Extravagant Love by Mike Connell - HTML preview

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Extravagant Love

Keep Yourself in His Love  One of the most painful  experiences in life is to go through experiences where you're unl oved or whe re pe ople react against you, where they speak against you or where the re's physical or emotional violence, and you actually experience over a pe riod of ti me a deep sense of lack of value, that I don't belong or I'm not valuable to anyone. You come to the conclusion in your hea rt that I'm unlovable.

The Great Commandment (1 of 6) Teacher, what's the great commandme nt in the law? What's the most important thing in the Bible? And Jesus said to him - here it is - You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul. He said this is the first and great commandment. Second'like it: love your neighbour ayourself. So notice the re, love God passionately, love people fervently, including yourself

God’s  E x tra va g a nt L ove ( 2 of 6)   Christian life is a response to God's love, a continuing response. We love Him because He first loved us. Meetings aren't enough. I must meet with God. I must feel His presence, encounte r His presence and I must learn how to respond. If you love Me, you'll trust that what I say will work out good for you, and you'll do it. Many Christians want to come into an experience some one else creates, rather than a lifestyle where the y walk and enj oy God. T he measure of your maturity, is not your expe riences, it's what do you do with people

Keep Yourself in the Love of G od (3 of 6) In Jude 20 it says keep yourself in the love of God. Now why do I have to guard or protect or watch ove r this area of enc ountering, experiencing, and walking in the love of God? There's an enemy that wa nts to keep me fr