Exploring Deep Concepts & Mysteries of the Bible


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Book Description HTML

Many Bible concepts are difficult to understand. This book explains subjects such as salvation by faith in Christ, the Trinity, what eternity will be like, why Jesus taught the way He taught, the soul vs human spirit, prayer, Old Testament relevance, the Tribulation, the Millennium, and many other deep Bible concepts. It also explains what the Bible calls the "mystery" which was hidden until the Church Age. The more we understand about the deep concepts of the Bible, the more we know God Himself and Jesus Christ our Savior. From the author of "The Future Times" and "Time & The Universe: A Biblical View."

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Neal Fox

Author of 7 books: "The Future Times," "Exploring Deep Concepts & Mysteries of the Bible," "Time & The Universe: A Biblical View," "Vanishment & Tribulation," "Thought & Belief: The Inner Human," "Spirituality: Living From The Human Spirit," and "Kitty-Kitty & The People of the Great Hole."

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