Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed by Mikkel Clair Nissen - HTML preview

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For several years I have felt obligated to tell my side of this story, especially since the climate convention COP15 in Copenhagen in December 2009, where Oprah Winfrey visited Denmark and later proclaimed that Danes were the happiest people in the world. She was supported by data from Dr. Adrian White, PhD in sociology from the British University of Leicester. Ironically, for over five decades—in the era 1950–2006—Denmark’s suicide rate has averaged just about double that of the United States. Also, Denmark has a much higher rate of alcohol consumption. Moreover, in the same five decades, Denmark’s suicide rate has averaged almost triple that of the United Kingdom, countries with the exact same climates. In addition, Denmark has one of the world’s highest consumption rates of antidepressant medications, a rate that is steadily on the rise. Undeniably, Denmark’s suicide rate has been reduced to a more moderate rate. These statistics are nonetheless deeply misleading since excessive usage of suppressant medications in Denmark are responsible for subordinating, in addition to obscuring, what would otherwise be a much higher suicide rate. Something here simply does not add up, making it difficult for me to agree with Oprah. Unfortunately, all countries have a darker side of the obvious truth.

Not much longer than a decade ago, the way I thought and acted was absolutely no different than the thoughts and actions of any of my fellow citizens. I acted impulsively and subconsciously, indoctrinated with my country’s oppressive inhibitive mentality. My intellectual transformation took place slowly, after having traveled and worked for many years abroad. In the same way that a religious person might spread the news, I proudly promoted Denmark’s collective way of thinking by telling everyone the story about the great and wonderful country named Denmark and bragging equally as much about how great it was to be a Dane.

I slowly began to compare the reality I grew up in to the reality I encountered in the United States, Australia, and Spain. This comparison brought me to see a completely different truth about my own country. It was a reality that few Danes had seen before then. After living a life as a socialist and absolute nationalist who promoted my country as open and caring, I now felt totally deceived when confronted with the reality. I felt embarrassed by the fact that I had personally traveled the world for so many years promoting socialism and a nation that was, and still is, absolutely contrary to what I claimed. Indeed, Denmark is a deprived society living in absolute denial.

Though I despise living here, Denmark is to some extent a bearable place to live, but it is far from better than other nations and not any more socially happy. Danes are best known for being some of the coldest and most reserved people in the world, with neurotic behavior resulting from oppressive, collectivist mentality.

I had a poor yet reasonably decent childhood in Denmark’s then safer society. I grew up among socialists in Denmark’s democratic socialism and was indoctrinated by family, friends, and fellow citizens, and consequently I was assimilated into their vicious, oppressive pathological mind game.

I once told a friend that I felt like the Danes owned my thoughts through their continuous attempt to undermine my true individual self. He replied, “Maybe they should pay rent then.” Though I thought this a cute remark, as an entrepreneur who has risen from the lowest parts of society and achieved an independent lifestyle, I constantly have to be on guard not to trigger my fellow citizens’ inferior, inhibitive emotions. In Denmark, unlike in the United States, it is important to avoid social-status confrontations, and instead to give way to the ordinary denigration and envy—the extreme inferiority complex facilitating democratic socialism—though my self-imposed consciousness tells me that I most definitely have the right to be proud of my achievements and shout them out loud.

It was not until I went abroad at the age of nineteen that I started waking up. It was a journey that did not end until fourteen years later. In this period, I spent numerous summer seasons in Spain working in such jobs as bouncer, club management, and club marketing. I lived several years in the United States, the country that taught me to see, and eventually liberated me from Marxism’s strong mental iron grip. For a deeply brainwashed socialist, coerced from childhood to resent the American lifestyle, coming to the United States was the culture shock of a lifetime. My eyes were opened to the undermining measures that Danish society had placed upon me and the realization that this undermining was the prime determiner of my level of self-worth. My lack of self-esteem resulted in a subconscious war between will and vanity that later turned out to be a mental safeguard against any insight into liberty.

First impressions easily mislead, as in the case of Oprah’s view of Denmark. One neither sees a person’s true character nor a country’s true nature until having become truly familiarized. Likewise, one must leave one’s natural societal surroundings to truly see and understand its hidden side. This personal story, this exposure, is the exact reason why totalitarian-collective societies (e.g., China, North Korea, and Cuba) restrict information and the right to travel.

I slowly began to compare the enormous differences I observed on my journeys, not only between cultures but also in regard to mentality and behavior. Upon every return to Denmark, I gradually became more and more aware that something was awfully wrong with my country. Like a dysfunctional family, Danes are familiarized all through life with their particular behaviors; thus, they think it is seemingly normal to live with these dysfunctions. Danes, regardless of social status, are terribly insecure. They are always picked on, compulsively corrected and policed, and regularly intimidated by each other. Known in psychology as pathological narcissism, these behaviors are a way of everyday life.

Danes are distant, unlike Americans, whose confident mentality is friendly, uplifting, open, and encouraging. Foreigners often have the impression—due to feelings of inferiority—that Americans are too confident.

Truly baffling were the differences between the unprivileged people in Denmark and those of the United States. The unprivileged people are unmotivated, miserable, and neurotic in my own country, though the government (the taxpayer) spoils them with everything. America’s monetary lower class, who are given little or nothing by the government, are still ambitious, open, curious, and confident—in pursuit of happiness— regardless of their social or economic class.

Truly mystifying was the fact that Americans, living in a nation with a great deal higher crime level than Denmark’s, are less apprehensive by far. In the beginning, I simply thought that the United States was culturally different. Then I met and fell in love with an Australian girl, and eventually I moved to Australia. In Australia, I realized how far from the truth I had been.

I felt puzzled by the apparent link between oppressive collective— societal norms—more specifically Scandinavia’s most famous expression, “Don’t think that you are more than others!”—and socialism, with its intent to socially equilibrate. There was evidently more to Marxism’s norms than meets the eye. “Who else but the envious, inferior mind would have the need to debase others?”

Rather opposite to what I was used to, it quite simply became obvious that self-encouragement and self-assurance not only were positive but also were actually appreciated, encouraged, and valued in liberated cultures, where the individual is expected to claim responsibility for oneself. My whole life I had been indoctrinated to think that Scandinavian mentality was normal, and in addition I had been persuaded to believe it was truly unique. Yet in my work, first in Spain with East-Europeans—people from behind the former communist Iron Curtain—and then in Australia, a country located thousands of miles away from my own, the patterns of inferior behavioral, narcissistic similarities were overwhelming. Although still a conservative but largely Marxist-influenced society, Australia was not yet a truly democratic socialist nation. Australia was, however, clearly in the ambient transition and final stages of radicalization when I lived there. There I met the exact same ignorantly arrogant resentment toward Americans. Australians used the same comments and phrases as the Danes, had the exact same suppressed, condemning mentality, and even had a name for this mentality: the tall poppy syndrome. This was my wake-up call. I slowly developed an interest in political ideologies, behavioral science, and psychopathology, and eventually I developed an interest in the social-psychological impact that different ideologies have on personal psyche, identity, and mentality. Thereby, I began connecting the pieces in a mind-breaking sociological and psychological puzzle.


In 2009, I attended a course on sports science. On a break while attending class, some students and I were sitting outside enjoying the sunshine of the last days of summer. I remember one of the girls started to explain that her boyfriend had invited her to accompany him on a holiday to the United States. And with what slowly became an arrogant attitude, she now explained, “I have never been there and will never go. Americans are stupid and arrogant, and they don’t care about anyone!” I instantly felt compelled to intervene, and I replied, “I disagree. I have lived in the United States, and I think Americans are absolutely beautiful people. Curious that you just used the word ‘arrogant’ as you have just explained that you have never been to the United States. So how can you know with certainty that Americans are stupid and arrogant?” I further explained, “Trust me! We Danes are no better than any of the Americans I have ever met, and I personally remember a fun story about a Danish woman at a Manhattan mall who purposely left her stroller unattended outside on a street in the middle of New York with her infant child in it. She was arrested for doing this; thereafter, her husband quite quickly divorced her. So maybe you should mow your own lawn before you do it next door?” The girl never got to make a reply. Instead, one of the other male students instantly stood up and shouted at me, “Maybe you should move to America then!” He quickly left.

Note: Do not fool yourself, as this entire book’s everyday examples are typical everyday experiences performed by seemingly ordinary, well-educated, and upstanding people. Bringing me to the point that, because of this suppressive collectivist mentality, when confronted with self-identifiable truths or reverse criticism—in fact any disapproval—Danes absolutely lack the ability to take any criticism; therefore, they generally fail to confer before the conversation or debate has even started.

I know I can be awfully sharp and direct, as I do not put up with ignorant arrogance and two-facedness. Bear in mind that I was born in Denmark, and my Danish family tree dates back hundreds of years. Although I have neither signed any contract nor chosen to be born here, my own fellow countrymen evidently feel they are more entitled to reside here than I am, as they are clearly ready to go so low as to ask me to leave my own country just because I utter my opinion with even the least criticism.

Our radicalized, socialistically influenced consciousness has created a supposedly wonderful and caring utopian society that takes care of almost everyone. One unfortunate aspect of democratic socialism is that the family’s obligation to parent the children has been completely disabled and replaced with Big Mother Denmark, the government. This new collectivism has essentially immobilized the individual effort of parenting, and Big Mother Denmark nourishes the Danes from birth until death. Life is designed completely without any kind of consequence. Of course, this is true only until one opposes the system or authorities. The apathetic government is ready to sacrifice any integrity to achieve its desired result, and the outcome is a non-defiant, passive, and absolutely conformist authoritarian nation. Apart from still seemingly possessing the right to freedom of speech, as well as supposedly living in a democracy, Denmark is only minutely different from the former Soviet Union or East Germany. What the master commands, the puppet does. Citizens of Denmark never question anything, unless of course an entitlement benefit is to be taken away.

I recall the time when my daughter had to have a vaccine injection at the age of five. Like many other parents, I told her a few days beforehand. I told her that it would hurt a little, but only for a moment. Yet when it was over, she would get the biggest ice cream available. This is exactly how collectivism blinds the frail mind. The only thing my daughter would think about was the ice cream, not the pain.

This seemingly democratic country is a bureaucracy with laws, rules, and regulations for absolutely everything. Yet, there is no actual justice or punishment for breaking them. Sentencing citizens based on assumptions and circumstantial evidence is, however, ordinary. The accused is guilty until proven innocent. The society is set up to ensure that the populace can intimidate (police) one another. And while Americans debate gun policies, Danes are not even at liberty to own pepper spray. Neither are we at liberty to protect ourselves or the privacy of our homes. This is any criminal’s haven, with such lack of consequence that one could literally kill numerous people intentionally and still die an unincarcerated citizen.

While in this nanny nation, where everything is served on a silver platter, the question is not whether one needs to work, but if one actually cares to work. Artificial impregnation, free of personal charge to people who obviously cannot afford a child in the first place, has slowly sneaked its way onto the menu of almost unlimited pity benefits, right along with breast implants and holidays. No doubt, to some this would sound ideal. Yet in reality, it is quite the contrary.

Democracy in itself cannot radicalize collectivism. Therefore, socialism within the context of a democratic system is very different from traditional socialism. In an attempt to protect, maintain, and secure the continuance of what has now ended up in absolute collectivist greed, the Marxists have put into use awful methods of suppressive psychological undermining. Now we find they use orchestrated, designed, and calculated psychological coercion—subliminal conditioning that utilizes the weapon of guilt and enticement. Coercion is accomplished by means that are identical to the methods commonly known as Machiavellian egocentricity, which is described in psychology as the illusive ability to manipulate, subdue, and control others in order to achieve personal ends and desires. This results in weakening the general society, and even worse, further weakening society’s emotionally weakest citizens—the co-dependent collectivists. Conversely, this emotional weakness empowers the radical collectivist part of society even further. The more deprived the collectivist is—and thereby the more manipulative and malignant—the stronger the collectivist.

Note: The political spectrum, known as right and left, is in actuality being purposely manipulated. The fact is that the essence of freedom lies in the proper limitation of government. Indisputably, throughout history no source has proven itself more deadly and destructive than the authority invested in government. While this is general knowledge to those who enthusiastically advocate freedoms, most, unfortunately, are uninformed. Accordingly, this creates the perfect environment for deception. Indeed, an accurate political spectrum from right to left would undeniably begin with “freedom” (e.g., non-intrusive government, self-sovereignty, and self-determination), defined by “little or no government control.” Thus, the political spectrum would end up on the left with “totalitarianism” (e.g., authoritarian dictatorial government, subjugation, and tyranny), defined by “unlimited government control.” In accordance, a correct paradigm would begin with ideals of “anarchy,” endorsing “no government.” Next would come the ideals of “libertarianism,” also known as “classical-liberalism,” endorsing “limited government.” Thereafter, would come “modern-liberalism,” also known as “social-liberalism,” endorsing “greater government.” Ultimately, the spectrum would end with the ideals of “fascism,” “socialism,” and “communism,” endorsing “totalitarian government.”

Conversely, perfect deception is achieved through manipulating this spectrum by placing those who are in favor of egalitarianism (the notion of social equality), also known as Marxism (e.g., communists and socialists), on the left wing. This would place those who are not in favor of social equality on the right wing, which is more than half of the political spectrum, including fascists who are in favor of complete government control. Although the fact is that communism, socialism, and fascism promote the same set of radical collectivist ideals of “totalitarianism”—dictatorial intrusive government. However, by affiliating genuine right-wingers—individuals in favor of minimum government control— with totalitarian fascist regimes (e.g., Hitler’s “Nazism”), the perfect diversion is created.

Hence, relying on ignorance, the left and right paradigm is in fact a well-known method of deception, known as “divide and conquer,” with one sole purpose: to create confusion and so achieve emotional and intellectual control. This technique consequently sets up the populace against one another, while allowing those who want to remain in authority to promote and achieve their exact agenda, “totalitarianism”—total government control.

Although, I am not particularly in favor of the left versus right paradigm, essentially believing these to be but variations and severities of a similar set of problems, known as conformism. Thus, it is necessary that I utilize the paradigm as doing so allows me to further exemplify how this perfect deception is employed.

Accordingly, nations in Europe are generally so far left wing—perfectly fueled by the deceptive left and right paradigm—that the left-wing “social liberal,” more commonly known in the United States simply as the “liberal” or “modern liberal” is perceived to be ultraright wing and often even considered by European left wingers to be right-wing extremists. However, caused and controlled by the endlessly immense left-wing subliminal suppression in Europe, my research shows that the American liberal and the European social liberal are generally in no way emotionally compatible. America still has a chance to turn its great nation in the right direction.

As a Dane who was born and raised in Denmark, I will, through my personal knowledge of my country, my culture, and its citizens, carefully take the reader step by step through ten years of extensive social-psychological research and observations to show that Denmark is collectivism’s biggest propaganda hoax. I further intend to prove that Danes—virtually all authoritarian government supporters (communists, socialists, fascists, and social liberals)—are being subjugated, unlike genuine freedom enthusiasts. I will prove that the happiest people on earth, supposedly the Danes, do not have any option to create their happiness, but only to imagine being happy.

Furthermore, this book will carefully teach the reader how a democratically, socialistic-infiltrated government, in this case Denmark’s, is completely controlled. It is dominated entirely by only a minority of society’s absolute weakest citizens through an emotional process that disables and mentally enslaves the majority of society. The result is the exact in nature to the Stockholm syndrome. Creating falsified contentment (learned helplessness)—through entitlement benefits combined with suppressive manipulation, emotional coercion, and reverse psychology— results in feelings of inferiority and co-dependency, thereby achieving the perfect societal mind control: manipulism.

I will further teach how my former political viewpoints work sociologically and psychologically, and I will prove that the key that facilitates collectivism is severe pathological narcissism. This book will in fact demonstrate that various but severe levels of deprived mental health drive a majority of Marxists: the mental illness of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). These supposed ideologies are all founded and facilitated by one single source: malignant narcissistic coercion. By means of destroying true individualism and mental freedom, and emotionally weakening its citizens, Denmark has necessitated co-dependency and attained its goal of accomplishing the perfect human organism for the intent of fabricating social equilibrium. Ultimately, these methods create perfectly subjugated human beings, insecure people who are, or will be, at an absolute standstill through most of their lives. These are people who cannot take criticism or respond rationally to any criticism—people who are more or less disabled from questioning or criticizing their political views, the government, or their country. This is all the result of perfect coercive collectivist mind control with an iron grip so powerful that it reaches the farthest right-wing political parties of society, radicalizing otherwise right-wing individualistic politics. In other words, this book will explain how Denmark accomplished the creation of the world’s most seemingly free society, which is actually the “perfect” totalitarian state—a society completely without a political right wing. This is the ultimate goal of democratic socialism, or what I choose to refer to as neo-communism.

The following disclosure is absolutely not unique to Denmark. This book only uses Denmark as an example, although no country in the world could ever serve as a better example. While Denmark and other similar Scandinavian societies are exceptional and quite unlike anywhere else, this path is in various degrees identical for all countries in the newly monopolized, democratic-socialism superstate known as the European Union. In fact, this process is taking place to some degree all over the world, and now the process has come to take its turn in the United States.

The monetary part is the least of Marxism’s problems. If it were not for what this book is essentially about, my growing awareness and exposing of collectivism’s awful subliminal secrets, I would definitely be a socialist today. Generosity does not come from collectivism—it comes from the heart!

If anything slightly positive can be said about Marxism, it is that Scandinavia’s democratic socialism is history’s closest attempt toward accomplishing the impossible. Yet, it has been accomplished only because Denmark is a small society with a population of a mere 5.5 million, and it has occurred through absolute mental coercion, propaganda, secrecy, and denial. A society undermined by a perceived ideology that in its humanitarian, pathological make-believe attempt of caring for society’s weakest, literally creates them. The wall to the former communist Iron Curtain might have fallen visually, but the building of the intellectual wall still proceeds. The wall never fell; it opened.

In reality, the democratic process, merely balanced by the center-left–wing social liberals, is the only remaining measure keeping the socialist, communist, and fascist part of society from initiating their true tyrannical agenda. Socialism, communism, fascism, and social-liberalism—known as collectivism—are not ideologies, but severities of pathological narcissism—magical thinking of infinite excuses.

“The perfect totalitarian state is one where the all-

powerful political bosses and their army of managers

control a population of slaves who do not have to

be coerced because they love their servitude.”