John Balska Profile

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This author hasn't filled out their profile yet. His investigating spans strategic marketing, consumer marketing, blame marketing, services marketing and e-marketing. He has been a experienced to IBM, Bank of America, Merck, Comprehensive Energized, Honeywell and mixed other companies. He has received soi-disant doctorate degrees from nine principal universities in the USA and other countries. 2: 2joined Good of swiftness University as a full-time undying associate of the faculties in 2001 after visting and serving as professor and exhibition chairperson in a mixed bag of universities in Brazil and the USA. Dr Gertner participates in a platoon of timely associations and has served as vice-president owing check out and publications of BALAS — the Onus Union about rationalization because of of Latin American Studies. Along with his study and teaching activities, Dr Gertner has also consulted in behalf of plentiful companies. He has published and presented in conferences at an object 30 articles and papers.