A Buddha was Born by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Part 2

The Clairvoyance

The guy there was growing healthily before our eyes, but his

figure was clearly that of remember a little Yogi despite its two

years of age. Everyone kept on touching the felt even more so,

because it was not immediately accepted by his father after his

birth. But despite playing with what was offered him, and that he

discovered through an attraction he had for certain specific things.

It was a life of toil and sacrifice for his mother to maintain,

because she does not have an appreciable health. His maternal

grandmother already of advanced age contributed what they could.

Stone had a sale of vegetables to the public. But profits were few

who came from their meager sales.

Times were hard, all the pennies were counted. Little Jose from an

early age accompanied his grandmother there such treks, everyone

who knew the caress enough, because the boy after getting speak

quite early, but with his grandmother. What was the person, with

whom he most identified, understood and satisfied in their still

small knowledge needs. And the sympathy that was felt by both

there was no need of many words. But for those outside had to

develop quite early this ability to express what he felt and needed.

As him begin to develop speech began to give evidence before the

people closest, certain capabilities that only exist in some adults,


José Cruz

One was that he loved to play when someone including his mother

would say something; he tried to cover her mouth to say nothing.

And she asked him why?

And the little man replied.

I already know what you'll say! He exclaimed.

And she asked him what it was?

He replied that he was always smiling this or that, so always

correct in their perception. She did not believe this to be possible for

the little she had to be given to the World.

His grandmother that was so nails him with meat. Because your

Spirit was more turned on and awake to these things Sacred. It

was she who took the call to the evil eye of envy or ill people, who

sought through water and oil followed with Catholic prayers as the

Sun, something that was free of charge.

It was felt that this was one of their obligations to others, besides

containing also the knowledge of Clairvoyance, which applied only

for your personal or family. As time was increasingly coming to

realize that there was a grandson who could give him some of his

knowledge, which ended in its deepest depths.

Because the facts together before his birth that she had previously

thought. As anyone who saw time his coming to Light of the Moon

and the World. Or the fact that his daughter have commented just

after birth, because she heard the older people, wise and experienced

tell you, if you ever hear the baby crying inside you never told

anyone. Because it means he has Special Gifts. Listen, shut up and

feel what he has for you because he wants to communicate with

you, and can do it in the form of crying. And the child was heard by

his mother that way.


A Buddha Was Born

As he grew up he was becoming increasingly different from the

other children the same ages. Even before starting the primary, he

looked older people to talk, socialize and learn whatever it was

awakening to its attention. Thus already had great conversations

with these people without losing the thread, which led him to feel

while chatting, some health problems that people are still unaware

of in them.

But he was not alone out there. Went further and penetrated the

Souls of those people who felt they were faced with a strange kid

who has not read or write. But he spoke and made him feel so

grown enormous knowledge of things from beyond. Some were

amazed, did not believe in anything other than the kid said. But

later had to give to fess up because of what he observed before, and

telling the same for that event.

Well there was obliged to go to school to learn to suffer!

Because it is too attached to the principles of those who dealt with

him more, that was exactly his grandmother, who gave him all the

love that a human being can offer to another. This felt right from

the first moment after my foot inside the school, what would be a

real pain in all aspects to it.

They were ancient and moralistic people lived to the base of wedges.

As the boy did not have a wedge in school. The same felt thrown

into a lion’s cage like a piece of meat to be devoured. In addition

the environment is to cut with a knife and ice cream both by the

teacher, who beat more than taught. Who had a long-cane from

India who had a thimble on the tip of metal that was used when

the guys a little distracted in class, and it did wake up to this

physical reality that everyone tried to somehow avoid.

José Cruz

But this was rarely possible due to the vast years of this barbaric

practice that had developed over the years that he taught. Without

having to get up from your desk chair, agreed with exact precision

at the top of the jig head with the tip of it. Such an act so inhuman

was felt that the head was cracked in half, producing a hollow echo

and painful, leaving their brains to swing completely, as if they

wanted to jump out. Besides the horrible headaches that made him


The others all older and repeaters with two and three years of delay,

also made his delight to the young and beautiful example with the

famous teacher Gaeiras. The kid was able to survive there before all

those fine novelties, which were presented under the guise of


Lead of the first primary in part with the help of his mother, who

was illiterate and tell the teacher if he does not want to learn beat

him hate her ass. For the poor was not new. Due to its beautiful

mommy does not feel or understand that the kid was a little

different from other children.

The solution to his lack of appetite as a mother was just one. Beat

until you drop, but not with the hand she said that was hurting

him, but with a saddle or a bent hose. That was the way the mother

pours the bad heart that had given birth to whom. Yes bore!

Because at this time due to the poor people, who expect to have a

child, were rated on a par with animals that were pregnant and

later gave a birth as boy or a girl. While wealthier people in Society,

or were pregnant or of hope, and they would give birth to a boy or


Still, the great protagonist of this true story, never lead beyond the

first class. Later when he went to third grade teacher found a very

nice, with which his mother gained some confidence through private

gifts that her would offer.


A Buddha Was Born

It was a quite in vogue at that time for those who had no clout,

indirectly, to think of a little extra help, especially at the level of

evidence. Well at least this teacher was a little more human is not

applied to the cane-India., but wet soup at your leisure, a pretty

accurate feel for his pupils.

His favorite subject carrying religiously in your home directory, for

this purpose, it was about two feet in length, a width of four

inches, and a couple thick solid oak wood round at one end where it

was taken up by hand to have a perfect handling and a complete

mastery over their application. At the other end stood out a small

hole, which in principle do not quite know what it means. But

after that is expected to have the privilege of experiencing the first

time. We already knew what its purpose was. This utensil was

used to warm your hands on the coldest days of the small and red-

hot in warmer weather, anywhere in the body.

If called rule!

How does this kind of teacher that his mother saw as such, was the

introduction into the subject in school through this rule?

It was the simplest way in the World!

She had a rule in the classroom that each error was entitled to a

bonus of a ruler in hand.

So every mistake, every rule!

This rule applied to errors that were daily massacred students

psychologically and physically crushed. Stretching the so-called

works that were taken to make at home and present them later in

the day. As that in the course of the day was the kindly correcting

the defenseless students were called in front of it. And after giving

them a great first washing the insides, they commented that the

total error was x what if the little Jose as a rule were always

enough. Due to turn over the Nature of Real things of life than the

constant onslaught of those matters that he is not felt in terms of


José Cruz

Unless the reading aloud which was always done standing, with

book in hand to listen to the whole class as well, and had to echo.

It was one of three things he loved learning in this institution

called education. That the only thing I had was that as the walls

and recreation. Because the fact that right from the first class

learned to master this technique of communication perfectly, due to

the vibration that the words contained. Giving him the freedom to

feel and identify them as part of her being, long before he was born.

The second was related to creativity, the so-called crafts. Only by

talking and interacting with physical matters too, in which was

completely absorbed, that when he was somewhat startled by some

noise outside himself or by someone else. This is frightened and

seriously hurt many times without realizing it or having some pain.

Only when he saw the blood is that it became aware of what had


The worst pain that existed for him was that he was suffering

through the psyche, an unorthodox moral, which he tried to instill

in the Spirit. Or cries that gave him in the form of communication

that did vibrate a lot in their magnetic structure, coming to feel

destabilized and hurt in their humble as well as physically intimate.

The third matter was that which was given orally, or dictation.

Because it preceded the words that the teacher has dictated before

they are expelled through the mouth. This reading he was

unconsciously led him to write faster than others, staying always

waiting for the next word that entered the mind of the teacher to

move to the role. Only this form of writing was unfortunate for

him. As he wrote across the message that the teacher received the

Spirit, he wrote that message quickly, not letting lose the real

meaning of the texts, but had some spelling errors.


A Buddha Was Born

It was about these goals that the little Jose felt wronged, because

for all that he had written with such love and dedication and also

understand in his little mind, that the general context required that

the saying was perfect, for the Spirit to bear witness to a mind-

reading of others, just based on the total of all the words that form

a text, and never one in particular. As a general rule was every

mistake every rule. The teacher just filled his belly with delight.

She was even comprehensive!

And always ask before you begin the fateful scene of the

distribution of rules.

In which hand do you want? She asked.

Rarely beaten only one hand

Then it said before undergoing such punishment!

Can be divided he exclaimed!

The kind there took the fingertips so that the hand was not to

escape out of the classroom. And there before the little Jose would

be tiring to remind you that physical body had to take a beating.

What unfairly he accepted wholeheartedly and with a slight smile

on his lips, in the form of forgiveness for those who will materialize

the Spirit, through the rules that made him a terrible vibration in

its magnetic field.

The millimeter far such holes made by an expert in the art of

carpentry, said colleagues who were to increase the pain, but he just

left him for several hours the marks on the palms. Very similar to

those that some older monks and lamas present at the top of the

head, after the marks of burning sticks, as a sign of having passed a

test of total ignorance, for what felt burning at the site. Such that

after having passed the marks were marked for life there, as the

meaning of higher beings, in terms of Spirituality.

José Cruz


A Buddha Was Born