Biblemerica by Jack Brackitt - HTML preview

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Biblemerica 2005

Modern adaptation of the King James Bible

By Jack Brackitt

Legal notice
Biblemerica 2005 is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between any people,
things, places or entities in this book and actual people (living or dead), things,
places, or entities, is purely coincidental. There is no connection whatsoever at all.

Biblemerica 2005 is written for entertainment purposes only, so disregard everything in this book. In reading any part of this book, you agree to take no action against this book’s author or any party. You are completely and solely responsible for anything you do because of reading any part of this book, and you will not attempt to link your actions to this book in any way.

No part of Biblemerica 2005 may be sold by anyone except the author. You agree to never be compensated for it in any way.


If you do not agree with the statements on this page, stop reading Biblemerica 2005 now – prior to reading any more.


All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owners.


Copyright © 2005 by the Richmond Heights, Missouri native who goes by Jack Brackitt. All Rights Reserved.



For Moses in Alabama, thank you to Moses. For Samson Against the Capital, thank you to the anonymous writers. For Jesus in Chicago, thank you to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. With all, their works are better represented in the King James footnotes at the bottom of each page.

Regarding the many people who helped me: Thanking them would almost be a book in itself. It would fill numerous pages, and excellent people would still be missed.

Therefore, if you have a question about who should be thanked for what, please email You’ll receive a response, and – depending on the circumstances – the answer will probably be posted on the book’s Website: The Website is a timely source of important information about Biblemerica.

Book titles and locations

Moses in Alabama ............................................................................................................. 5
Samson Against the Capital ......................................................................................... 103
Jesus in Chicago ............................................................................................................ 119