Beginner's Guide to Woodworking by Tim Sousa - HTML preview

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Of course, woodworking involves wood. Different types of wood are suitable for different projects. You should know some of the differences in different types of wood, how they are used, and what you should look for in wood for your woodworking projects.

Wood is generally classified as hardwood or softwood, depending on what tree it comes from.


Hardwood comes from deciduous trees.These are the broad leaf trees, which may bear fruits or nuts, and lose their leaves in the fall. Deciduous trees are often seen growing in regions with a temperate climate.

Hardwood lumber includes:



Walnut is a family of trees known for the nuts and the lumber it produces. Walnut is a strong lumber, with a fine texture. Walnut resists warping and shrinking. That is why walnut is used for making wall paneling, cabinets, gunstocks, as well as veneered and solid furniture.


Cherry trees are well known for their small red fruits, and are closely related to fruit bearing trees like plums, peaches, apricots and almonds. Cherry wood is fine textured, and like walnut is shrink and warp-resistant. Wood from a cherry tree will redden when exposed to sunlight. Cherry ages well and is commonly used in making cabinets, furniture handles, novelties and boat trims.


Maple is a common ornamental tree, often seen lining streets. They are used as ornamental trees, because of the brightly colored leaves in the fall. The tree is native to Northern America and Europe. It also produces quality timber which is finely textured but is hard and strong. The lumber shrinks moderately, and the fact that it is durable is ideal for flooring, especially in bowling alleys.


Softwoods come from coniferous trees. These are trees with needles and cones, and remain green all year. Softwoods are commonly used for structures while hardwood is used for decorations.

Some known softwood lumbers include:



Pines trees are one of 210 evergreen trees which produce cones, timber and pulpwood. Pine does not shrink warm or swell, and is easy to work with, due to the uniform texture. Pine is commonly used in building houses, boxes, and furniture.


Redwoods are huge evergreen trees, also known as Sequoias that are known for their reddish brown trunks that can grow up too 100 ft. Redwood is durable, and resistant to decay. Because of this, redwood is commonly used in building outdoor furniture, fencing, and house sidings. Redwood is also used indoors for paneling and veneering.


Spruce trees grows in the north, along the edges of the Arctic forest. Spruce is resistant to decaying, shrinks moderately, and it has a nice finish. Because spruce is lightweight, it is used in spars and masts in boats, and for wooden parts in airplanes.


Cedar is closely related to some of the trees previously mentioned. Cedars have thick, scaly needles. Despite the relationship to spruce, there are features that distinguish the two. Cedar wood has a sweet odor, and is easy to work with. Because of the scent, cedar is often used in storage chests and closet linings.

Knowing the types of wood that you may be working with is important, but you'll also want to know how to choose lumber. You'll need to know what to look for, and how to choose the proper lumber for your woodworking project. Here are some of tips to follow when it comes time to choose your wood.

Know the different classes and types of wood


As stated above, there are two classes of wood, hardwood and softwood.

Hardwoods are flower-bearing plants with broad leaves. Softwoods come from conifers. They don't have flowers, but they bear seeds.

These aren't the only things that set them apart. Constitution-wise, hardwood produces more attractive lumber because of the patterns produced by the various types vertically aligned cells. This is the reason why most hardwoods are used as materials in furniture and decorative items.

Softwood, on the other hand is used as framework in structures, and as flooring material. Contrary to its name, most of the softwoods are harder and stronger than hardwoods.
Woods are classified into two grades, select grade and common grade.

Select lumber is nearly free of any knots and blemishes. Because of the lack of blemishes, select grade lumber is used when there is a need for a nice appearance.

Common grade lumber may have flaws and knots that may affect the appearance of the wood. Because of this, common grade lumber is used in construction, and in projects where the appearance isn't important.

Different woods are better suited for different projects because of their characteristics. Knowing these
characteristics can help you to choose the proper lumber for your woodworking project.

Pine is easy to cut and sand, and can be easily stained in a variety of colors. Pine is also very stable and durable.

Poplar does not have many pores, making it an ideal wood for a project that needs painting. The lack of pores will give a very smooth look when painted.

Cedar, because of it's sweet odor and attractive appearance make it a good choice for building storage chests. Cedar is also commonly used to build fences.

Redwood, because of it's resistance to decay makes it ideal for building outdoor furniture and fencing.


The grain pattern in hard woods, such as cherry, oak, and maple make them a good choice for accents in woodwork.


2. Be aware of the deformations and defects of the wood.

The quality of work will be affected by flaws and deformations in your wood. You'll want to look for the following flaws.

Physical deformities, such as twisting and bending can affect your work. If it is not too severe, the wood can be run through a planer or jointer to straighten things out.

Knots are not neccessarily a bad thing, and can sometimes add to the appearance of your work. They can weaken the wood, however. You'll want to check for knots, and evaluate how big they are, and how they will affect the work, both structurally and cosmetically.

Splits in the wood should be cut off immediately. If not, then the split may continue and widen.

When you go to the lumber store, look through the racks of wood, and find one that suits you. Just because a piece of wood is in front, doesn’t mean that you have to choose that one. Look through the available wood on the rack.

Look through the rack, and try to find a piece of wood that has a grain pattern that will suit your work. Look for any knots or splits that may affect the work. You don’t have to simply choose the first piece of wood that you see.

So, now that you know what to look for in wood, and how you can use different types of wood, you'll be able to choose the proper wood for your project.