Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Over the course of the last decade, and then some, this author has been navigating a road not very often traveled. It is a road that was extremely difficult to find despite the fact that it sits right beneath our very noses. It is a road that runs backwards and not forwards while at the same time enables a traveler to conduct everyday business … but not as usual. It is a road that transcends time and existence and allows a person to travel this world but not be conformed to this world. This road is what Jesus the Christ called the narrow path. This path is what Messiah's earliest believers called “The Way”. This way is the heritage of every one of G_D’s children … every Israelite, be they natural born or grafted in … every individual who earnestly desires to make a place for G_D’s Spirit to dwell in. This way dear reader is nothing less than G_D’s word … this way is G_D’s eternal and holy Torah given to Israel as a fundamental component of the everlasting covenant between G_D, Israel and unto all the Nations.

Naturally to individuals, thoroughly enamored in our modern Western culture and mainstream religious traditions, such a notion might seem radical or even downright outlandish. The author for the record belongs to the small but growing population of believers traditionally referred to as “Messianic Jews” or members of the “Hebraic Roots Movement”. In all reality however we are just individuals who have come out of the various strains of Judaism, Christianity and other religions wherein the combination of Jew, Gentile, Mashiach, Grace and Torah will simply not be found.

Sadly for the mainstream Jewish brethren a partial blindness, keeping them from the truth of Mashiach, plagues their communities. Sadly for Christianity it also is plagued with a blindness that keeps them from their Israelite heritage handed down to them as part of the Gospel … the Torah. Ultimately the Messianic Jewish community of today seeks to return to the roots of the Jewish faith of 2,000 years ago; a faith that has both the Grace of Mashiach and the Torah of Mashiach. A faith that does not seek to eradicate the Jewish tradition but uphold the Jewish tradition! A faith that does not separate Mashiach from Israel but accepts their inseparable nature! A faith that does not seek to exclude the goyim (the nations) but rather usher those who are willing into the fullness of the heritage gifted to us by Messiah Yeshua!

During the last decade this author has personally witnessed the growth of the body of Messianic believers across the globe. Over the course of the last decade this author has been blessed beyond belief with the realization that G_D is with us … here and now! He is powerful and he will transform us if we so desire. He will set us free from the bondage of this world … and if we listen closely enough we can hear his call right through the invisible cloak that is Mystery Babylon! He surely is calling!

Ah … to the point … Mystery Babylon! Yes dear reader this author's journey, which began in Mystery Babylon and to this day treads down the narrow path, created a deep burning desire to know how a person could get into a place without knowing about it … it being Babylon! It just did not make any sense … until G_D intervened … until such time that I returned to G_D’s word without blinders … until such time that I sought fellowship from others who are traveling the same path. This work then dear reader is about identifying Mystery Babylon and understanding the cure for this murderous disease. It will be an eye opening and frightening ride most assuredly … but trust me … it is worth it! Trust me … you are worth it … beloved children of G_D MOST HIGH!

This work then emanates from a desire to expose in detail the systems employed by G_D’s adversary and conversely to depict G_D’s holy Torah in a proper Messianic light since there consistently seems to be so much misunderstanding with respects to G_D’s Torah … by both Jew and Gentile!

The ultimate endeavor of this work is to present the true Gospel message in a proper Hebraic context and expose the challenges of receiving this message faced by our modern culture.

It is the author's intent herein not to offend or belittle anyone. This work has been undertaken strictly out of concern and love for humanity in order to expose the truth. Sadly at times however we will indeed see where the truth hurts … sometimes deeply!

Certainly G_D’s Torah needs no defense from the likes of this author … all the same it is deemed imperative that humanity hear from even the least who are willing to deliver the message which G_D has put upon their hearts in these later days.

Before we commence to the work however there are some who are owed thanks … for their patience, knowledge, hard work, wisdom, love and faith. Sincere gratitude is given to the following individuals:

Dr. Phillip Goble; Professor Skip Moen; Rabbi Robert Tippie; Rabbi Mark Shulman; Professor Timothy Hegg and my brother in Mashiach Joseph Kresefsky.

All of these men share in common one critical trait … they are faithful because they preach the love of Mashiach without degrading his glorious character. They are faithful because they are good and loyal servants … doing what they can … with what G_D has provided to prepare for his coming … and in so doing give others like this author the opportunity to be better prepared for his coming and experience the fullness of our faith and heritage with the unedited truth of Mashiach’s Gospel.

These men have nurtured this author's mental and spiritual framework throughout the last decade and in all sincere humility this work would probably not have been possible without their collective influence.

This by no stretch of the imagination should infer that all of the assertions and assessments put forth herein should be super imposed upon them … nor does this mean the author would patently agree with all of their teachings/views. This author however can only hope that this work … like their own comings and goings … sheds light on the truth for the glory of G_D … for Yeshua … THE SALVATION OF G_D!

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