The USA, Russia, China Triangle and the Fall of the Soviet Union by Iakovos Alhadeff - HTML preview

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The KGB Breaks the Soviet Union


It is very naïve to assume that the Soviet Union fall because of its economic problems, or because of the poverty of its people. The Soviet Union was run by KGB, and it still is. The Soviet Union had tremendous powers to terrorize the Soviet population. Nobody would dare to openly criticize the Communist Party.


Look at what happens in North Korea, which is a Communist country of 25 million inhabitants, with a GDP of only 40 billion dollars. And yet nobody dares to complain, because the Communist Party will execute them if they dare to do so. The KGB had a lot more power than North Korea in terrorizing its population.


Picture Kim Jong Un, Dictator of North Korea and Grand Son of the founder of the North Korean Communist Party (Kim Il Sung)



Revolutions occur when a foreign country is using the domestic Communist Party to attack this country’s army. Before WW1 the German Empire, the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, supported the Russian Communist Party in order to defeat Russia in WW1. See “Zionists VS Bolsheviks : The Good and the Bad Jews of Churchill and Stalin”.


In the Soviet Union the Communist Party was already running the country, and therefore no foreign country could finance the Communist Party to attack the country. And China was a weaker country than the Soviet Union and could not support some Communist Party and defeat the Russian Army.


The Islamists of the Persian Gulf could cause some turmoil in the Muslim Colonies of the Soviet Union in the Caspian Sea and Central Asia i.e. Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan etc., because the Communists almost prohibited Islam.


The Pope could also cause some problems in Poland, a religious Catholic country, but Poland was not a member of the Soviet Union anyway.


Therefore it is ridiculous to believe that the KGB could not hold the Soviet Union together, if the Russians were not interested to export their oil and gas to Europe, increasing Russia’s influence over Europe, while generating billions in hard currency from these exports. The Russian friendly “assault” on Europe would follow the American friendly “assault” on China.


Remember that the KGB was controlling 100% of the Soviet economy. To mobilize a crowd you need to be able to provide it with information and propaganda, and of course some financial support, armaments etc. Look at what happens in USA today, where the Russians, the Chinese, the Mexicans, the Islamists etc, they all have their partners in USA, and they are attacking the American government with propaganda.


Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia and Hezbollah are controlling the drug cartels of Latin America and they finance the American gangs of United States. Moreover the Arabs of the Gulf and the Chinese have great influence over the American Academia, Hollywood and journalism. All of them are able to launch assaults on the American governments, both through the media, but also in the streets.


But they can do it because they USA has an open economy and a free society, and these countries can easily buy American academics, journalists and actors, in order to promote their interests in United States. But in the Soviet Union the KGB was controlling 100% of the economy. To criticize the Communist Party one would need a permit from the party, or he would die.


Also remember that the Europeans were constantly worrying about their oil supplies from the Persian Gulf and North Africa, because a potential war would block their imports and freeze their energy hungry economies. Therefore they saw the Russian supplies as a lot more reliable, and also cheaper in terms of transport costs. And of course it was the Soviet Union that supported counties like Egypt, Syria and Iraq, countries that were fighting the NATO allies i.e. Saudi Arabia, Israel etc.