Me and my friend President Obama by Peiman Ghasemi - HTML preview

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It’s nothing at all that I dedicating this book to this friends of mine because of without their support, I was not alive nor I could complete this book for the audiences, but even for sure I couldn’t reach my current political position what is not possible for everybody to reach.


Nienie Dare, Ms. Shanon, all of the others who work in CIA

Microsoft, Bill Gates

DOJ (The United States Department of Justice)

USSS (The United States Secret Service)

Professor Stephen Hawking (Cambridge-University-London)

To the soul of Michael Jackson

Henry Alfred Kissinger

Barack Obama

Michelle Obama

Hillary Clinton

Joe Biden

Associated Press

Katsav and Netanyahu and Sharon


Professor Alireza Salehi Golsefidy (Princeton and UCSD - Departments of Mathematics) and Majid Rafizade (Harvard)

Faeghe Atashin

Akbar Ganji

Reza Pahlavi

Dear Crina Boros, Robert Gargiulo, John Pilger

My friends in British Embassy in Tehran, Queen Elizabeth and Her Majesty The Queen

COTTIN Martine (France Embassy, Turkey)

DARPA Personals

Mary Yebba

NASA (and my dear friend, the current personal of publics communication there)



Human Rights Watch