Are Men the Weaker Sex? by Josette Sona - HTML preview

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First edition. May 21, 2018

Copyright © 2018 Josette Sona

ISBN: 978-1370138456

Written by Josette Sona






To my parents - for your love and support

To my husband - who's a real man

To my little Neuma - for your inspiration and laughter



To women everywhere: may your journey through life be filled with

understanding, love, and contentment







Are women the stronger sex?

The answer (in a nutshell) is YES!

Now, you can put the book down and go on your merry way, content with the realization that you have this tidbit of information tucked neatly away under your belt.

Or you're welcome to read on - where I've listed examples of how women are generally stronger than men (and men are generally weaker) and an explanation as to why this is so.  If you suspected this all along and were afraid you were the only person who felt this way, you have lots of company.

You are not alone.

If you read on, you just might recognize;

thoughts you've had yourself, especially when you were treated unfairly (especially by the not-so-fair sex - guys),

thoughts/feelings you might have been told, directly or indirectly,

weren't real - but you knew they were!!, etc.

Even if some women don't believe what's written in this book to be true, if they ever experience it themselves, hopefully they'll remember what they read and it can be a confirmation for them.

I will always provide this book for free as it's not my intention to make a profit from it but rather to point out some of life's realities.  The way I figure it, none of us are born knowing this stuff and we can use all the help we can get - sometimes it's not easy having a man in your life.

I know a lot of women feel bad because they don't have a man in their life but even if you succeed in having a "significant other", there's no guarantee he'll stay "for the long haul".  A woman will often give a guy the best years of her life, only to be replaced by a "newer model" when she's not as young anymore.  (Let's face it, he's no spring chicken, either!)  I'm sure you've heard the joke: when a wife turns 40, her husband replaces her with two 20's.  It would be funny if it wasn't often so true.

You will notice, in this book, I often refer to members of the male persuasion as guys instead of men.  In my opinion, males who act like real men are strong mentally, psychologically, emotionally, etc. and it shows in how they treat others; with dignity and respect.

Guys, on the other hand, are men but they don't necessarily treat others with respect, consideration, etc.  They are often in relationships for "what they can get out of it" - whether the other person is male or female.

They will often be nice to the person until they get what they want, but they won't be sincere.  Gay men (who are often sensitive, in touch with their emotions, etc.) are often on the receiving end of another man's abuse.

One of the reasons there is sexism/misogyny is because women (generally speaking) are the stronger sex - even though we've been told repeatedly, throughout history, that women are the weaker sex.  And a lot of men are often jealous of, threatened by, and even have a hatred for women because of this.  {This creates a potentially dangerous situation which can be likened to someone walking around with a bomb, an infectious disease, etc. - having the ability to cause harm to any innocent person at any given moment.}  The only area that men are stronger (again, generally speaking) is in physical upper body strength.  And guys will often use this to intimidate, bully, and control women because guys are often threatened by someone who is overall stronger than they are. Guys may be intimidated/threatened by other guys who are mentally stronger than they are but they usually don't do anything about it.  Women are easier to intimidate and push around (physically) and guys often take every opportunity they can to do this (as a way of making up for when they can't bully/control other guys or those who have power over them).

In case you may think this book (years in the making) is about male-bashing, please be assured there are many women who have similar characteristics that are listed in this book, especially women in Commonwealth countries such as; Australia, Canada, the UK, etc. - from my personal observation.  It's just I've noticed (even as a child and especially as an adult) that the characteristics listed seem to apply, generally, to the male population.  And, as always, the personality traits mentioned in this book are generalizations - there are always exceptions to the rule and ultimately everyone is an individual.  I'm not mentioning anything that most women haven't probably already come to the conclusion themselves, on some level.

This is just a confirmation of what you've suspected all along.

People who have the characteristics listed in this book were usually abused as children; always emotionally/psychologically/mentally and sometimes physically.  The difference between men and women (generally speaking) is;

when boys are abused, they often grow up to be abusers while

when girls are abused, they often grow up to be abused themselves.





Women are stronger intellectually:

- women generally listen and pay attention when someone is speaking, etc.;

it is often said that men have the attention of a tzetze fly.  (My money's on the tzetze fly.) :) Men often do have short attention spans and tend to "zone out" or let their thoughts wander to other things, especially if they're distracted by - you guessed it - a woman crossing their line of vision.

I recommend generally talking to guys in short sentences, allowing a sufficient amount of time to let what you said sink into his cranium. :)  Men have used the excuse that a woman's voice has a higher pitch and is therefore harder to concentrate on.  But it's a well-known fact that a man often doesn't listen or pay attention to a man any more than he does to a woman.

But rest assured, if it's something he's interested in or if it's in his best interest to listen, he'll give his complete attention.  It is said you can tell which couples in a restaurant have had sex or not by the way a man interacts with his date.  If he;

gives her his undivided attention,

listens to her every word,

maintains eye-contact, etc., it's a safe bet they haven't had sex yet.

- women generally have better memories;

I know.  I can hear the guys, too: "Yeah, that's right.  Women remember everything.  And they never let ya forget it, either!"  First of all; "...women..."? - generalizing!  Second of all; it's not so much that women remember every bad thing a guy has ever done.  It's that a guy often repeats his negative behavior, therefore reminding a woman of his past sins.  There's nothing wrong with having a good memory.  (You won't hear a guy complaining when a woman remembers something that helps him out.)  It's just a lot of guys wished their past mistakes, bad habits, etc. were forgotten.

Men often have good memories for things that are important to them;

sports statistics,

sports players names,

sports players positions on the field (you get the picture!) ;)

And if a woman has done something negative to him, you can be guaranteed he probably won't forget in a hurry, either.  A woman will often "let stuff slide" or ignore/not comment on something negative a man does but a guy (generally speaking) rarely lets a woman "get away with anything".  He'll often not hesitate to point out when a woman does something wrong.

Many women feel bad when her husband/boyfriend doesn't remember her birthday, anniversary, etc.  She knows he can remember things that are important to him so she can't help but wonder: "How much does he care about me?"





Women are stronger physically {shocker, I know!}:

- women generally have stronger thighs;

which is a good thing because we use our thighs when lifting (or at least we should) and even though men traditionally have physically demanding jobs (or at least they did before everything-and-his-dog became automated :-)) ), women have always had (and still have) their fair share of having to push against gravity - the true definition of lifting - whilst fulfilling their many duties/daily responsibilities.

When guys say: "You girls" {...girls...? More on that later} "have it easy.  Us guys do all the heavy lifting", I calmly suggest they try lifting a toddler/small child umpteen times a day - children who have the uncanny ability to portray the scientific definition of dead weight in two seconds flat!! :-))

We often use our legs in sports and most importantly of all, in defense against those who wish us harm.  Now I'm in favor of live-and-let-live, do onto others as you would have them do onto you, etc., but not everyone lives by this philosophy.  When you encounter someone who doesn't live by this philosophy, you have the option of;

talking (in the hopes of reaching some humane part of them - which, unfortunately, often doesn't work),

running away (which always isn't an option) or

fighting back.  One way of fighting back is connecting your knee with his groin.  {I hear it's very effective!}  And this is where strong thighs come in handy (along with running away from the individual after you've arranged for his wife/girlfriend to possibly never have to worry about taking birth control ever again). ;)

- women generally have a higher pain threshold;

women often endure repeated physical beatings by their (usually male) partners only to have to act like nothing happened.

Who amongst us hasn't heard: "If men had to go through childbirth, they'd get their tubes tied after the first baby"?  Men often complain about a slight injury as if it requires an ambulance to the nearest trauma center - stat! :-))

- premature newborn girls have a higher survival rate than premature newborn boys,

- women have proven themselves to be strong, resilient, etc. in the military, in physically demanding jobs, etc.;

even if military personnel have non-physically demanding duties, they still need to complete basic training, obstacle courses, etc.

- women usually take care of relatives who are elderly, have illnesses, special needs, etc. (which is often physically demanding), while taking care of their own immediate family,

- women often work outside of the home as well as primarily taking care of the house, children, (their husbands!), cooking, etc., all the while having to function on little sleep;

traditionally, women would stay at home (full time) after getting married and especially after having children.  As she became older, her husband would often leave her for someone (usually) younger, prettier, etc.  This put the wife/mother in an awkward situation as she often had great difficulty finding employment outside the home.

Many men (who often do the hiring) feel a woman's brain turns to "mush" when a woman stays home and raises her family.  (Those men probably never tried to run a household and raise children, which can include a wide spectrum of skills including; teaching,


behavioral psychologist,

accountant, etc.  {I've only scratched the surface.  If I listed all the duties/responsibilities a wife and mother has to have - or anyone who takes care of a home and children - this would be a two volume box-set book!})

Anyway, as I was saying, women learned the hard way (from personal experience, from observing their mothers, etc.) that they couldn't afford the luxury of leaving the workforce after "settling down" and raising a family.  Thus many women now hold-down two jobs;

one outside the home and

one when they come home.  Marriage (and family life) is often very hard on women.





Women are stronger emotionally, mentally, psychologically, behaviorally:

- women generally don't give up on all men just because one man has hurt her;

and it's a good thing that women are strong enough to not judge all men the same after one man has hurt her.  If women did, there'd be a lot of lonely guys walking around!  I mean, what person alive hasn't been hurt by someone from the opposite gender?  If a man is hurt by one woman, he may not be strong enough to put himself in another situation where he can (potentially) get hurt again.  He may generalize and say all women are the same and vow to "never fall in love again.  I'll just use women from now on."  (Personally, I think it may be an excuse to justify using women for what he can "get out of her".)

- women are generally more in touch with their feelings;

women fall in love easily,

if women are sad/hurt, they'll handle the pain in a more healthy way by releasing it in the form of crying or some other outlet.  Fathers will often teach their sons (through word and example) to not show emotion, feelings, etc.  Daughters observe this and when they grow up and become mothers, they will (sadly) often raise their sons to be "tough and strong" and not show emotion.  Even if a mother allows her son to be his true sensitive self, the father will often undermine her authority, criticize, and accuse her of turning their son into a "mama's boy", a sissy, etc.

- women are generally more forgiving and trusting;

a woman often forgives "her cheatin' man" and takes him back.  A guy often leaves/divorces a woman who's been unfaithful to him and never takes her back.  If he does take her back, he often does so in order to "make her pay for what she did" to him. He'll often physically and sexually assault her, stalk her, seek revenge for "her betrayal", and (too often) kills her.

A woman often goes back to her abusive partner and gives him another chance (in case "things work out" or "he'll change"), all the while making excuses for him/defending him (in the way of explaining his behavior) to her family and friends.

Women are often more trustworthy and therefore more trusting, believing what a man tells her.  For example;

when a man says he wants to online chat with a woman, she'll believe it's an innocent chat but the man will often use it to masturbate,

when a man asks a woman out to dinner, she thinks that's what his intentions are when, in fact, his intentions are to have sex with her for "dessert",

when a man asks a woman for nude pictures of herself and swears he'll never show them to anyone, she'll often give them to him - only to find out (later on) that all his friends have seen the pictures and they've since been uploaded to the internet for the whole world, literally, to see, etc.

- women are usually willing to commit to a long-term relationship while guys often prefer to have a one-night stand or a casual affair that doesn't last long so he can "get out of it before it gets too messy, complicated", etc.;

men often go to great lengths to be intimate with a woman but then after the intimacy is over, he acts like nothing transpired between them.  He had his pleasure, he got what he wanted, and now he wants to leave.  Or to use a term often used by guys: "catch and release".  What is she, a fish?!

- women "feel the fear" and do what needs to be done anyway;

many men don't face problems, ignoring them, hoping they'll go away.  For example, so many men refuse to go to the doctor/dentist, hoping the problem will just "disappear on its own" - often making a bad situation worse.

Many men drop off their wives/girlfriends at the hospital when she's about to go into labor so he can escape to the nearest bar and not think about "all that pain".  If only women had that luxury!!

- women generally aren't as superficial/shallow;

women often fall in love with someone without any ulterior motive, including someone who isn't rich, good looking, has power, etc.

On the other hand, men will often only be interested in a woman if there's something in it for him.  What's the first thing that often comes out of a guy's mouth when two guys are talking and one says to the other: "I just met this woman"?  Ladies, let's all say it together: "IS SHE PRETTY?" (or words to that effect).  {Would he be talking about meeting her if she wasn't pretty??}

But guys might have a good reason for speaking this way.  Ya wanna hear my theory? Ok, it's like this; we already know that sex is preeeety important to a guy.  (It's also important to women but women, being the stronger gender, can usually exercise self-control, can focus on other things for more than a few minutes at a time, etc.)  Now the reason why sex is so important to a guy is because of that almighty O.  (No, I'm not talking about Oprah.  I'm talking about an orgasm - which, by the way, most men can only have one in a given amount of time while women can have multiple orgasms in the same amount of time.  Another area where women are stronger: performance!) :)

Ok, back to what I was saying: orgasms.  In order for a man to have an orgasm, he needs to have an erection.  In order for him to have an erection, he needs to be sexually stimulated in some way - either physically and/or visually.  If he doesn't have something sexually arousing to look at, he might not be able to get an erection and ultimately an orgasm.  (I suspect this is one of the reasons a guy who has successfully seduced a rich, unattractive woman - so he can get access to her wealth - will often want to have sex with her from behind.  He doesn't have to look at her but, instead, can think of someone else who's more attractive.)

The main reasons some guys try to get involved with women are;


and or money

and or power

and or material possessions.

Guys often compliment a woman when he wants something from her.  Did you know "You're so beautiful" is man-speak for "I want to have sex with you"?

- women generally aren't as judgmental;

This also touches on what we just talked about.  A guy often judges a woman by her looks alone and will dismiss what she says or does if he considers her "ugly".  If she isn't beautiful, or at least pretty, he might not want to have anything to do with her (unless she can do something for him.  Guys are often nice to a plain/unattractive girl or woman so she'll; do his homework, complete his project/presentation before the meeting with the boss, etc.) 

This character flaw ultimately hurts men.  How many men could have had the best friend/companion/partner-in-life if only he took the time to know a woman for who she really was rather than decide if she was good enough for him, based on her looks?  But he'll never know this happiness because he wasn't strong enough to look past the surface.

Guys often criticize women for doing what men generally do (so as to deflect - taking the focus away from themselves and putting it on the women).  Guys often say;

"Women are...",

"Women don't...",

"Women can't...", etc. but what they're really talking about is a characteristic found more often in men.  It's a form of (attempted) brainwashing: if guys make these statements often enough, hopefully they'll convince others that it's the truth.  But, fortunately, a lot of women (who are generally smarter and more observant) know better. ;)

When I hear a guy make a general (usually negative) statement towards women, I immediately ask myself: "Does what he's saying apply to men more than women?"  And the answer is usually yes.  I got into the habit of doing this because I was so tired of hearing myself say: "Hey, what he's saying applies to men more than women!"  But if a woman points this out to a guy, he often dismisses/discredits what she says by saying: "Look, you're making a big deal out of nothing."  (Though I noticed a guy won't think it's "nothing" if someone says the same thing about men!)

If a guy insults/abuses me, I ask him would he be ok with a guy treating a woman (he cared about) the same way he just treated me?  If the answer is no - or if he doesn't answer {I take that to mean his answer is no but he just doesn't want to admit it}, then I know I'm not;

"making a big deal out of nothing",

that I have every right to be hurt and offended by his actions towards me,

I have every right to speak up and say something,


Other comebacks a lot of guys use are;

"Oh, lighten up, you women {again, generalizing! - grrrrr!} take things too seriously" - (it's interesting how a guy usually doesn't think it's "funny" when he's on the receiving end of negative generalized statements),

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" - except for a man scorned!  (Please see the section on forgiving.)

And my 'favorite': "Is it that time of the month?" - to which I politely reply: "Why?  Do you only act like a jerk certain times of the month?") :-))

Now I'm not a mind-reader, mind you, but I'd bet dollars to donuts the next thing he says (under his breathe) is: "B*tch!"  If a guy ever calls me a b*tch, I calmly reply: "Well, I am female and I like dogs."  (I say this even if I don't like dogs but only like cats, for example.  I refuse to give him the satisfaction that he succeeded in insulting me!) ;) "Dogs are loyal, hard-working, faithful, man's-best-friend, so thank you for the compliment."  Or if I'm pressed for time, I just call out: "Bow!  Wow!" with a smile (showing my pearly whites - dogs have teeth, right? ;) ) and a salute - if I'm feeling generous that day. 

Another favorite name guys often call women is: wh*re.  (Please replace the * with an "o" and please forgive my having to use such disrespectful language.)  If a guy ever calls me a wh*re, I calmly reply: "I never got payed for it." ;) and "Are you just jealous because some women are smart enough to get payed for something a lot of guys can't even give away?"  To which he possibly responds by calling me some other unflattering names but hopefully I'm far away from him by then.  I would, however, suggest not engaging in this verbal back and forth unless you're in a safe place with witnesses who "have your back" and you have a safe exit strategy.  A lot of guys don't like to be "bested" in any kind of interaction (especially by a woman) and can often lose their temper and become nasty and/or violent.  His belligerence isn't worth you putting yourself in danger just to tell him he didn't succeed in insulting you and his nastiness didn't affect you.  Better you should keep these clever comebacks to yourself and share them, later on, with friends. ;)

I know I'm making light of this situation but it can be stressful and very upsetting to be spoken to and treated like this. (We are in touch with our emotions. ;) )  Guys often speak and think like this because they don't like themselves and ultimately don't like others.  (More on this later on. ;) ) 

It's often scary for a woman when a man is verbally abusive.  It can be intimidating, which is why a lot of guys adopt this kind of behavior.  It's often in the back of a woman's mind: "Is he going to stop at just being verbally abusive or is he going to start being physically abusive?"  Now I'm not saying anything that guys pro

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