Anti Voidalism: Book of Ro by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Anti Voidalism 3: Book of Ro

Lucifer Jeremy White




Anti Voidalism 3: Book of Ro

2018 Lucifer Jeremy White

San Francisco, CA.

Public Domain.





I can be found online under my name.







The aim of this book is to set a standard for rules regarding virtue and values. The first book, “The Book of Aeon,” was based on the premise that the best thing in life is to fill it with good things. The final book, the book of Tomel, will instruct it’s follower and direct him or her to destroy negative things in their life, to topple them down. The second book, the book of Raine, taught lessons that lead to a life of great blessings. And now we are on the second which, to say again, will set a standard for rules regarding virtue and values.

The religion here is called Anti Voidalism, or it may be called “Aeonism,” practiced by The Anti Voidalist, or The Aeonist.”

As for the book after this one The Book of Bethai, it will be about magic, metaphysics, and the supernatural. And that will certainly evolve it into a religion. Though it already enough is.

And remember, all of my books are free and in public domain. I have written 31 books. This is the 32nd. And if you want to find me, just search my full name online.

Why have values?

Values are usually a way of life ng and acting that make life better. That keep you from trouble. That sustain your life. That make life better. These are lessons our parents taught us, and their parent taught them. They have stood the test of time and have proven to be worthwhile in practicing. It us the way of thinking that gets you by best in life. You would always have a rule to lean to, and it will guide you rightly.

It helps you make decisions. It puts you in the right direction. It works in your life to make it better.

It helps your relationships with others and your community. It is things often expected from you and you expect from others, and others among others. So it helps your relationship. It keeps your friend’s friends, it cools down the angry. It keeps your relationships working correctly and it adds to friends, removes from you enemies, changing enemies until friends.

It is one of the best practices to improve psychologically. Those with the right values put together their minds in better ways. The organize and neatly arrange the things if thought. It all isn’t a bunch of clutter to them. They don’t think so impulsively. They don’t act without thought. And many bad things are filtered out of a person’s thoughts and actions, things that can harm or put one off onto the wring way, by having values.

It is a kind of self governing system that leads you to better choice and restricts bad choices. By having virtues you know right from wrong better. And you polish up things that are more typically wadded up for those that haven’t any values.

It helps give you a better understanding and consideration of others, itself which is a virtue.

It us your guide, one you can depend on. And here is an extensive list of values and the way they are best understood:



Being fair

It’s been shown in animals that if you only give one food to eat, and not let the other have food, that the one without food will be intensively jealous. The same happens when you give one lesser or lower quality food but the other better food. There is not something that makes people so angry like things unfair. People all around that have friends, while you are left out, targeted for the worse end of the stick, someone getting more for their birthday than you, which happened to me while growing up, and things like double standards, inequality and discrimination, can be so hurtful as to cause people to riot, rebel, and demand equal rights.

There is the lower class and the upper class, the middle class, the well educated and those that failed to graduate from high school. People who’ve had it easy, others had great difficulty. Some have a lot of stress in life. Others have little to none. Some had parents that abused them. Others were born into wealth. Some had to count pennies. Some had more money than they could ever use. Some have to sleep on a side walk or park bench. Others have very comfortable homes.

Some governments have fixed this by appointing a job for every person. That all contribute and all are equally paid. Some schools would have the students dress all the same. So it can easily be seen as a problem, the difference between the homeless person and the wealthy person is broad, to say the least. But the government here and in certain countries do all they can to thin that gap with things like SSI, SSDI, EBT, free bus transportation, Medicaid, Section 8 and affordable housing. And I believe such things keep the nation at peace.





Self Sacrifice

In difficult times people are required to work harder yet get less. A parent either gives to their children the least, instead spending their money on things like drugs and alcohol, or just things for themselves, giving very little to their children. There children who need new clothes, decent food, and the necessities of life. Having a child comes with responsibility. There is the type of parent who selfishly only feeds the beans and bread, or even nothing some days, and the kind of parent who at least adequately supplies what they need, school clothes, school supplies, food, and better, things like cable TV, games, and cell phones. Having a kid means that you will have to spend more on them than on you. Or you would be like me, whose father left the home for days, and the cabinet too.

There has always been a price to live in any society, through taxation, but the price is usually reasonable. And you can’t just go and live in a cave. People need people, the one is helped by the many, we all help each other.

We have to sacrifice comfort in our responsibilities. Most of us have to work. Or else they just won’t have any money. None for rent. None for food. And none for entertainment. So we have to think to ourselves sooner or later, that we will not be living at home any more, and will soon be adults, ones that have to work to have money, money to live well and survive. To go to college, maybe, and to do our best there. We have to sacrifice all of our free time, giving it to study and work, work that may be very difficult at first but “business before pleasure.”

If we have only a little money and must decide between poor food, enough to last, or good food, that is quickly gone, or just enough, or not enough, then it is better that you never starve and it is better to be the person who, due to her or his responsibility, never will.

And to go with a friend somewhere, or any other loved one, to a place they want to go, one type of person is too selfish too. The other type of person is ready and willing to. That person is self sacrificing.



Having patience is very important in life. Without it comes many worries and much stress. Without patience a person will never be able to work. With patience a person will work just fine. A person will develop new talents because of patience. As s/he is willing to take the time and learn them. While they go months or years learning something easily, those without any patience for the process will give up within a week. And they that can learn will very readily learn something new. But an impatient person will already find it too daunting.

A person could worry himself to death about a package coming in the mail. Or the rest of the days before getting paid. It helps a lot to have something to do during the day, something that you focus on and keeps your mind off of things that just require time.

However it is good in a certain way that you anticipate things. That you desire them to come about. After all, without that desire of wanting, you won’t want anything, “oh, that package came,” or, “finally my package came!” Or, “I’ve finally completed my goal!” Or, “Okay. Done.” I’ve always related excitement and anticipation to stress. So those are good kinds of stress. All of the other kinds are bad.

There is a high demand for patience these days, more than ever. Cell phones and internet, getting things done, just learning new software, just using new things, as far as creativity can take you, downloading things, being torn away from them too, can lead to a lot of stress. At best you can keep your mind off of them. At worst you would choose to only do the most simplistic things online when it could be a good source of education.

Try not to eat the whole meal all at once. Consider that you are bearing things. That if you remain consistent in what you choose to do, to learn, to have, etc., comes a little closer every day. A little closer, and a little more.



Don’t go overboard

While living in a world of principles, many offend. There are some that expect every rule to be followed. They are the first to call others out on acting against them. They love rules whether or not they follow them their selves. And with principles, a person is easily offended that goes against your own, as you are always practicing them toward others, are “more considerate.”

And that’s it’s own thing. There are many things that cause people to over react.

Thinking that people aren’t nice when they have tough standards for any one to follow. That nice enough is never nice enough. These certain irks. That people went over your boundaries. Their boundaries are a mile wide. They are too sensitive. Things easily offend them. At the further end of this are people that demand you be full of respect and obey their whims. Those they act against aren’t doing any wrong. They really want them to. They want just one excuse to hurt them. The opportunity to be more forceful!

By thinking about just one small problem regarding any given thing, it’s problem becomes bloated and over bearing. By thinking about one problem being many, that problem becomes quite formidable and no one dare approaches it. It is the bearing of a goal that causes the most stress. Before that time is things could be swimming along. When it us began it is something new. When it is finished it must be done so peacefully, and left behind.

I once had an English test to take. I already had a D on my English grade. If I failed that test, the D would have become an F on my report card. My English teacher presented her best teat. One she regarded as important enough to have one grade changed a full letter up, if it received an A. Believe me, I was worried as hell. I spent my entire few days on that test. I got an A, and passed English. I couldn’t have otherwise. But still, it was hell to pay.

It is better to cross that bridge when you get to it. That the moment trouble comes you won’t be afraid of it, but rather are, the confidence, able to tackle it.

Making amends

You never know how much longer your parents will be around in older age. You won’t have them forever. I take that to heart, knowing that one bad thing said any given day would be the last thing I ever said to them. So I choose to set aside all differences and disputes and do not speak in any hateful way. I had a good life overall, at least with my mother and step father who always tended to my needs.

Some days you can really snap at them. If you are good at hurting people, are a hurt person yourself, then you can deal people great damage. And if you are like me you probably regretted it. And then try to make up for it, in any way you can. Usually it isn’t all that serious though, and you can just let time take care of it.

Society has a certain expectation of people. If you violate them enough any number of things could happen. You could be fired, ostracized, or even jailed.

But fortunately most people are able to live up to those standards. And most of the time all you really need to do is apologize and try not to let it happen again.



What does a person get by manipulating another? Why would she/he have to manipulate others? Isn’t it such a sneaky thing? Isn’t it a less direct route? Those who cannot be straight forward, that want something more along the lines of unfounded admiration and worship go about in manipulative ways, the only real ways it can be gotten without it having been earned. The work is cut off. They don’t have to prove themselves. They don’t have anything to prove by. They instead creep in and move along unnoticed in another person’s mind.

They are those that change the facts, twisting and turning them to their favor and are lacking of any good quality that merits true worth. And they don’t care who they fool. And they feel all the wiser because if it. But they’ll forever be known by those who understand them correctly, that they are despicable and loathsome.


Being trustworthy

One caught in a lie may never be believed or trusted again. It really is that heavy. That once a bad lie comes to truth they are no longer trusted. Whatever they say afterwards is doubted. A couple can’t continue together just from cheating once. The rules are that strictly enforced. And that’s the case if lies in regard to trustworthiness.

There are also people that don’t do what they say they will. They may often say that they plan on doing something, starting school, a new job, but never does. It seems they just wanted to be known as that type of person. To have the pride of a title. But then, a week or so later, they’ve changed their mind.. again.

And they say that they will pay you back. Double! Tripple! But they don’t. The time comes and they are lets-not-talk-about-that kind of people. So they ask for more. And you’ve got to tell them no, as you cannot expect anything from these kinds of people.

Of course sometimes you’ve just cornered someone on something or put them on the spot. But if you do, in such a case, forgive them if they change their minds later. And maybe they just did change their minds.

There are also rats and tattle tales. Such people are in trustworthy. Then there are blabber mouths and gossipers. They are untrustworthy. And then there are people that talk about you behind their back or do something bad when they aren’t watching. And all of these are without trust-worthy-ness.




Do not blame others unless they are to blame

Life is mostly made up of a person’s own choices that take him or her to the place they currently are in in their lives. Unless a person really does make you do something for which you have no choice not to, then you have made up your own mind and decided to do it, so they aren’t to blame.

A society has it’s members delegated into blame for certain things. Some place all of their problems on another race. Some on a Devil of some kind. Others on a life style, a cultural aspect. And some on music, or video games, or movie. And all the while are not considering the fact that a person’s choices are largely their own. A person’s problem with any given thing should not be weight one forces another to carry. Or they are just deluded in a certain way attributing all sorts of malice on the world that they believe comes from impractical sources.. who, in truth, are doing no harm.

They want to make their own problems be someone else’s problems. They are good at making excuses. They are very good at misdirecting reasons onto someone else, making it seen like their own faults came from another. And they both fear and refuse responsibility. Which, if they would have accepted, may have delivered them mercy.


Not cheating

That you remain worth what you are truly worth and that you truly become better without being a walking falsehood, represented as one who is as one isn’t, having not earned their own good.


Not stealing

That you get what you earn and that your means come from honest and earned means. That as one who steals, if caught, could incur the Wrath of another.


Not lying

That people will always believe you. That even if you think they did believe your lie they probably wouldn’t say that they didn’t, but you are no longer trusted.


Not conspiring

As you never know if you’ll get caught. That the law may beat you to the punch. Uncovering you. Exposing you. And arresting you. That in the course of conspiring your freedom could be in danger.


Not manipulating

That people truly appreciate you for who you are. That you instead come to be liked for real reasons, instead of being liked for things that falsely reflect you.



Following through

I have heard advice from people before to “never reveal your plans to others, or else you won’t do them.” And they didn’t say why telling other people your goals kept you from doing them. And I asked myself, what was it about this that kept them from fulfilling their goals, as they indicated to others they would. You’d probably come up with the same conclusion as me. That these people were trying to prove themselves to others. They only wanted honor regarding them. And after they’ve gotten that honor, having someone think if them as that kind of person, they no longer had any worth in the goal. They’d gotten what they wanted.



In an argument don’t threaten curse or degrade

That is the only rule you ever really need regarding anger. It’s okay to become angry whether anyone believes so or not. Because they themselves get angry and are hypocritical for telling anyone they can’t get angry. But when curse words come in, anger has boiled over into hatred. When threats come in the person may attack you for them. And criminal threats are in many places illegal. That is to whomever they are told, given any likelihood of being able to full fill that threat. And degrading someone crosses another line. But if you’ve kept yourself from these three then you e done well enough.


Total selfishness

Within reason a person is expected to take care of themselves first, to focus more on their selves than others, to look out for oneself. General selfishness is good. But entirely focusing on yourself isn’t. After all you e left everyone else out at that point. You can’t understand people. You couldn’t have any real relationships. You could relate anyone, one and the other, and the others and you.

If you don’t think or consider what others are, what they are made of, to understand them, then you won’t understand them at all. There is more to life than who you are. And if you don’t think of what others really think about you but only see yourself in your reality regarding all things—that is the worst things and of loneliness.


Being wise with money

I’m a cheap person. I even consider that a virtue. To hold on to what is mine. To not spuriously hand out what is mine. Yet to never borrow or take from others, either. And as last night as I don’t borrow or take I feel that I do not owe anyone anything. I am self sustaining. I have to keep it that way.

The best money spent is adventuresome. To look all around town for that one special thing, usually something you didn’t know you liked, through intuition. That not too much I’d spent on snacks, or in any other way that doesn’t last, that is their one moment, but gone the next. A fool and his money may soon part ways, but if s/he had gotten something that lasts, then they aren’t soon separated from it. As long as you don’t pawn or sell what you own. And while sometimes you don’t get what you pay for, the saying “buy it nice or buy it twice” always has truth.

You could gamble.. a little. And expect to win big.. someday or another. Because sure the odds are small you may win a lot. But those odds decrease the more you do.

I say follow your heart on what you want to buy. Try to make every day better by every one thing you buy, as much as you are able. But remember that without desire, you won’t want anything. So follow your heart and do what it says.



Nothing is more appreciated than consideration. That while one room mate will loud as hell clear his throat and turn on the lights when he enters, and another would quietly enter bed, consideration is appreciated, those without it are abrasive.

Some would watch the TV all day in the TV room. And when they see that someone else got there before them, demands it be given to them. If not immediately 'an hour is too much' and yet they’ll stay on it all day and not understand why others won’t let them. Trying to take it from them.. why can’t they ever watch it?

Some will leave a big mess in the kitchen. And they don’t care if others don’t like it. Whole others are cleaning up after them. And they are only wanting a clean place but will do things like spilling over the side if the toilet. How do these people live? How do they think? That depends. If they expect others to live up to standards that they don’t, then they are just selfish. But if these people don’t expect people to live up to any standards, then they just don’t mind the same things you do. The difference is the person who expects you to clean the dirty dishes you make. While the other type of person doesn’t care if the dishes are dirty.



And endurance.

A task or goal might be considered very daunting. And is more so, but only as far as it is. If it’s regarded as too difficult to be done that us sometimes the only thing that stops you from doing it. The good news is: most others think the same way, to some degree. So that just by encouraging you and will continued work on it, you will do what others won’t. And as much as it is difficult is as a limitation placed on it, and so by doing what few others do, you’ll succeed on that merit alone.

Some may work out for a whole month. From there some may go a few more. Not many will work out for years, but if you cross that point and challenge yourself to do what others won’t, then you will be among the strongest of people.

It is like a home being built. When are first you see it being done there is only a frame. Then windows are put in one by one. The dry wall is put in. The staircase had been made. The doors put in. And a little at a time it all came together in a well built home. So, I’d say, take things a brick at a time and don’t give up.


Being grateful

Or what used to be called “counting your blessings

And I can add to that to “see the silver lining in the clouds.”


Being grateful puts into perspective the good in one’s life. Without seeing what is good, it’s just not seen. It may as well not even be there. And there could be a lot of good in someone’s life but they’d never know it. But as long as you see it is as much as it is grasped, as much as it is as a treasure unto you.

The more you’d add to what’s already there. And though things may be bad, they can always be worse. And even the bad things can be good in one way or another. Many things are thorns, but sometimes above them is a rose. That can be a lesson learned. It can be something that has opened up more options. It could be the start if something better and an end to what was less or not as good. Often something bad can produce something good. Or just changed into a good thing.

You may have many reasons to be happy. To know why you should be happy helps in becoming happy. And I also say, count your future blessings. Things that are to come about soon. In order that you have anticipation toward them and once you get it, are satisfied by it. And always seek out the better things in life knowing fully what they are, fir all of it’s worth.


Taking chances

If you’ve been on the same road for very long it can become mundane, totally boring. While you are sure where it goes, you really don’t like going there anymore. You are there everyday. If this is true for you, than may I suggest some added adventure in your life? To do things differently, if even by a little? Maybe buy things you normally don’t. Go to places you haven’t before. Learning something new. Getting a new hobby. Meeting new people. Anything that is new and not typical for you?

To spice up your existence with the new and unfamiliar. Like a child, whose world is brand new every place they go. And not as the adult you’ve became, where everything is familiar.


It could just be going to a swimming pool. Or a large swing set. It could be going to three new restaurants each month. It could be learning anything new, electronics, pottery. It can be visiting a place you always wanted to go. Children learn new talents all the time. Such as reading and writing. They e yet to try everything. The world for them is new. But with age comes decay, settles in a boredom, becomes all the same.


Judging fairly

To judge someone fairly you’ve got to really know them. I’ve had the mistake so many times that I thought I knew someone right away. I can’t help it. I have to understand them before I can deal with them, and how, how I can relate to them. To know what I can expect if them. It takes guessing at first. But it can’t be done quickly. It can take a month or more just to have a general idea. More months to know them in just the right way regarding how you should be around them. And what you thought at first could either be untrue or incomplete. Usually more incomplete than anything else. The longer you know someone the more you fill in the missing pieces.

And you may initially see a hateful person. Some kind of spoiled person. But you may later find reasons why this is so. And you may find out later that behavior is not typical to them. And what was once thought if as rude had it’s reasons.

But then there are some that are entirely incompatible with you. Someone who really pisses you off. Then you’ve got no real choice but to leave them in someone else’s yard.

Over time you are probably going to find that a person had tastes you were entirely unaware of. That maybe some skeletons in the closet opens the door and walks right out. That someone you thought you can trust turns out to be some sort if creep and weirdo. Or, differently, a person is far sweeter than you initially thought. But in all of this it takes time. So all I can suggest is to learn all you can because until you do you don’t really know who you are dealing with.













Ideal homes

While among some people picking your nose and scratching private areas is perfectly fine.. and in fact I’ve known people that masturbate around others at will.. and among some drinking is not only okay but a given, an expectation.. the same with smoking and drugs.. there are places where these things are wanted. And there are places where these things are not wanted. When in Rome do as the Romans..

There are people who socialize in their own ways and little to nothing embarrasses them. But to take those habits into other social circles could ostracize you from it.. if not just shamed. Smoking is alright, but only depending on where you do it. Cursing is alright, from one parent, but not another. And some places are openly lewd. Others prohibit it so much that doing so would incur punishment, removal, or condemnation.

Pick your choice. Be in an area of little inhibition or none, or expectations to be, basically, asexual and non sexually expressive. In a home with smoke and drugs, alcohol or only one of these, or none at all. Be in a home that is basically only used for sexual activity or parties, or be in a home of your own with full privacy, or in a home with quite roommates, ones basically invisible.

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