Mind of Man, An Animal Farm by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


Four types of Citizen


We saw the division of people in a society with four different tastes for entertainment, based on the individual's knowledge levels.


People can be broadly divided into four different groups according to their roles and needs in the society.


What makes the people in each group happy is different. Their dreams and aspirations of each are unique. The Goals they set for themselves are varied.


Thus, as belonging  to a class, each understand their environment and reacted differently in any given situation.


The four groups of people, in fact, are derived from two classes people, namely, those who rule and the other is those who are ruled.


1. Rulers:


Now we have elected leaders in Independent India.


The mandate to them is, to protect citizen's interest and distribute the wealth to citizen, equitably. Indian subcontinent was ruled by aggressors such as Arabs, Turks and European for over 1000 years.


Leaders emerged from the freenations, Sadly, the leaders inherited the aggressor's attitude towards their fellow citizen. The leaders continue to rule how the aggressors did in the past 1000 years.


Like aggressors, the leaders Created wealth and moved it out of the nation's frontiers.


2. Elite : Can be thought of a sub-class of rulers in society. In colonial societies they played second fiddle to the rulers. In modern Governments, the role of elite got reversed. The rulers of the play second-fiddle to Corporate business leaders which are the Elite in the modern society.


The common man, any day, possessed very little to no ability to understand his environment and act to his benefit. They out number several thousand times, the rulers but yet, powerless.


So the kings or rulers in any form need a small team of people who are highly knowledgeable and trust worthy.


They   should also be capable of creating the wealth for the rulers using the natural resources and by paying very little compensation to the common man engaged as laborers.


The ruler assigned the nation's natural resources to that elite group. In colonial times, they were popularly known as Land-lords or Zamindars. They had the status of ruler of a small regions within the country. The common man labored to produce wealth and was compensated by wages.


Aggressors have gone. The nations are ruled by people from their own soil. But everything else remain the same.


In the new dispensation, the business and Industry leaders were created to play the role the Zamindars of the colonial era.


Unlike, the colonial era the rulers held power uninterrupted. The rulers in democratic government do not hold their political power continuously.


But, in a sharp contrast, the elite in democratic societies do hold their economic power always.


This has lead to reversal of ro