Sleep Music Therapy Meditation by Dr.Jilesh - HTML preview

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Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. ~ Thomas Dekker

Every one of us suffers from insomnia at some point in our lives. It could be triggered by stressful periods in our careers, a personal crisis, fear of an upcoming event or worrying about finances may keep us awake and restless.

Feelings of guilt or grief are another culprit. Whatever the reasons that keep you tossing and turning, you know how it feels to drag yourself out of bed in the morning. You are sapped of energy. Your body aches and your brain is foggy.

You feel irritable and grumpy. Your sleepless night is going to reflect on your whole day – and not for the better.

Over time, sleep issues can become extremely debilitating. Persistent lack of sleep will negatively impact your career, social life, and personal relationships. At times, they may challenge your very sanity. For some people, insomnia is a chronic issue.

For others, it comes and goes sometimes. While for most people, insomnia may be closely related to the quality or length of sleeping hours. Sleep deprivation can really take its toll on our mind and physical health.

It can lead to serious issues such as depression, high blood pressure and an out of control hormone system. This puts our body at a higher risk of chronic illnesses and speeds up the aging process.

Since you are reading this book, you probably have a sleep problem and want to do something about it. You may have tried countless remedies (the warm glass of milk before bed or counting sheep).

You may have resorted to prescription medication, adding to your problem the risk of addiction. And yet, nothing seems to work. Are you then doomed to live with your sleep problems for the rest of your life? Absolutely not.

Biohacking is the solution to beating sleep deprivation issues once and for all. It's totally safe, easy, relatively cost free and guaranteed to help you overcome stubborn sleep issues.

The biohacking tools you’re about to discover will help you easily change and regulate your individual sleep patterns. They will help you tailor a plan that will result in concrete changes to optimize sleep, and improve your overall health and well-being.

Incorporating these biohacking techniques into your lifestyle will make the changes permanent so that you can always be assured of sound, restful sleep.

What should you focus on?

Sleep scientists tell us that it's not the number of hours that matter. It is the quality of your sleep that is essential for physical and mental health. Many people sleep for 7 8 hours a night but still wake up feeling drained and unrested.

This is because the quality of their sleep is poor. They are unable to enter into the state of deep sleep that relaxes and rejuvenates the body. Quality sleep means waking up energized and filled with vitality, regardless of how many hours you have slept.

This needs to be your main focus; not just falling asleep, but sleeping well. We can use a number of safe and natural biohacking techniques to improve our overall sleep quality.

The following chapters will discuss about meditation for relaxation and using sound therapy for successful sleep hacks.