Women in early Christianity by Alfred Brittain and Mitchell Carroll - HTML preview

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Christianity introduced a new moral epoch in the course of human

history. Its effect was necessarily transforming upon those who came

under its sway. Being cosmopolitan in its nature, we have now to study

woman as being somewhat dissociated from racial type and national

manner, and we shall seek to ascertain how she met and was modified by

Christian conditions. These had a larger effect upon her life than upon

that of man; for, by its nature, Christianity gave an opening for the

higher possibilities of her being of which the old religions took little

account. In the realm of the spiritual, it, for the first time, assented

to her equality with man. That the women of the first Christian

centuries submitted themselves to the influence of that religion in a

varying degree, the following pages will abundantly show. And it will be

seen that in the many instances where the Christian doctrine was not

permitted to dominate the life, the dissimilarity of those women from

their prototypes in former heathendom is correspondingly lessened. While

it is not possible to treat this subject without illustrating the

above-mentioned fact, the authors beg to remind the reader that this is

distinctively a historical and not a religious work.

Though, under other

circumstances, they would be very willing to state positive views in

regard to many questions herein suggested, it is not within the province

of this book to defend or refute any religious institution. The aim is

solely and impartially to represent the life of the Christian women of

the first ages.

Though this is a work of collaboration, Mr. Brittain is solely

responsible for the part of the book treating of the women of the

Western Roman Empire, and Mr. Carroll is solely responsible for that

discussing the women of the Eastern Roman and Byzantine Empires.

Differences of personal characteristics, based upon dissimilarity of

national temperament, reveal themselves in these women of Rome and

Constantinople, but the Christian principle, through its transforming

and elevating influence on the lives of pagan women, gives unity to the

volume, and presents a type of womanhood far superior to any that had up

to this time been produced by the Orient or early Greece or ancient
