Studies in the psychology of sex, volume VI. Sex in Relation to Society by Havelock Ellis. - HTML preview

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Part of the Marriage

System--The Complex Causation of Prostitution--The

Motives Assigned by

Prostitutes--(1) Economic Factor of Prostitution--

Poverty Seldom the Chief

Motive for Prostitution--But Economic Pressure Exerts a Real

Influence--The Large Proportion of Prostitutes Recruited from Domestic

Service--Significance of This Fact--(2) The Biological Factor of

Prostitution--The So-called Born-Prostitute--Alleged

Identity with the

Born-Criminal--The Sexual Instinct in Prostitutes--The Physical and

Psychic Characters of Prostitutes--(3) Moral Necessity as a Factor in the

Existence of Prostitution--The Moral Advocates of

Prostitution--The Moral

Attitude of Christianity Towards Prostitution--The

Attitude of

Protestantism--Recent Advocates of the Moral Necessity of

Prostitution--(4) Civilizational Value as a Factor of


Influence of Urban Life--The Craving for Excitement--Why Servant-girls so

Often Turn to Prostitution--The Small Part Played by


Come Largely from the Country--The Appeal of

Civilization Attracts Women

to Prostitution--The Corresponding Attraction Felt by

Men--The Prostitute

as Artist and Leader of Fashion--The Charm of Vulgarity.

IV. _The Present Social Attitude Towards Prostitution:_-

-The Decay of the

Brothel--The Tendency to the Humanization of

Prostitution--The Monetary

Aspects of Prostitution--The Geisha--The Hetaira--The

Moral Revolt Against

Prostitution--Squalid Vice Based on Luxurious Virtue--

The Ordinary

Attitude Towards Prostitutes--Its Cruelty Absurd--The

Need of Reforming

Prostitution--The Need of Reforming Marriage--These Two Needs Closely

Correlated--The Dynamic Relationships Involved.



The Significance of the Venereal Diseases--The History of Syphilis--The

Problem of Its Origin--The Social Gravity of Syphilis--

The Social Dangers

of Gonorrhoea--The Modern Change in the Methods of

Combating Venereal

Diseases--Causes of the Decay of the System of Police


of Facing the Facts--The Innocent Victims of Venereal


Not Crimes--The Principle of Notification--The


System--Gratuitous Treatment--Punishment For


Venereal Diseases--Sexual Education in Relation to


Diseases--Lectures, Etc.--Discussion in Novels and on

the Stage--The

"Disgusting" Not the "Immoral".



Prostitution in Relation to Our Marriage System--

Marriage and

Morality--The Definition of the Term "Morality"--

Theoretical Morality--Its

Division Into Traditional Morality and Ideal Morality--


Morality--Practical Morality Based on Custom--The Only Subject of

Scientific Ethics--The Reaction Between Theoretical and Practical

Morality--Sexual Morality in the Past an Application of Economic

Morality--The Combined Rigidity and Laxity of This


Growth of a Specific Sexual Morality and the Evolution of Moral

Ideals--Manifestations of Sexual Morality--Disregard of the Forms of

Marriage--Trial Marriage--Marriage After Conception of Child--Phenomena in

Germany, Anglo-Saxon Countries, Russia, etc.--The Status of Woman--The

Historical Tendency Favoring Moral Equality of Women

with Men--The Theory

of the Matriarchate--Mother-Descent--Women in Babylonia-


Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries--The Historical


Favoring Moral Inequality of Woman--The Ambiguous

Influence of

Christianity--Influence of Teutonic Custom and


in England--The Sale of Wives--The Vanishing Subjection of

Woman--Inaptitude of the Modern Man to Domineer--The

Growth of Moral

Responsibility in Women--The Concomitant Development of Economic

Independence--The Increase of Women Who Work--Invasion of the Modern

Industrial Field by Women--In How Far This Is Socially Justifiable--The

Sexual Responsibility of Women and Its Consequences--The Alleged Moral

Inferiority of Women--The "Self-Sacrifice" of Women--

Society Not

Concerned with Sexual Relationships--Procreation the

Sole Sexual Concern

of the State--The Supreme Importance of Maternity.



The Definition of Marriage--Marriage Among Animals--The Predominance of

Monogamy--The Question of Group Marriage--Monogamy a

Natural Fact, Not

Based on Human Law--The Tendency to Place the Form of

Marriage Above the

Fact of Marriage--The History of Marriage--Marriage in Ancient

Rome--Germanic Influence on Marriage--Bride-Sale--The

Ring--The Influence

of Christianity on Marriage--The Great Extent of this


Sacrament of Matrimony--Origin and Growth of the


Conception--The Church Made Marriage a Public Act--Canon Law--Its Sound

Core--Its Development--Its Confusions and Absurdities--

Peculiarities of

English Marriage Law--Influence of the Reformation on


Protestant Conception of Marriage as a Secular Contract-

-The Puritan

Reform of Marriage--Milton as the Pioneer of Marriage

Reform--His Views on

Divorce--The Backward Position of England in Marriage

Reform--Criticism of

the English Divorce Law--Traditions of the Canon Law

Still Persistent--The

Question of Damages for Adultery--Collusion as a Bar to Divorce--Divorce in France, Germany, Austria, Russia,

etc.--The United

States--Impossibility of Deciding by Statute the Causes for

Divorce--Divorce by Mutual Consent--Its Origin and

Development--Impeded by

the Traditions of Canon Law--Wilhelm von Humboldt--

Modern Pioneer

Advocates of Divorce by Mutual Consent--The Arguments

Against Facility of

Divorce--The Interests of the Children--The Protection of Women--The

Present Tendency of the Divorce Movement--Marriage Not a Contract--The

Proposal of Marriage for a Term of Years--Legal

Disabilities and

Disadvantages in the Position of the Husband and the

Wife--Marriage Not a

Contract But a Fact--Only the Non-Essentials of

Marriage, Not the

Essentials, a Proper Matter for Contract--The Legal

Recognition of

Marriage as a Fact Without Any Ceremony--Contracts of

the Person Opposed

to Modern Tendencies--The Factor of Moral

Responsibility--Marriage as an

Ethical Sacrament--Personal Responsibility Involves

Freedom--Freedom the

Best Guarantee of Stability--False Ideas of

Individualism--Modern Tendency

of Marriage--With the Birth of a Child Marriage Ceases to be a Private

Concern--Every Child Must Have a Legal Father and

Mother--How This Can be

Effected--The Firm Basis of Monogamy--The Question of


Variations--Such Variations Not Inimical to Monogamy--

The Most Common

Variations--The Flexibility of Marriage Holds Variations in

Check--Marriage Variations _versus_ Prostitution--

Marriage on a Reasonable

and Humane Basis--Summary and Conclusion.



Marriage Not Only for Procreation--Theologians on the


Solationis_--Importance of the _Art of Love_--The Basis of Stability in

Marriage and the Condition for Right Procreation--The

Art of Love the

Bulwark Against Divorce--The Unity of Love and Marriage a Principle of

Modern Morality--Christianity and the Art of Love--Ovid-

-The Art of Love

Among Primitive Peoples--Sexual Initiation in Africa and Elsewhere--The

Tendency to Spontaneous Development of the Art of Love in Early

Life--Flirtation--Sexual Ignorance in Women--The

Husband's Place in Sexual

Initiation--Sexual Ignorance in Men--The Husband's

Education for

Marriage--The Injury Done by the Ignorance of Husbands--

The Physical and

Mental Results of Unskilful Coitus--Women Understand the Art of Love

Better Than Men--Ancient and Modern Opinions Concerning Frequency of

Coitus--Variation in Sexual Capacity--The Sexual

Appetite--The Art of Love

Based on the Biological Facts of Courtship--The Art of Pleasing Women--The

Lover Compared to the Musician--The Proposal as a Part of

Courtship--Divination in the Art of Love--The Importance of the

Preliminaries in Courtship--The Unskilful Husband

Frequently the Cause of

the Frigid Wife--The Difficulty of Courtship--

Simultaneous Orgasm--The

Evils of Incomplete Gratification in Women--Coitus


Reservatus--The Human Method of Coitus--Variations in

Coitus--Posture in

Coitus--The Best Time for Coitus--The Influence of

Coitus in Marriage--The

Advantages of Absence in Marriage--The Risks of Absence-


Primitive Function of Jealousy--Its Predominance Among Animals, Savages,

etc, and in Pathological States--An Anti-Social Emotion-


Incompatible With the Progress of Civilization--The

Possibility of Loving

More Than One Person at a Time--Platonic Friendship--The Conditions Which

Make It Possible--The Maternal Element in Woman's Love--

The Final

Development of Conjugal Love--The Problem of Love One of the Greatest Of

Social Questions.



The Relationship of the Science of Procreation to the

Art of Love--Sexual

Desire and Sexual Pleasure as the Conditions of


Formerly Left to Caprice and Lust--The Question of

Procreation as a

Religious Question--The Creed of Eugenics--Ellen Key and Sir Francis

Galton--Our Debt to Posterity--The Problem of Replacing Natural

Selection--The Origin and Development of Eugenics--The General Acceptance

of Eugenical Principles To-day--The Two Channels by

Which Eugenical

Principles are Becoming Embodied in Practice--The Sense of Sexual

Responsibility in Women--The Rejection of Compulsory


Privilege of Voluntary Motherhood--Causes of the

Degradation of

Motherhood--The Control of Conception--Now Practiced by the Majority of

the Population in Civilized Countries--The Fallacy of


Suicide"--Are Large Families a Stigma of Degeneration?--


Control the Outcome of Natural and Civilized Progress--

The Growth of

Neo-Malthusian Beliefs and Practices--Facultative

Sterility as Distinct

from Neo-Malthusianism--The Medical and Hygienic

Necessity of Control of

Conception--Preventive Methods--Abortion--The New

Doctrine of the Duty to

Practice Abortion--How Far is this Justifiable?--

Castration as a Method of

Controlling Procreation--Negative Eugenics and Positive Eugenics--The

Question of Certificates for Marriage--The Inadequacy of Eugenics by Act

of Parliament--The Quickening of the Social Conscience in Regard to

Heredity--Limitations to the Endowment of Motherhood--

The Conditions

Favorable to Procreation--Sterility--The Question of


Fecundation--The Best Age of Procreation--The Question of Early

Motherhood--The Best Time for Procreation--The

Completion of the Divine

Cycle of Life.



The Child's Right to Choose Its Ancestry--How This is

Effected--The Mother

the Child's Supreme Parent--Motherhood and the Woman

Movement--The Immense

Importance of Motherhood--Infant Mortality and Its

Causes--The Chief Cause

in the Mother--The Need of Rest During Pregnancy--

Frequency of Premature

Birth--The Function of the State--Recent Advance in


Question of Coitus During Pregnancy--The Need of Rest


Lactation--The Mother's Duty to Suckle Her Child--The


Question--The Duty of the State--Recent Progress in the Protection of the

Mother--The Fallacy of State Nurseries.

A man's sexual nature, like all else that is most

essential in him, is

rooted in a soil that was formed very long before his

birth. In this, as

in every other respect, he draws the elements of his

life from his

ancestors, however new the recombination may be and

however greatly it may

be modified by subsequent conditions. A man's destiny

stands not in the

future but in the past. That, rightly considered, is the most vital of all

vital facts. Every child thus has a right to choose his own ancestors.

Naturally he can only do this vicariously, through his parents. It is the

most serious and sacred duty of the future father to

choose one half of

the ancestral and hereditary character of his future

child; it is the most

serious and sacred duty of the future mother to make a similar choice.[1]

In choosing each other they have between them chosen the whole ancestry of

their child. They have determined the stars that will

rule his fate.

In the past that fateful determination has usually been made helplessly,

ignorantly, almost unconsciously. It has either been

guided by an

instinct which, on the whole, has worked out fairly

well, or controlled by

economic interests of the results of which so much

cannot be said, or left

to the risks of lower than bestial chances which can

produce nothing but

evil. In the future we cannot but have faith--for all

the hope of humanity

must rest on that faith--that a new guiding impulse,

reinforcing natural

instinct and becoming in time an inseparable

accompaniment of it, will

lead civilized man on his racial course. Just as in the past the race has,

on the whole, been moulded by a natural, and in part

sexual, selection,

that was unconscious of itself and ignorant of the ends it made towards,

so in the future the race will be moulded by deliberate selection, the

creative energy of Nature becoming self-conscious in the civilized brain

of man. This is not a faith which has its source in a

vague hope. The

problems of the individual life are linked on to the

fate of the racial

life, and again and again we shall find as we ponder the individual

questions we are here concerned with, that at all points they ultimately

converge towards this same racial end.

Since we have here, therefore, to follow out the sexual relationships of

the individual as they bear on society, it will be

convenient at this

point to put aside the questions of ancestry and to

accept the individual

as, with hereditary constitution already determined, he lies in his

mother's womb.

It is the mother who is the child's supreme parent. At various points in

zoölogical evolution it has seemed possible that the

functions that we now

know as those of maternity would be largely and even

equally shared by the

male parent. Nature has tried various experiments in

this direction, among

the fishes, for instance, and even among birds. But

reasonable and

excellent as these experiments were, and though they

were sufficiently

sound to secure their perpetuation unto this day, it

remains true that it

was not along these lines that Man was destined to

emerge. Among all the

mammal predecessors of Man, the male is an imposing and important figure

in the early days of courtship, but after conception has once been secured

the mother plays the chief part in the racial life. The male must be

content to forage abroad and stand on guard when at home in the

ante-chamber of the family. When she has once been

impregnated the female

animal angrily rejects the caresses she had welcomed so coquettishly

before, and even in Man the place of the father at the birth of his child

is not a notably dignified or comfortable one. Nature

accords the male but

a secondary and comparatively humble place in the home, the breeding-place

of the race; he may compensate himself if he will, by

seeking adventure

and renown in the world outside. The mother is the

child's supreme parent,

and during the period from conception to birth the

hygiene of the future

man can only be affected by influences which work

through her.

Fundamental and elementary as is the fact of the

predominant position of

the mother in relation to the life of the race,

incontestable as it must

seem to all those who have traversed the volumes of

these _Studies_ up to

the present point, it must be admitted that it has

sometimes been

forgotten or ignored. In the great ages of humanity it has indeed been

accepted as a central and sacred fact. In classic Rome at one period the

house of the pregnant woman was adorned with garlands, and in Athens it

was an inviolable sanctuary where even the criminal

might find shelter.

Even amid the mixed influences of the exuberantly vital times which

preceded the outburst of the Renaissance, the ideally

beautiful woman, as

pictures still show, was the pregnant woman. But it has not always been

so. At the present time, for instance, there can be no doubt that we are

but beginning to emerge from a period during which this fact was often

disputed and denied, both in theory and in practice,

even by women

themselves. This was notably the case both in England

and America, and it

is probably owing in large part to the unfortunate

infatuation which led

women in these lands to follow after masculine ideals

that at the present

moment the inspirations of progress in women's movements come mainly

to-day from the women of other lands. Motherhood and the future of the

race were systematically belittled. Paternity is but a mere incident, it

was argued, in man's life: why should maternity be more than a mere

incident in woman's life? In England, by a curiously

perverted form of

sexual attraction, women were so fascinated by the

glamour that surrounded

men that they desired to suppress or forget all the

facts of organic

constitution which made them unlike men, counting their glory as their

shame, and sought the same education as men, the same

occupations as men,

even the same sports. As we know, there was at the

origin an element of

rightness in this impulse.[2] It was absolutely right in so far as it was

a claim for freedom from artificial restriction, and a demand for economic

independence. But it became mischievous and absurd when it developed into

a passion for doing, in all respects, the same things as men do; how

mischievous and how absurd we may realize if we imagine men developing a

passion to imitate the ways and avocations of women.

Freedom is only good

when it is a freedom to follow the laws of one's own

nature; it ceases to

be freedom when it becomes a slavish attempt to imitate others, and would

be disastrous if it could be successful.[3]

At the present day this movement on the theoretical side has ceased to

possess any representatives who exert serious influence.

Yet its practical

results are still prominently exhibited in England and the other countries

in which it has been felt. Infantile mortality is

enormous, and in England

at all events is only beginning to show a tendency to

diminish; motherhood

is without dignity, and the vitality of mothers is

speedily crushed, so

that often they cannot so much as suckle their infants; ignorant

girl-mothers give their infants potatoes and gin; on

every hand we are

told of the evidence of degeneracy in the race, or if

not in the race, at

all events, in the young individuals of to-day.

It would be out of place, and would lead us too far,

to discuss

here these various practical outcomes of the foolish

attempt to

belittle the immense racial importance of

motherhood. It is

enough here to touch on the one point of the excess

of infantile


In England--which is not from the social point of

view in a very

much worse condition than most countries, for in

Austria and

Russia the infant mortality is higher still, though

in Australia

and New Zealand much lower, but still excessive--

more than

one-fourth of the total number of deaths every year

is of infants

under one year of age. In the opinion of medical

officers of

health who are in the best position to form an

opinion, about

one-half of this mortality, roughly speaking, is


preventable. Moreover, it is doubtful whether there

is any real

movement of decrease in this mortality; during the

past half

century it has sometimes slightly risen and

sometimes slightly

fallen, and though during the past few years the

general movement

of mortality for children under five in England and

Wales has

shown a tendency to decrease, in London (according

to J.F.J.

Sykes, although Sir Shirley Murphy has attempted to

minimize the

significance of these figures) the infantile

mortality rate for

the first three months of life actually rose from 69

per 1,000 in

the period 1888-1892 to 75 per 1,000 in the period


(This refers, it must be remembered, to the period