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Death and Darwin

(A Refutation of Modern Racism)

By Richie Cooley


Licensed by:

Richie Cooley (2015)

Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International


Dinosaur photo by: 3DAgentur


Unless otherwise noted, Old Testament Scripture is taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. 

Unless otherwise noted, New Testament Scripture is taken from the Analytical-Literal Translation of the New Testament: Third Edition. Copyright © 2007 by Gary F. Zeolla of Darkness to Light ministry. Previously copyrighted © 1999, 2001, 2005 by Gary Zeolla.






Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Acts 17:22-23

III. Acts 17:24-25

IV. Acts 17:26-27

V. Acts 17:28-29

VI. Acts 17:30-31

VII. Conclusion

VIII. Books Cited



This booklet is dedicated to the memory of the

Victims of the Armenian Genocide.

A.D. 1915


I. Introduction

In this booklet I am not trying to personally capitalize on the sufferings of Africans. I’m a minimum-wage factory worker who offers his books for free; moreover, I have few friends and I don’t even belong to a church; I have nothing to gain. Nor am I trying to use the sufferings of others to throw stones at my pet enemy, Darwinian evolution. I actually revel in the banality of Darwinism, as it provides a perfect backdrop to preach the Gospel of free grace and love. Besides, there are more capable men and women who have already cut off the head of that slithering foe. Rather, I’m writing this because I’m genuinely inspired by, yet concerned for, Africans globally. I want to thank and warn. You see, the world only loves those who benefit them, and the international African community is choosing more and more to walk out of step with the philosophers of Western culture. Much of Africa wants nothing to do with North American progressive liberalism, even when Barack Obama tried to shove it down their throats…

Remarks by President Barack Obama during his recent [2013] Africa trip concerning sexual orientation and discrimination were rebuked by several Kenyan leaders as contrary to the laws of God, who also emphasized that Kenya “is a God-fearing nation.”

It is illegal to engage in homosexual practices in 37 African states, including Kenya and Senegal. In a press conference with Senegal President Macky Small on June 27, Obama said, “My basic view is that regardless of race, regardless of religion, regardless of gender, regardless of sexual orientation, when it comes to the law, people should be treated equally, and that’s a principle that I think applies universally.”

Those comments spread quickly and on Sunday, June 30, Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto responded at St. Gabriel Catholic Church in Kenya, saying, “Those who believe in other things, that is their business. We believe in God.”

“This country, the nation of Kenya, is a God-fearing nation,” he said. “We believe in God.”

Cardinal John Njue, the Catholic archbishop of Nairobi, Kenya, said that Obama should “forget and forget and forget” about the decriminalization of homosexuality in Africa, adding, “I think we need to act according to our own traditions and our faiths.”

“Those people who have already ruined their society … let them not become our teachers to tell us where to go,” said the cardinal. [Michael W. Chapman; July 8, 2013;]

Mentioning cardinals, Africa is not only a thorn in the side of the Western Progressive Inquisition, it is also giving headaches to the Vatican. The Roman Catholic Church is all too eager to fully embrace every unbiblical sexual practice (so much for “Rome never changes”), only there are many Africans who are Catholic, and they are valiantly moral.

The Washington Post reported on a recent religious poll…

…The poll of more than 12,000 Catholics in 12 countries reveals a church dramatically divided…

Among the findings:

*19 percent of Catholics in the European countries and 30 percent in the Latin American countries surveyed agree with church teaching that divorcees who remarry outside the church should not receive Communion, compared with 75 percent in the most Catholic African countries.

*30 percent of Catholics in the European countries and 36 percent in the United States agree with the church ban on female priests, compared with 80 percent in Africa and 76 percent in the Philippines, the country with the largest Catholic population in Asia.

*40 percent of Catholics in the United States oppose gay marriage, compared with 99 percent in Africa. [Michelle Boorstein and Peyton M. Craighill; February 9, 2014;]

A new world order is coming, not brought about by some sort of “secret society,” but rather by diabolical undercurrents resonating from ancient pits of sin. How else can you describe the uncanny zeal of those who wish to wipe away every vestige of Biblical Christianity in lieu of unbridled sexual gratification and defunct theories of origins? I won’t tolerate you refusing to bake my cake, you intolerant bigot! Or, I believe in the separation of church and state, so only the religion of secular humanism is allowed in this school! This is the kind of stuff that passes as a poignant protest for modern “civil rights” from “open-minded” recalcitrant dogmatists.

Like I said, I’m concerned for the safety of Africa and the people of African ancestry worldwide. You see, the world’s pet theology, Darwinian evolution, actually teaches monstrous things about the supposed different “races.” After the Holocaust and also after the true Civil Rights movement in North America racism thankfully became taboo; yet the stump of hatred is still there, for the main root of the tree is the theory of evolution, which has only grown in popularity over the last few decades. So if Africa begins to be a problem, the Progressive Inquisition could tacitly water this dry stump. Perhaps they won’t attack Africans head on, but it’s just the matter of finding another term to splice the group (such as happened with the tolerated “Jew” yet hated “Israeli”). Darwin is already sharpening his claws against Africans these days, as can be seen with the numerous counts of racial abuse at European football matches, with fans making sounds like monkey chants.

Not only so, but as society generally dilapidates due to the prevalence of sinfulness and the resultant curse of God, people are beginning to resort to cloistered tribal mentalities more than ever. Whenever Trayvon Martin was tragically killed in Florida much of white-America immediately sided with his killer even before hearing all the facts of the case. Was this not because Mr. Martin was black? Of course it was. His killer even began to receive donations (mainly from white conservatives), making him a fairly wealthy man very quickly. Why?! Time has proven that the man responsible for Trayvon’s death is anything but heroic, afterwards breaking the law on several occasions and even painting a mocking picture of the Florida prosecutor assigned to his case (an extremely banal and childish gesture, yet many were willing to pay big money for it); so why give him donations?  

Many black people can’t win these days with “the left” because they’re not socially liberal enough and they can’t win with “the right” because, well, they’re black (for example, there is a perpetual problem of even good Christian leaders failing to understand or engage the hopelessness of U.S. inner cities and other poverty stricken areas; just pointing to the success of Ben Carson is NOT enough); who can they win with? Thankfully they can win with God Almighty. Jehovah says in his Holy Bible that racism is wrong, as all people are descended from one man and woman (Noah and his wife), who lived only about 5,000 years ago (not long enough for any offspring to “advance” or spiral genetically from the original genome). Also, God the Father calls on all people to be reconciled, unified, and glorified through his precious and only begotten Son, the Jewish God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul preached a very memorable sermon on creationism and ethnicity to the intelligentsia of Athens, as is briefly summarized in the book of Acts, chapter 17, verses 22-31. I want to review these verses with you the reader, at the same time shining light on the ugliness of the evolutionary theories that so bind and blind Western culture. Please join me.

Before getting started, let’s review a few notes that will help make sense of this booklet…

*The terms LORD, GOD, and Hashem are all ways to describe the personal name of God, often rendered as “Yahweh” or “Jehovah.”

*Unless otherwise stated, the Old Testament quotes are from the NASB and the New Testament are from the ALT3.

*The ALT3 distinguishes between singular and plural second person pronouns by means of an asterisk (*).

*This book mostly uses British spelling, except for the Bible versions quoted, which use American spelling.

*Divine pronouns are normally not capitalized, unless they appear that way in Bible versions or other quotes.

*Words that appear in brackets within quotes are not found in the original texts, and were added by the translators or are my personal comments, etc.


II. Acts 17:22-23

So Paul having stood in [the] middle of the Areopagus, said, “Men, Athenians, I perceive you* as [being] extremely fearful of the gods in all things. For passing through and contemplating your* objects of worship, I found also an altar on which had been inscribed: ‘TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.’ Therefore, [the One] whom you* are practicing piety [towards] [or, worshiping] without knowing, this One I proclaim to you*.”


William Macdonald stated…

That Athens was indeed a religious city was well attested by the fact that it was reputed to have more idols in it than men (pg. 1,638)!

Yet seemingly the Athenians were worried that they had perhaps missed one, so just in case they dedicated an anonymous monument. Paul seized on this display as being indicative of the fact that their religion had not sufficiently satisfied their thirst for divine knowledge. Behind all the pomp and circumstance of their idols and rituals was at least the slight fear that there was Someone who transcended them. 

No matter how desperately humankind tries to stymy the knowledge of God in our atheistic culture it will never be able to silence the spiritual juddering that rings in every heart on a starry night or during a golden sunrise. The Athenians thought they knew the gods, but their conscience made them admit that possibly they were just chasing shadows; our culture thinks it knows that a potent and holy God does not exist, but everyone is bound to have moments when they’re not so sure. It is these moments that they will be eternally accountable for if they refuse to ask, seek, and knock.

Have you ever noticed how angry and cross many atheists look? Whether it be the ACLU’s Clarence Darrow (as Dennis Miller said, that mega-sinister group needs to get a c-l-u-e) yesterday or Christopher Hitchens in modern times, those who violently attack religion seem to wear a permanent scowl. Why is this? Well, from a Darwinian perspective there is a glaring contradiction when it comes to being an anti-God evolutionist that might help us understand their hearts.

The theory of evolution’s active principle can best be summed up in one word: expediency. Although it’s ridiculous and absurd and unscientific, the idea is that information-gaining mutations occur, new beneficial features enter a population of animals via these mutations, the new features help them survive, and thus they become the new dominant type; this continues on and on and the result is that species are ever-changing (including mankind). Thus, evolution preserves and propagates that which is expedient for survival.

Here’s the paradox of being an anti-God believer in this “natural selection,” and perhaps accounts for the Darrow-scowl. Over 99 percent of all cultures in recorded history have been somewhat religious. Now since this is the case, wouldn’t it stand to reason that humankind needs religion, that it is expedient to its survival? If natural selection is the only guiding force that there is, then how dare modern grumpy old men and wannabe intellects seek to do away with the subject of transcendence? Would they not rather postulate from their vantage point that natural selection has chosen it to be a pervasive and necessary staple of society?

There are states in the U.S. that will not allow a young person to receive voluntary psychological treatment to cultivate heterosexual urges; if a psychologist breeches this law they would never work again, for the lie is that doing this to a young person could damage their emotional state. Um, what about the emotional state of the entirety of humanity?! Every culture has been religious, but now we are not allowed to be religious in any real way, and the sentiment is that no enlightened person should ever want to be anyway; could this be healthy?

“Ah” says the atheist, “but if we could ever just get past religion than life would be so much better.” I don’t see how. Living for heaven sounds a lot better than living for any 9 to 5, no matter how great the salary or how fancy the living quarters. Not only so, but recent history has shown that every modern culture that tries to live without the supernatural almost immediately drowns in a sea of blood. After all, if my living quarters are the only good, they better be really luxurious, or deceit, robbery, and even murder would quickly become reasonable alternatives, for why settle for the cheap seat if this is the only ride?

Peter Hitchens, a successful journalist and generally brilliant man, in his book, The Rage Against God, reviews the biting history of such systems…

…Those who reject God’s absolute authority, preferring their own, are far more ready to persecute than Christians have been and are growing more inclined to do so over time. Each revolutionary generation reliably repeats the savagery. The Bolsheviks knew all about the French revolution terror. But it did not stop them having their own. The Chinese Communists knew all about Stalin’s intentional famine and five-year-plans, but repeated the barbarity with the Great Leap Forward. The Khmer Rouge were not ignorant of their revolutionary forerunners, yet they repeated the evil worse than before. The supposedly enlightened revolution of Fidel Castro resorted swiftly to torture and arbitrary imprisonment and to the lawless purging and murder even of Castro’s old comrades such as Huber Matos. By comparison, where do we see Christian churches or factions persecuting each other as they did in the Reformation or Counter-Reformation? Nowhere. The delusion of revolutionary progress, and the ruthlessness it justifies, survives any amount of experience. This suggests that terror and slaughter are inherent in utopian materialist revolutionary movements. There will be another of these episodes along soon. What then do we gain by rejecting God and worshipping ourselves instead (pgs. 113-114)?

When Hitchens says “there will be another of these episodes along soon,” we have one of the most amazing spectacles these eyes have ever seen; namely, an Anglican prophecy! Joking aside, he is right.

The seeds of savagery are being sown at an alarming rate, and Darwin is the Johnny Appleseed. After all, the regimes mentioned above all have the same thing in common…they followed almost immediately on the heels of Darwin’s theory going viral. It took godless wretches over a thousand years to twist Christianity into a system of death and torture, completely contrary to the Bible’s clear teaching. It took denunciatory evolutionary thought completely intrinsic to Darwin’s ideas about a hundred years to be responsible for the death of over 200 million people (citing just the major instances via the Soviet Union, China, and the combined deaths of WWII, as of course Hitler played upon the idea of purifying the human race and survival of the fittest). When someone wears a cross it is often to commemorate the death of their Saviour on their behalf. This isn’t allowed by the Progressive Inquisition, yet the same satanic zealots who would outlaw that expression would glorify Darwin, a self-seeking scientist whose idea directly contributed to the death of millions.

Hitchens couldn’t be more on point when he states that violence is antithetical to true Christianity, as opposed to being “inherent in utopian materialist revolutionary movements.” That’s my fear concerning the safety of the global African community. You see Christianity may stray from the Bible and have isolated bad groups and/or isolated bad moments, such as can be seen most startling during the height of the Dark Ages and just after it, yet it will eventually (through the power and kindness of God) swing back to the simple letter of the text to turn the other cheek and to love your enemy. The fact that modern evolutionists carefully cover or cut racist ideas from their papers and books is an intentional effort to fight against the dictates of their own dictums; what will happen if they choose to quit fighting? Ask the Jews. It took a few decades, but eventually the term “Jew” was swapped for “Israeli” and now Israeli AND Jew are being hated just as much as ever before. We are enjoying a reprieve from Darwin because of the horrors of the Holocaust, but that reprieve is fading fast.

So like I said, naturalistic scientists fight against “nature” when countering the genre of religion, and this is in the “best” case scenario (i.e., if there is no God; otherwise they are fighting omnipotence). No wonder many of them seem so angry, for not only do they war against the collective conscience, but they fight against their personal consciences too. But going back to Acts, God in his kindness reveals himself to us…

Therefore, [the One] whom you* are practicing piety [towards] [or, worshiping] without knowing, this One I proclaim to you*.

The modern irony is that Christians were originally persecuted for being atheists! They were seen as rebels because they rejected ancestral/national deities; now the only national deities are selfish whims in pursuit of a kaleidoscope of sexual arousals.

It’s also no wonder that the worldly philosophers are so violent and rely on bulldog groups like the ACLU and the ADL, for they have nothing else to depend on but a fleshly arm of might. Christians who truly love unconditionally do so out of a treasury of faith, for they know that even if they are stoned for their beliefs they will be received into the Arms of their Eternal Father, thanks to the selfless sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Paul went around the known world being hated and persecuted while kindly and patiently declaring reconciliation with God (by grace through faith alone). The atheistic bishops of today’s Salem cannot afford to be pleasant via the settled foreknowledge of a better tomorrow, for even the quasi-religious among them are bound to regularly fear that a brighter tomorrow may never come.


III. Acts 17:24-25

“The God, the One having made the world [or, universe; Gr., kosmos] and all the [things] in it, this One being Lord of heaven and of earth does not dwell in temples made with human hands, nor is He served by [the] hands of people, [as if] needing something, [since] He is giving to all life and breath with respect to [or, in] all [things].”


Here we have a lofty truth and one that is greatly lacking in our culture; namely, that the Creator is also “Lord of heaven and of earth.” Above I quoted a pithy statement from Dennis Miller. If I’m not mistaken I read that in a book of his famous “rants” years ago. To be sure I was getting the attribution right I typed in the “a c-l-u-e” thing along with his name into a search engine. I got a hit and the clip was a stand-up piece Miller did back in 2003 (I don’t recommend it because of the expletives); I watched it for a while and was surprised that he said a slightly disparaging thing about homosexual adoption. If he said this now on stage he would probably be tarred and feathered, yet that was only 12 years ago!

Why has culture changed so quickly? It’s not because the homosexual issue is that pertinent; it’s because this is one of the first major, public debates in the West concerning a lightning shift in morality after the Bible has been completely discredited as a reasonable source of guidance. The bout is like a young Mike Tyson fighting a calcium-deficient geriatric. There’s no restraining influence anymore. Progressive liberals shout and everyone hides. There’s no backbone and no courage because no one is living for the greater good, and that’s because no one believes in the greater good! My friends, the founding fathers said that CHURCH and state should be separate, NOT RELIGION and state. More importantly, Hashem said…

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your hear

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