Steep Descent by Raul Limington - HTML preview

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Some of you may have travelled down an innocent looking road and suddenly found yourselves faced with a perilous, steep descent. If you knew the dangers ahead, you could avoid them, but if you have no idea what lies ahead, you may face a desperate journey.


Your modern society is faced with a steep descent into oblivion and very few people are aware what is about to happen.


Fortunately, it’s incredibly easy to understand your society and its obsession with control, war and indifference.

It doesn’t take study, religions, mountains of debt or hard work. The tools for understanding are free to all and were given to you at birth. Your society, like all societies before it, has disconnected you from your birthright and stolen your ability to see truth and reality.


Its time to reconnect your true power and knowledge and stop the damaged few in control from creating the steep descent into annihilation.