Sanity Is Impossibility by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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It is something probably everyone has faced in his or her life. Talk of all good and right things, which should happen and prevail in life and living and prompt comes the rejoinder, stop being a stupid and face the Reality of life! So, does it mean, Reality is something, which definitely is not good and right? Does it mean, people in general accept that Reality is so positioned and situationed that it usually leaves something desirable in its expressions? Therefore, can we definitively say that Reality of human world and life-living is always a dream, never to be realized? Reality always falling short of good and right!

The larger question is, ‘What is Reality?’ Is reality as real and actual as it seems or is made to accept? More important question is; does this question matter? It seems, it does matter and that is probably why best of human brains have engaged their lives over this question. Somehow, this happens to be the primary, core and cardinal basis of all other questions and answers of life-living in particular and humanity in general. The probability of a possible ‘Theory of Everything’, which explains all structures and functions around us beyond any reasonable doubts, rests on a singular and over-encompassing hypothesis about Reality.

However, there is still no singular definitive answer to this cardinal question for humanity. Probably, there may never be, even as passage of time keeps adding more informative dimensions to this core and complex issue of Reality. Why? Because, it seems, human brain and its potential for deciphering Reality is too insufficient to unravel the cosmic proportions of the Holism of mechanism and process of the very constitution of Reality. It is probably easy for humanity to say and even accept that two ends of the universe are over 90 billion light years apart but it is always impossible for even the best empowered brain of a human to truly and really ‘realize’ and ‘actualize’ this colossal vastness of the ‘proposed’ Reality of the size and magnitude of 90 billion light years! This is permanent and absolute limitation of approaching Reality.

If we look at Reality at its macrocosmic expanse and microcosmic bare-basics, we can have this definitive feel that there is something inherently ‘mechanismic’ or structural in the idea and realism of Reality, which ensures that humanity at best can have a singular and common hypothesis only about a humanly amenable ‘Model’ of Reality and never the real or actual reality. Naturally, if we accept this proposition, which seems the most probable one at this point of time-space situation of humanity; the next critical question is – Is that enough? Can we humans have knowledge of only a model of Reality and then proceed onto engender the Theory of Everything and other key life-living realities of human world, based on the proposed Model Reality?

Here, at this stage of contemporary understanding, people may have two basic questions –

  1. Is Reality truly and actually effable? Can Reality be understood and then described in words? Or for that matter, can it ever be unraveled and deciphered?
  2. Is it truly and actually option-less to first have singular and objective installation of Reality, before we proceed onto have any meaningful discussion on the issue of Human and life-living reality? Is understanding of macrocosmic Reality inseparably linked to explanations of microcosmic Reality that we humans face in our daily life-living experiences? Can issues of human world and life-living be truly and actually understood, even if we remain divorced to the finality of the idea of Reality?

In this eBook, as we are going to inquire, discuss and deliberate about ‘Reality Of Humanity’, the microcosmic portion of the macrocosmic Reality, with a proposed hypothesis that Sanity Is Impossibility in human world and life-living; it is very essential that we first have a clear answer of the above two questions. That shall prove to be the primary hypothesis, which shall energize our inquiry into human reality and a probable theory of life-living reality.

This eBook is all about that. We shall first try to detail the issue of overall Reality, install a probable hypothesis about Reality. Next, we shall examine the probability whether there can be sanity, system and order in human world and life-living. This eBook works on the humble hypothesis that Sanity Is Impossibility and therefore, it naturally also has to spell out probabilities of a possible ‘Mechanism and Process’, which still can lead us to peace, wellness, happiness, system, order and sanity at personal level, even while collectively, Sanity Remains an Impossibility. This we shall definitely attempt to do in this eBook, with humility but optimal sincerity for practical utility.

The very purpose of this eBook is to devise and design personal wellness and sanity. The very hypothesis that sanity is impossibility at collective domain and a possibility at personal levels is just to underline the dualism that Reality has. In fact, many people already believe that sanity is impossibility for humanity but what we are aiming at in this eBook, is to detail the dynamics of Reality to elaborate as holistically as possible, the structures, functions, mechanism and processes of this hypothesis that Sanity Is Impossibility. This itself shall prove to be the basis of how and why we still can have sanity and system in our personal domains.

The idea is simple – when we see and accept that there is this overall design of Reality that makes it an impossibility for a reasonable and lasting sanity and order, we actually are able to decipher those elements, which can help us install sanity, system and order at personal level. In the genetics of problem and trouble stands embedded the genesis of answers and solutions. Understanding problems is the best enabler of all probabilities of solutions as all solutions are embedded in problems itself. Almost often, solutions have similar elements as those in a problem, but arranged in an alternative ways. That is why, what we are underlining and detailing in this eBook is the elements of Impossibility of Sanity of Reality so that we have the mechanism and process of sanity, system and order installed at personal levels.

Somehow, it may humbly be accepted that knowledge has similar trajectory of journey and arriving. The first stage of knowledge is hugely unsettling. When you first know and realize how it is what it is, the primary accrual is consternation and destabilization. Knowledge begins by exposition of problems and troubles in all its dimensions and shades. This is like opening the door and getting blown up by gush of trapped energy of realism. This is unsettling also in the sense that most people get stuck in the magnitude and complexities of the first stage of trouble-exposition and begin to look for solace and support from spiritualism, psychology or philosophy to escape from the acceptance of the reality. It is another dimension of ‘Ignorance Is Bliss’. Some also develop sense of egoism and pride that they now know the reality and therefore they are free-willed to lead their ‘post-reality life’ not bothered by other shades and aspects of reality that others have.

The true journey begins only after this stage. The next stage is unraveling the elements that constitute the vastness and complexities of troubles. This stage of knowledge is the doorstep for arriving at true wisdom. When we persist and keep journeying the knowledge trajectory with innocence and compassion, not allowing ego and escapism to divert our journey ahead, we move onto this next stage of deciphering the genetics of the problems and troubles. As we do this, we come to understand and accept that the problems themselves have elements of solutions. Rather, in the final stage of the trajectory of knowledge, we clearly see that problems and solutions have the same constituting elements and only difference is cognitive – that is how we observe and accept them arranged and situationed in our life and living. This then facilitates all solutions, all sanities, order, poise and then begins our infinite journey to bliss and wellness.

As has always been with my writings, I insist that I never say ‘I Know’ and that is why I am telling you. I very humbly and sincerely insist that you should never accept anything I say, without assigning it to the primary and transcendental energy of skepticism. I wish you to test the validity of any probability or hypothesis I am building up in this eBook. Why I say this? Because I believe, reading is a collaborative process. I have internalized and experienced things, which I am sharing with you. I have also gone through long process of learning and unlearning and observed skepticism. All this needs to sink in and get internalized in your consciousness. It shall sink in and get internalized through the same process of learning/unlearning and observed skepticism by you.

Do step in, involve, evolve and optimize your best potentials by partnering into this eBook enterprise. Welcome.



Thanks For Your Magnanimity, The First Chapter Begins...