Jerry McGowan Profile

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The Place is my first published book. I have written more then fifteen to date, but this is the first in a series and I am excited to share the next two books with you. Stay tuned for fall of 2013! My website will be up and ready


Missoula, Montana


3rd November 1948

I am a simple man who has been fortunate to have had some amazing experiences. I am of the belief that "we are not human beings here for a spiritual experience, rather we are spirit beings, here for a human experience! The Place is my first published work and will be followed by two additional works in the trilogy. I also see all beings as equal under the eyes of a God that loves everything He createed and creates with equal love.

I am an avid musicain playing guitar and piano, I am the president of Flexsolate, LLC, and my passion is writing, nature, and everything outdoors!