United States of North America: an e-Direct Democracy by Ben Caesar - HTML preview

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No nation exists forever. Things change. Borders change. People get diversified. Religions evolve. New races emerge out of interracial intergasms. USA will not live on forever. God will not bless USA forever. USA has existed — in various forms — since 1776 AD. Its borders will change. Either you evolve or devolve. USA has to evolve — in order to survive and become better. Time for USNA, "United States of North America" — an e-Direct Democracy that is much better than the current bipartisan — corrupted and pointless — representative democracy

The political environment in present day America is bleak. It is pointless. Corrupt rich elitist politicians rule this country. We need a change. We need the power to go back to the people instead of the ruling monopolist oligarchic pseudo-fascist politicians — who are themselves owned and controlled by the hidden powers that actually control the world.

Instead of not doing anything about it, we the people need to force a change in the system. We need an American revolution that will change America, and then the world. We need e-direct democracy. This is an age of twitter, instagram, facebook, snapchat, and other apps. We can simply develop an app through which people can register in to vote ONLINE — without any possibility of election rigging or hacking by the Russians — and the people get to decide the policies, amendments to the constitutions, and everything else that the corrupt politicians get bribed to modify to whoever pays them to do their bidding.

How about an APP named "E-Vote"?

You would vote for a particular person from the public — who is willing to do it — to represent the people who voted for them? And their job is only to work as servants of the public. The public decides the policies. The public is the judge, jury and the executioner. The public decides who the next judge is. The public decides whether a person is guilty or not. Everything is online. Everyone is involved. Every citizen of United States of North America has access to the internet and all the facilities that are basic human needs. No more homeless people. No need for jobs. Most of the work is done by the machines.

Everyone gets to have basic welfare and healthcare. If they want to get rich, sure go ahead!

But every citizen is equal in the eyes of the law. Every citizen has basic welfare income of 50,000 USNA dollars or more.

It would be technocratic. Those qualified for the job would be allowed to be put in the list of eligible candidates, and people would vote them in or out. There would be an e-Senate. There would be an e-Congress. There would be e-High Courts. e-Supreme Courts.

There would be no power structure. Switzerland has a form of direct democracy. But it is not electronic yet.

No more Bill Clinton. No more Obama. No more George Bush. No more Hillary Clinton. No more Donald Trump. No more Chelsea Clinton or Ivanka Trump. Yes folks, Ivanka and Chelsea will compete each other for the Presidency in the near future. I don't like a future in which dynasties rule the world. There shouldn't be a British monarchy. There shouldn't be arabic kingdoms. If we believe in true democracy, then e-direct democracy is the true democracy of the future.

This would be a world in which Hyper-Capitalism and Hyper-Socialism co-exist and form a bond. It will be complex. It will be glorious. People will watch technocrats on live feeds, and they get to decide who is capable and who isn't, and they get to vote the incompetent people out!

Politics will be an E-Reality TV/Internet; the ordinary people will be more involved than ever.

Every citizen will have basic private property that he/she/it can increase the numbers of.


The borders will remain, but heavy investment will happen in Mexico, modernizing the country for the next 100 years. If Mexico becomes as good as USA, then Mexican territories will be incorporated and Mexican States will be the new states of United States of North America.


The border will remain, and the hyper-liberals can move up and down from USA to Canada and back. Single Passport. Those who are conservative can move down from Canada to USA and live in the 'red states'.

I think we all know that borders are man-made. I imagine a future in which there is a One World Government, and the rich elites aren't controlling the resources of this beautiful planet. Every human being will be controlling it!

We will then look forward to exploring Space and settling in other planets of the nearest habitable galaxies. The future is bright. Do not get bogged down by the few elites who want to rule everything and ruin the fun for the rest of us.