR BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL.

This book is made up of a series of sermons and lessons which make use of real war stories and probable war scenarios as examples to explain a spiritual war which has been going on since the history of mankind. Make no mistake, this is not fiction, the examples of war used are very real and recorded in history. The spiritual warfare is also real and everyone is very much involved in it.

It is the desire and prayer of the author of this book, that it will help you the dear reader on how to come out a victor in this spiritual war which we are nearing its end.

Be blessed.