The Ultimate Book of Powerful Quotations: 510 Quotes about Wisdom, Love and Success
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Author: 22 Lions Bookstore
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Pages: 72
Published: 6 years agoRating: Rated: 1 times Rate It
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Book Description
Throughout human history, many where those who have enlightened mankind with the truth, and guided, each one in a special way, the rest of the world, toward a more joyful and prosperous way of living. While some are still remembered, most have been forgotten, and remain unknown to the masses, who in the darkness, ignore the fact that they may not even have access to a vast amount of knowledge during an entire lifetime, knowledge which has been segregated into small libraries, or very exclusive groups, most of them very selective in what regards the members they wish to allow access to such high knowledge. And so, the masses remain ignorant and imbecile as they ever where, starved for wisdom they neglect as much as they ridicule.