Evangelizing Today's Generation by Eyitope - HTML preview

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We have a message this generation NEEDS! However our effectiveness in geing this message to the world has been marred by obsolete presentation methods and ineffective skill development. 

One of the easiest ways to pass the message across to this generation is to use stories. Jesus used stories to present the gospel to the world and we can use the same method. Why? Everyone loves to hear stories! Besides this, the human mind is one that interprets words as images, so a story helps to make information stick. For us to tell effective stories, we can classify our content into two major categories:

 1. The Story of Redemption and 2. The Story of Creation.

 The influence of the Word spreading

 The Core (our message) The Story Of Redemption


 The Story of Creation SocietyThe Story of Redemption clearly focuses on the cross (the redemptive work of Christ on the human Spirit) and deliverance from sin. It is when our evangelical efforts focus on telling men the work of Christ in saving their souls from the just judgment of God on mankind's disobedience. This is a message that all men need to hear and we must preach it loud and clear on the rooftops (when we get the chance)!

The Story of Creation focuses more on the deliverance from the effects of the fall on our society e.g. the sanctity of marriage, justice & equity, environmental preservation, good governance, etc. Romans 8:19 tells us all creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. We must however understand that when we tell the story of creation, we must point to the Creator. Isaiah 61: 1-3 shows us that our “good works” are not just philanthropy. They are as a result of the indwelling Holy Spirit. We must not hide the fact that it is because of redemption that we can enjoy creation as the Creator designed it. We can use either to evangelize!

We may invent strategies and use our skills to produce outstanding processes using new media and technology, but we must realize that the increase (of saved souls) comes from God.

I planted the seed and Apollos watered it. But God is the One who made the seed grow. So the one who plants is not important, and the one who waters is not important. Only God is important because He is the  one who makes things grow. 1 Cor. 3:6, 7 (ERV)

This scripture gives evidence to the fact that the results are not a product of our “outstanding” methods but the input of God. This is a foundational truth we must embrace for us to be effective in evangelizing today's generation.