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mPaka Mysteries

By: Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


In the morning mPaka dwelled under the kitchen table.

No one would have anticipated such a gruesome fable.

From under a couch, a tiny vortex appeared, And just nearby the lamp, a strange slime got smeared.

Suzie the human placed her feet on the floor Waking up to the sweet sunrays; and nothing more.

She stood awake now, thinking about her morning coffee, Feeling as though she had won a morning trophy.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


With anticipation, Suzie took a big breath and marched.

Right from her bedroom, she marched to the couch, where she perched.

She felt nothing different while reading the news, And in the kitchen, she drank coffee and heard no mews.

Off to work, Suzie left thinking about a note of an animal hue smell.

She pondered about it, but she could not tell.

Was it the stale food from the week?

She wanted to wash her kitchen as she did not want to get sick.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


From under the kitchen table, mPaka shook like a leaf, It had no idea how it appeared there and felt a bit of grief.

A strange thing dwelled in the cumbersome structure, Where was the tree sap food that mPaka wanted to eat and puncture?

Its stomach rumbled and tumbled and panged like never before.

It was a rumble that it could not ever ignore.

mPaka made its way toward the glassy object with a black thing in it.

It had no clue of what to do with it.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


Remembering a limp creature crowding around, It thought that it was food it had found.

Pouring the coffee right into its mouth, When the coffee glass container emptied, it fell right south.

Now on the floor, there were bits of see-through shells, It thought that the form broke into tiny ringing bells.

Jumping around to the jingle sounds,

It ran around the rooms with joy and glee in many rounds.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


mPaka enjoyed the abode,

Exploring how things worked in this world.

It opened a fridge,

It had a little binge.

It opened the closet door,

Another adventure for mPaka to explore.

It chewed on a sofa, and it chewed on a rug.

It licked the television box with a smug.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


Poor little Suzie was getting back home, And did not expect that it was no longer alone.

She opened the door and took off her shoes, And saw a rainbow with all its fancy hues.

Suzie screamed from surprise and fainted.

mPaka looked at the creature as it wall-painted.

Its stomach, again, rumbled and ached,

It thought a lanky long being played or faked.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


mPaka moved closer to Suzie to explore.

The strange creature lay right there on the floor.

mPaka mewed and chewed the creature’s purse - things of galore.

In this weird world, there were so many things to adore.

It sat right near the creature, exploring the chewed purse hole.

Then all of a sudden loud noise came with a roll.

Poor mPaka trembled and shook,

It threw the purse and gave it an angry look.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


Poor little Suzie awakened and noticed the sound.

She felt as though she was frozen right to the ground.

A group of strange green humanoids entered the place, They took away mPaka with them so quickly and left not a trace.

Suzie was confused and mad all at once, She had to find out what it was and would not leave it to chance.

Her home was a mess, completely destroyed, And now the tiny creature and the green humanoids left her a void.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


Suzie looked around for an explanation, Her messy house had no clue or any indication.

She cleaned and cleaned some more,

But there was something she could not ignore.

The creature she first saw seemed like someone’s pet, Assuming green humanoids stole it, she felt great regret.

For the first time, Suzie had a mission, She collected some energy to make that decision.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


With this new decision, Suzie set outside.

There were too many places where one could hide.

Where would the green humanoids be?

She had to go outside to look and see.

Suzie had no idea where to start the search.

Maybe near the tallest birch?

She marched down the street and nearby the park, Noticing a commotion as she passed by a sleepy lark.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


A dog growled and then ran howling away.

Even a crowd of people turned around and ran in dismay.

Suzie wanted to save a strange-looking creature pet, She had not a moment to fret.

Moving so quickly, Suzie ran.

Her stomach felt butterflies, but it had to be done.

Suzie followed quickly toward a few mews and a squeak.

She knew that the pet’s future was bleak.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


Right under the spotlight, the green humanoids were all chewed, They began to dissolve as mPaka threw them and spewed.

Suzie tapped her knee,

And mPaka emerged to get free.

In a hurry, Suzie and mPaka ran toward Suzie’s house.

Half the way, mPaka sat on Suzie’s shoulder blouse.

Suzie opened the door, observing a vortex that covered a room.

Now something else settled, it was a feeling of doom.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


mPaka jumped in, and there was a thundering roar, Next, there was a spark that lifted to soar.

Suzie stood speechless as the vexing vortex shrunk.

It was not a theory that she could debunk.

There was the weekend, and Suzie was cleaning, Some things she had found were not hers and had no meaning.

Suzie threw away everything broken,

And she stored things that were not hers and had no token.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


Suzie wanted to know how and where mPaka was, And all the questions danced like musical jazz.

mPaka turned her life upside down.

Beforehand she lived her life with a constant frown.

She wanted to know what was in that other world.

Ideas hatched in her mind that were giant and bold.

She waited for something extraordinary to happen And wished for another vortex to open and flatten.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


All kinds of things happened at Suzie’s house.

One time out of thin air, there popped a mouse.

Another time, the vortex spewed a worm.

A worm that could read minds and take any form.

One day after work, Suzie opened the door with glee.

Thinking mPaka is waiting for her in the vortex to flee.

Unbeknownst to her, it was a worm in that form.

Suzie jumped right in, anticipating a thundering storm.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


Suzie stepped right into the worm’s trap, It was an instant attack in a snap.

Now in the belly of the worm without form, She remained in a world beyond any norm.

Suzie was falling down and up all at once.

There, it was dark and bright at a glance; A problem she tried solving

While observing her jam jars that were slowly dissolving.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


In an instant, mPaka felt something amiss And it got compelled to travel into Abyss.

Passing the asteroids and many stars,

It ended up at Suzie’s place, counting the jam jars.

There also nested the worm,

Without a form,

Praying and waiting,

Echolocating, mind reading, and anticipating.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


Now at the speed of light,

mPaka explored many objects with great delight.

There, the worm took a form of a jar,

Luring the creature into its unpredictable war.

Suddenly, the world turned dark and cold.

mPaka knew the place was out of this world.

Close by, it noticed Suzie, its friend.

It tried to come closer and extended its paw hand.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


mPaka emitted an unbearable sound

And the worm regurgitated a few things it had found.

Suzie and mPaka were back at Suzie’s place, The two were happy to see each other in any case.

The formless worm felt its deficiencies, In this world, it hated its inefficiencies.

Then a vortex opened and closed,

And the worm had gone home as it got all exposed.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023


mPaka decided to stay with Suzie for a while, It remembered the phone in a purse it had previously dialled.

Suzie showed mPaka how things worked in her world, But that is another story that is yet untold.

At times the vortex transports things,

But at other times, no one knows what or whom it brings.

The vortex from under the couch remains small, It disappears in the fall and reappears at a far away water-fall.

mPaka Mysteries by Sparrow from Copyright @ 2023