Biblical Manhood by Ryan M Marks - HTML preview

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This study is by no means exhaustive, many other examples in Scripture can be given and many more lessons can be learned about Biblical Manhood; however, by applying yourself to what you will study in this book, God can and will make an impact on your life.

Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.”

~ Proverbs 20:18 (KJV)


Tips for success in this study:

1. Contribute (ask questions).

2. Pause and thoughtfully answer the questions throughout the text.

3. Complete assignments. (You will have work assigned to you at the end of each lesson and completing it is important for your character construction.).

4. Read the Scriptures carefully, and rejoice when GOD reveals the meaning of a verse to you.

5. Be active on the Facebook group and seek advice from a wise, godly man when you have a question.

6. Be open with your parents and ask for help when you need it.

7. Pray faithfully that you can and will apply the truth that you learn.

8. Take notes in the space provided, they really help.

9. Begin/Come open to seeing things from a different perspective, to take a fresh look.

10. Seek the counsel of the godly men in your life to learn real life Biblical Manhood. These men will be there to help you when you struggle in life.

11. Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment to develop in as you learn from the book of Wisdom: The Bible.

12. Listen for the Holy Spirit and ask Him to speak to your heart in His small, still voice.

13. Submit to God.