Psychology Student Survival Guide


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Published: 14 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Based on my experiences as a student and then a lecturer in psychology I've put together a survival guide for psychology students. In producing the Psychology Student Survival Guide I've kept one main thought in mind; namely, if I was to go through my psychology education again - beginning when I first started considering studying psychology, right through to graduation and beyond - what information and resources would I most like to have at my disposal? The primary aim of the Psychology Student Survival Guide, therefore, is to provide an easy to use online reference tool that people can use to quickly locate the information they require.

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David Webb

I have a first class honors degree in psychology and a Masters in Occupational psychology from the University of Sheffield (UK). For a number of years, I was a lecturer in psychology at the University of Huddersfield (UK). I have built and host 3 websites around my teaching & research interests.

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