Deception Tips Revised And Expanded Edition Sample by Spencer Coffman - HTML preview

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By Spencer Coffman

Also By Spencer Coffman

A Guide To Deception

Relax And Unwind

Work Less Live More

A Healthier You!

Affiliate Marketing Expert

More Facebook Everything

365 Days Of Devotion For Everyone

YouTube Takeover

The End Times Prophecy

Two Sets Of Ten

Deception Tips

Find Us On Pinterest

The Twelve Apostles

Money God’s Way

Start Affiliate Marketing

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the author and/or publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.



First edition. January 2019.

ISBN: 978-1-7294309-0-3 (Paperback)

ISBN: 978-1-3860441-0-9 (Digital)

Copyright © 2019 Spencer Coffman.

Cover Design By Spencer Coffman

All Rights Reserved

Written by Spencer Coffman.

So you think you’re pretty good at reading people?

Wanna be better?

Continue learning the language everyone knows yet very few understand.

Body Language.

You don’t have to be in the dark always wondering if someone actually means what they are saying.

Now you can know. Body language always tells the truth and you have the power to never be deceived again!

No more scams, cons, or getting the wool pulled over your eyes.

It’s time for you to learn MORE about how to detect deception!

How many more times will you wonder whether or not your child is telling the truth?

How often will you fall for the same old story in your relationships?

When’s the next time you’ll miss out on a sale because you couldn’t quite read your target?

The Answer…


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Body language is present everywhere and if you can read it, you will be much better able to see exactly what someone really wants to say.

So how can you read it?


Deception Tips

Revised And Expanded

101 Cues To Detecting Deception

Yeah, that’s right.

Revised AND Expanded.

This book goes in depth. You are going to learn MORE about lies and deceit.


Well, because.

Lies and deception can really take a toll on your emotions and you need to be able to protect yourself and recognize what people are really saying.

When you are able to understand body language you’ll live a more enlightened life!

You’ll finally be able to…

Protect yourself from emotional damage.

Know whether or not you are about to get ripped off.

Start knowing what people are truly saying and learn what they really mean.

Increase your sales capability.

Understand what your kids are saying.

Give your customers exactly what they want but are afraid to ask.

Recognize the needs of your spouse.

The list goes on!

I created this book because people loved Deception Tips, which I created because people loved the Deception Tips Blog, which I created because people loved A Guide To Deception.

Now you have a truly incredible resource in one handy location. You have many of the tips from A Guide To Deception, all of the tips from the blog, and from Deception Tips, explained in detail, in one great location!

The question is: what would you be willing to pay for such a valuable resource.

How much is this knowledge worth to you?

Deception Tips Revised And Expanded is packed with 101 full color images that you can learn from and review on a daily basis. It also has an explanation of each deception tip so you can fully understand it!

In fact, the value is truly priceless.

The good news is I want you to learn. I want you to have this book.

Even though it could easily be sold at high cost textbook price.

It’s yours for this very special price.

That’s right! And you can order it for any electronic device you like on many different online retailers so it’s sure to work for you.

Yes! I’m ready to sharpen my body language skills and start reading people like never before!

Send my copy of “Deception Tips Revised And Expanded” so I can learn even MORE about body language right away!

Order Now!

Table of Contents


101 Cues To Detecting Deception


About The Author

*If at any time you wish to return to the table of contents. Click on the section heading.


Reading people is an incredible topic. People love to try and understand body language and are fascinated with micro-expressions. Everyone wants to know what other people are thinking. People love to learn how to read people. Body language is the language that everybody speaks and very few people understand. However, you have a pretty good understanding of it.

Body language is the ONLY language in the world that always speaks the truth.

Every other language is filled with lies and, deep down, people want the truth.

It is a natural state. We cannot help it. Our unconscious mind is always truthful.

It always tells and wants the truth.

You can train your deceptive conscious mind to recognize lies and find the truth. It is there, in your unconscious and in the unconscious behaviors of other people. That is the purpose of this book. It is to help you dig deeper and learn more about reading people and detecting deception.

As you know, this is a sequel. It is the second book. The first was Deception Tips, which was a book based on the Deception Tips Blog. That was a book filled with images. This book is the revised and expanded edition. That means, instead of only images, this book is filled with descriptive text as well. You will not only see the deception tip, but you’ll also get an explanation of the tip.

I guess this is actually more of a third book in a “greater” series. It all started with A Guide To Deception. Then the Deception Tips Blog and the Deception Tips eBook. After that, the Deception Tips Podcast began along with the Deception Tips Videos. Now, here it is Deception Tips Revised And Expanded.

It seems like people always want more and I have no doubt that once I’ve finished the podcast and the videos that there will be more books or other podcasts. People always want to find the truth and as long as they are seeking a method of finding it then I will continue to help them learn. I will continue to help you learn.

Therefore, be sure to check out the other books I’ve written on body language and deception. Take a look at the Deception Tips Blog, the Deception Tips

Podcast, and the Deception Tips Videos. I’ve even created a website where you can conveniently find each podcast episode and video. It’s cleverly called

Thank you for your interest in this topic. Without you, I would be unable to continue exploring my passion of teaching others how to read people and detect deception. I truly hope you’ll take advantage of the other resources I have to offer and that you’ll enjoy this book.

101 Cues To Detecting


Spencer Coffman

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Deception Tip 1 – Folding Arms Liars will often fold their arms defensively in an unconscious attempt to minimize body language.

Folding arms is a gesture that can have several different meanings. For this reason, it is essential that you look for patterns, and clusters, of behavior rather than relying on any individual behavior. When someone folds his or her arms, it doesn’t always mean that the person is being deceptive. Look at the tip again. It says defensiveness and minimizing body language.

People are defensive when they feel attacked, which may not always be due to not being believed. In addition, some people may minimize their body when they are cold. Another important aspect of arm folding is that men and women fold their arms differently.

Women, due to their anatomy, will fold their arms lower on the torso, usually across the belly. Men, on the other hand, fold their arms higher, usually across the chest. Therefore, if you see women folding their arms higher or men folding their arms lower there could be a different meaning. Perhaps bashfulness for women or stomach pain for men, for example.

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Deception Tip 2 – Dilated Pupils Dilated Pupils are a sign of arousal or keen interest. Beware of pinpoint pupils when others are speaking.

Pupils are great to watch when speaking with someone. They can tell you so much about what is going on inside his or her mind. Remember the old saying,

“the eyes are the windows to the soul”? It is true when it comes to body language. The eyes will give you some great information about how a person really feels.

There are a couple of things to watch for when looking at the pupils and they both fall into one category so it will be easy for you to remember. That is dilation. You need to watch for the dilation of the pupils. This doesn’t mean normal dilation. No, you need to watch for extreme dilation.

When they are extremely dilated, the person likes what he or she is experiencing. When they are extremely narrow, the person doesn’t like what he or she is experiencing. Of course, you also need to be conscious of possible chemical or environmental factors that may cause the pupils to dilate such as drugs, fumes, et cetera.

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Deception Tip 3 – Contradictory Behaviors Contradictory behaviors, such as saying no while nodding yes, are often displayed by liars.

Contradictory behaviors can occur when people lie. This is usually caused by the internal battle that is taking place between the conscious and the unconscious mind. When people lie, the unconscious wants to tell the truth.

The conscious wants to get away with the lie. As a result, the unconscious will leak some truthful behaviors, and these behaviors may contradict the behaviors displayed by the conscious.

Therefore, watch for signs that appear unnatural. You are looking for things that are a little bit odd but not outwardly noticeable. Remember they are unconscious. That means they are unconsciously displayed by the liar and they are also unconsciously seen by you. You need to train yourself to start consciously seeing them.

These contradictions can be between speech and body language, speech alone, or body language alone. Therefore, you need to be on alert at all times. People can say no and nod yes, which would be a contradiction between speech and body language. In addition, they could also nod their head yes while gesturing no with a hand or finger, which is a contradiction between body language alone. There are numerous examples and the best way to learn and understand them is to pay attention in everyday conversation.

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Deception Tip 4 – Physical Tasks While reciting a rehearsed lie, it is difficult to perform physical tasks, such as making coffee. The liar will most likely stand perfectly still with items in hand.

Telling lies can be mentally straining and challenging for some people. Keeping all of the lies straight can require a lot of brainpower. This often means that a person will be so focused on the lie that he or she may not know what is happening around them. This means that sometimes, the liar may not be able to perform basic physical tasks.

Remember there is a battle going on between the conscious and the unconscious. The conscious is fighting to get the lie out and the unconscious is fighting to reveal the truth. In some cases, when the conscious starts telling a lie, the unconscious stops all other unconscious behavior to try to fight the lie.

In doing so, a sign of leakage is displayed.

Notice how I said ‘stops all other unconscious behavior’. This means that the behavior that someone is doing needs to be somewhat of a habit. It needs to be something that they can do almost unconsciously. A behavior like making coffee, which many people can do in their sleep, is a great example.

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Deception Tip 5 – Contractions Guilty people often avoid using contractions as if to emphasize their innocence. Example: using did not instead of didn’t.

When people tell lies, they want to sound truthful. They want people to believe their lie as if it was the truth. This means they may overemphasize what they are saying. The liar will want to make sure that people hear that he or she is innocent. As a result, liars will usually break apart contractions and say each word individually.

This is a little unusual because one would think that a liar would want to get the lie out and over with as soon as possible. Following that reasoning, it would seem that contractions would help serve that purpose. However, that is not the case. A liar may very well want to get the lie out as soon as possible. In addition, they may want to use contractions but the unconscious has other plans.

Remember, the unconscious is very truthful. Therefore, it will break up the contractions in hopes that others will notice the oddity of the liar’s speech and catch the conscious in the lie. So pay attention to people when they speak and see if you notice any broken contractions. It is natural to speak with contractions so when you hear them split apart, some form of deception might be going on.


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And Expanded today!

About The Author

Spencer has been studying human emotions and the meaning behind body language since 2010. He has been certified at the expert level in both the Micro-Expression Training Tool (METT) and the Subtle Expression Training Tool (SETT). Doctor Paul Ekman, who is arguably the founding father of micro-expression research, created these tools.

In 2013, Spencer published new findings regarding humans’ ability to interpret

smiles and in 2015 he published A Guide To Deception, which teaches people how to spot lies. He has also created the Deception Tips Blog, the Deception Tips eBook, the Deception Tips Podcast, and the Deception Tips Videos. To learn more about Spencer, visit his website You may also wish to check out

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