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common practice to stabilize chlorine by adding

hypochlorous acid.

ammonia to the water. The ammonia improved chlorine

retention and prolonged the life of chlorine residual test


readings, so it was reasoned that disinfection properties

were enhanced by the method. Later studies, however,

In addition to its serious effect upon disinfection and

revealed the poor disinfection properties of chloramines.

oxidation, pH fluctuation must be avoided for other

The practice has given way to a preference for burning

reasons. At high pH dissolved minerals such as iron and

out ammonia compounds through super chlorination

calcium precipitate, adding turbidity and increasing soil

(sometimes referred to as "breakpoint" chlorination).

removal demand upon the filter system. High


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those of free hypochlorous acid, the loss can be at least

Breakpoint chlorination is accomplished by increasing

partially offset by maintaining higher residuals of

chlorine dosage to a point at which all ammonia

dissolved chlorine. It is generally believed that chlorine

compounds in the water are completely oxidized and

residuals in the presence of cyanuric acid should be

removed by chlorine reaction, after which point all

maintained at 1-0 to 1-5 p/lm, whereas 0-5 to 1-0 p/m is

dissolved chlorine exists as free available hypochlorous

acceptable when free unstabilized chlorination technique

acid (HOCL) or hypochlorite ion (OCL). The amount of

is practiced.

chlorine required to reach breakpoint depends upon the

b. The chlorinated cyanurates are used more

amount of ammonia present. Dosage instructions

commonly in private residential and small commercial

cannot therefore be expressed in pound or parts per

pools at this writing. In larger swimming pools that are

million. An occasional super chlorination of 4 or 5 p/m in

subject to heavy bathing loads, systems which provide

a typical pool will provide an acceptable means of

free unstabilized chlorine residual are most frequently

assuring free residual chlorine.





While the formation of chloramines in a swimming pool is

Oxidation and disinfection of swimming pool water can

considered objectionable, the stabilizing of chlorine with

be accomplished only when adequate chlorine residual

nitrogen compounds other than ammonia is considered

and proper pH values are maintained. The pool operator

desirable under some conditions. Such a practice may

must therefore understand what factors cause pH

seem highly inconsistent with conclusions presented in

fluctuation and chlorine dissipation and how to control

the foregoing discussion, but the benefits to be derived

those factors through proper chemical feeding practices.

become clear when the chemistry of chlorination is

carefully studied.


a. Chlorine consumption and feed rates are easier


to understand than pH control. As discussed previously,

The hypochlorous acid molecule is highly desired for its

chlorine reacts with and destroys virtually all organic and

oxidizing properties, but it is a highly unstable compound

inorganic compounds in pool water. In the process, the

which rapidly dissipates in the presence of sunlight. This

chlorine itself is destroyed and must be replaced.

instability results in considerable chlorine waste, since

Therefore, the rate of feed is dependent upon the

free chlorine is rapidly destroyed even if it is not usefully

quantity of soil present in the water which, in turn, is

consumed in reactions with bacteria and soil. Some

largely dependent upon the bathing loads, bather

degree of stabilization would therefore be desirable if

preparation, weather, etc. It must also be remembered

such stabilization would slow the rate of chlorine

that free available chlorine dissipates even if it is not

dissipation without appreciably sacrificing oxidation and

consumed by soil, so some chlorine feed is necessary

disinfection activity. Recently developed practices in

even during periods when the pool is not in use.

swimming pool chlorination suggest that such

b. Generally, knowledgeable technicians and public

stabilization can be accomplished satisfactorily with the

health personnel believe that free chlorine residual of not

use of cyanuric acid as the stabilizing agent. Chlorine

less than 0-5 p/m should be maintained at all times in the

reaction with cyanuric acid produces a relatively stable

swimming pool. The better and safer practice is to feed

compound identified as chlorimide and, as in the case of

at rates calculated to provide 1 plm residual, with

chloramine formation, the dissolved chlorine exists

occasional super chlorination of 2 to 5 p m, depending

predominately as combined residual. However, the

upon ammonia content and chlorine demand of the

chlorimide possesses significantly greater oxidation and


disinfection properties than the chloramine group and is


therefore an acceptable disinfection agent, whereas


chloramine is not. Chlorimide reactions can also be

The presence of chlorine is tested by use of a

produced with sulfamic acid and chlorinated chyantoins,

colorimetric test using N, N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine

but the use of these products is far less widespread than

(DPD) as a reagent chemical. The chlorine test

the chlorinated cyanurates.

procedure (DPD Method) is outlined in appendix C,

Measurement of Residual Chlorine (DPD Method). The


test is usually made periodically with the operator

a. Laboratory and field studies of cyanuric

adjusting the chemical feed rates to compensate for the

chlorination technique suggest that, although the

rise or fall of the residual. The experienced operator

disinfection and oxidation properties of chlorimide are

learns to sense

less than


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chlorine demand by observing bather loads, weather

conditions, temperature, sunlight, and other influences.

upon chlorination as the principal factor. For the most

The periodic tests then are more often a confirmation of

part, it is enough to say that when pH strays from the

proper feed rates than a signal that rates need to be

ideal zone of 7-2 to 7-8, regardless of cause, it should be


promptly corrected. The operator must understand,

however, that there are conditions under which the pH



response to adjustment may be erratic and

unpredictable. For example, a high pH of 9-0 might be

a. The control of pH can be considerably more

adjusted to 7-8 by adding muriatic acid, only to ascend

complicated than control of chlorine concentration. The

again to 9-0 within a few hours. Or, adding a small

chemistry of the pH factor itself is considerably more

amount of corrective acid or alkali might produce a major

subtle than chlorine hydrolysis, and the factors which

response, sending the pH radically to an extreme high or

cause pH fluctuation are usually quite confusing to the

low reading. Such reactions are attributable to the "total

nonchemist. However, the methods of control can be

alkalinity" of the pool water and may indicate the need for

made reasonably clear. pH control begins with

corrections other than the addition of acid or soda ash. It

determining the pH of the water supply used initially to fill

is becoming common practice to equip swimming pools

the pool and thereafter to make up water loss. Using the

with testing equipment to measure both total alkalinity

colorimetric test with phenol red reagent, the pH of the

and pH, thus enabling the operator to make the

raw water is ascertained and then adjusted, if necessary,

necessary adjustments.

to the range of 7-2 to 7-8. Subsequent pH fluctuation is

caused largely by the type of chlorine source used for



oxidation and disinfection. Gas (elemental) chlorine, the

most commonly used chlorine source in large swimming

a. Total alkalinity might be said to be a measure of

pools, decreases pH while the commonly used calcium

the extent to which water is buffered or made to respond

hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite sources tend to

to pH adjustment. Water containing very low total

increase pH. Thus, if gas chlorination is practiced a

alkalinity will respond radically to the addition of acid or

substance must be fed concurrently to counteract the pH

alkali for pH correction, while water containing very high

lowering effect of the gas chlorine. Soda ash, fed pound

total alkalinity might respond very little.

for pound with chlorine feed, is normally used for this

b. Generally, swimming pool water should contain a


minimum of 80 plm and a maximum of 200 plm total

b. To counteract the pH elevating effects of sodium

alkalinity. If the test procedure indicates a need for

hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite an acid

correction, it can usually be made by treating the water

counteractant must be used. Normally, pH control during

once, or for a short period of time, after which pH control

hypochlorination is accomplished by feeding muriatic

is routinely accomplished by the methods discussed

acid or solutions of sodium bisulphate.

above. Total alkalinity that is too low can usually be

c. The effect of chlorinated cyanurates upon pH

corrected by adding a sufficient quantity of calcium

has often been found to be very slight compared with gas

carbonate (CaC03) to bring the level to 80 plm. The

chlorine and hypochlorites. Consequently, the pH is

corrective measure for total alkalinity that is too high may

normally adjusted by occasional manual dosage of the

be somewhat more complicated. Essentially,

counteractant rather than by feeding concurrently with

undesirably high total alkalinity is corrected by adding

the chlorine source.

muriatic acid. However, a single dose of a sufficient

quantity to reduce the pH to 7-5 might not hold the pH at



this desired level The reading may consequently rise

again within a few hours. When such a condition

A number of other environmental conditions can affect

prevails, the acid dose must be repeated until the pH

the pH of swimming pool water, however, their

stabilizes at a desired level and total alkalinity is reduced

enumeration would probably misplace the emphasis

to less than 100 plm.


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Historically, chlorine has been the primary disinfectant



used in swimming pools, although bromine has also

been widely used. Both chemicals are commonly

a. Calcium hypochlorite is a relatively stable

referred to as halogens, a chemical term used to

compound of chlorine and calcium, commercially

describe four related elements in the atomic table:

packaged either as a coarse powder or in tablet form. It

chlorine, bromine, iodine, and fluorine. Although iodine

is a safer material than chlorine gas with respect to

has shown promise as a pool disinfectant and is

handling and feeding, but it may present serious

currently the subject of considerable experimentation, its

problems if spilled or scattered in a moist or wet

use has not become widespread enough to be included

environment or if oxidizable material is introduced to the

in this discussion. Algicides are used to assist the

container. When applied to swimming pool water

disinfection process and are therefore included. All pool

calcium hypochlorite reacts much the same as chlorine

chemicals must be handled and stored in accordance

gas. It tends to release free chlorine from the stabilizing

with the manufacturer’s instructions. NOTE: Never mix

agent and the resulting hydrolysis produces varying

chemicals together outside of the pool; rather use the

chlorine reactions. Due to the relatively compact nature

pool as a buffer in the actual application.

of the package material, calcium hypochlorite is a

popular chlorine source in small-/medium-sized



swimming pools. Although it is a more costly source

than gaseous chlorine (in net yield), this disadvantage is

Chlorination, as the term implies, is the practice of

somewhat offset by the relative ease and safety of

introducing chlorine to pool water after it leaves the

handling, storage and feeding. The most commonly

equipment either in its elemental form or as a chlorine-

used calcium hypochlorites will yield 70 percent available

bearing compound. Regardless of the product used or

chlorine by weight.

the method of application, the goal is to achieve a

b. Calcium hypochlorite can be manually fed

chlorine residual possessing strong oxidizing and

directly into the pool from hand-held containers to either

disinfecting properties. There are four chlorine sources

facilitate super chlorination or as an alternate feed in the

that are commonly accepted as disinfection products.

event of equipment failure. Normally, however, it is

mixed with water in tanks or feed crocks and the clear



liquid is fed to the recirculation system by mechanical

a. Elemental chlorine is a greenish gas at room

feeders. Such feeders are adjustable to control rates of

temperature. Packaged under pressure as a liquid in

continuous or intermittent feed.

metal bottles, it is fed into the recirculation system by

specially designed equipment. If the chlorine gas



escapes from the container or feeder apparatus, it will

aggressively attack virtually all surroundings, especially if

a. Sodium hypochlorite is a liquid compound of

water or moisture is present. It is also highly toxic to

chlorine, water and sodium which is usually packaged in

man. Because of the hazardous nature of chlorine gas,

carboys or drums. If properly stored, it will yield 10

its proper handling must be thoroughly understood by

percent to 15 percent net chlorine depending upon its

those responsible for handling containers and operating

method of manufacturer and the age of the material.

feeding devices.

Like calcium hypochlorite it is relatively safe and easy to

b. Normally, the cost of elemental chlorine is

handle and feed, but it is also a hazardous product to

considerably less than the cost of commercial chlorine

spill. Applied to pool water the hydrolysis reactions are

bearing compounds. It is therefore the most commonly

essentially like those of other chlorine sources.

used chlorine sources in the large swimming pools

b. Because of the weight and bulk involved, sodium

where feed rates and consumption are high. The cost of

hypochlorite normally is used to chlorinate smaller pools

the extra soda ash required for this type of chlorine must

ranging in size up to 75,000 gallons. For disinfection

be taken in account in making any cost comparison.

purposes its use with respect to pool size is limited.

c. Mechanical feeding is accomplished in the same

manner and by the same type of equipment used to feed

the mixture of calcium hypochlorite and water.


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Sodium hypochIorite need not be premixed with water. It

c. Commercially, elemental bromine is packaged in

is a feedable liquid in its packaged form when the proper

glass jugs specially crated to guard against shock

feeder is used.

damage and breakage in shipment and handling. The

material is fed to the recirculation system through a



brominator which dissolves the liquid bromine in a crock

Lithium hypochlorite is another of the dry chlorine

of water near the point of injection. Elemental bromine is

compounds. It is a free-flowing granular sanitizer

more costly for equivalent disinfection values than gas

containing 35 percent available chlorine. The product is

chlorine, and normally more expensive than the

an inorganic material with the chlorine immediately

hypochlorites and cyanurates.

available as in the other inorganic chlorine vehicles. It is

completely soluble in pool water or may be made up in a



solution and dispensed through a chlorinator.

a. In recent years bromine has become available

Stable under all normal storage conditions, it may be

commercially for pool sanitation in bromine-coating

stored for extended periods without appreciable loss of

organic compounds commonly referred to as hydantoin

available chlorine. It is an acceptable product for

or "stock" bromine. In such forms bromine can be

swimming pool sanitation and has all the attributes

compared with hypochlorites and cyanurates except it is

common to the other hypochlorites.

twice as heavy as chlorine but not as volatile in the pool

atmosphere. Such-products are more costly than



elemental bromine and therefore less likely to be used in

a. Chlorinated cyanurate is a relatively new pool

large swimming pools. They are far less hazardous to

disinfection product and is not widely used in swimming

handle than elemental bromine, however, and therefore


possess distinct advantages in dosing smalland medium-

b. Chlorinated cyanurate is available commercially

sized pools where cost is a lesser consideration.

in both white powder and tablet form. The most

b. Organic bromine is more costly than most of the

commonly marketed cyanurates contain from 60 percent

disinfection products discussed here. It is a slowly

to 85 percent available chlorine. The physical

dissolving solid which is normally fed to the recirculation

appearance, handling precautions, and techniques of

system from a pressure vessel by the washing action of

feeding, etc., of this group of chlorine-bearing

the recirculating stream of water. As a practical matter,

compounds are the same as calcium and sodium

the organic bromine compounds may be less adaptable

hypochlorite. The important product differences involve

to precisely controlled feed rates unless metered by

the chemistry of hydrolysis. The cyanurates provide

positive displacement devices. The method has been

chlorine residual which is relatively more stable and

systematically effective, however, in disinfection of

therefore longer lasting in pool water than that provided

private pools. Also, claims have been made that longer

by elemental and hypochlorite forms. Although such

swimmer immersion can be effected, which is a factor for

stability reduces disinfection and oxidation properties, it

competitive and training pools.

may be desired for other reasons. Cyanurates are an

advantage when chlorination is accomplished by



intermittent hand feeding rather than by continuous

If the pool water takes on a greenish or mustard-colored

mechanical application.

cast or black or dark green spots appear on the surface

finish, algae is probably present and an algicide should



be used. An algicide is a chemical additive used to kill

a. Pure elemental bromine is a heavy, red liquid

and prevent the growth of algae in swimming pool water.

and, like chlorine, is an aggressive oxidizing agent.

Algicides are formulated for their specific toxicity to algae

Bromine is a dangerous chemical in untrained hands. If

as an aid to disinfection chemicals. Although algae

spilled from its container, bromine will attack virtually all

growth can be inhibited by disinfection chemicals alone,

surroundings. Even the fumes from an uncapped

there seems to be increasing acceptance and use of the

container can injure people and damage surroundings.

algicides for reasons of economy because their use

Any person exposed to bromine fumes should be

reduces chlorine demand. Since mercurials have been

checked by the base health department.

banned by The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),

b. As a disinfection product, bromine has been

phenol mercuric acetate cannot be used. Quaternary

demonstrated to be equal to chlorine in bactericidal

ammonium halides are not recommended as they may

efficiency, although the chemistry is somewhat different.

cause foaming, absorb on filter media, and increase

The hydrolysis of bromine produces hypobromous acid

chlorine demand. Copper compounds are ineffective

which, like the hypochlorous acid product of chlorination,

against some algae. Copper sulfate can cause skin

is the agent which destroys bacteria and oxidizes

rash and turn hair green at high

undesirable soil.


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concentrations as well as cause milky or inky precipitates

limitations which need not be discussed here. The

in highly alkaline or sulphur-containing waters. Other

primary shortcoming is the relatively prolonged "contact

copper salts can be considered safe to use if

time" required for bacterial kill. It is also noted that silver

manufacturer’s instructions are strictly followed.

has very limited oxidizing properties which, as discussed

previously, are essential to overall treatment of pool
