Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Potential of Human Intellect Is Infinite. Tragically, only a handful even thinks of the journey of the ‘Infinite’. Less embark on it; lesser trek a distance of definitiveness! Localized, partial and instinctive Consciousness prohibits and restricts journeys of mind. The specific purpose and pursuits of life-living may be diverse; the singular generic attainment however, is Optimization of Potential of every single human being born and alive. Cultures that do not ensure mass ‘Optimization’ of People-Potential through Knowledge-Actualization are DEAD. The question is – Are contemporary cultures graveyards of Dead Intellect…? Are most people moving their bodies but mind is rooted like trees? Do mass majority of men and women even know what their ‘True Potential’ is? Do we need Change? Probably; complete Reconstruction! Of what? … Of REALITY; the contemporary, populist ‘Intellect’ is so trigger-happily ‘Illusioned’ to accept; since ages. If only; it could be possible for ‘self-validated’ egoistic ‘I’ to accept ‘Reality’ beyond its culturally installed Cognitive Empire! Can happen; happens; very rarely.

Optimism alone is Immortal…!
