Voice of the Knight by John Ishola Olafenwa - HTML preview

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As a little child,

A big world it is ,

Nothing more I seek,

Give me your love.


Take my hands,

Let us move,

To the stars,

Beyond the skies.


Hold my feet,

Let us run,

When the winds begin to blow.


Take my heart,

Let us love,

Living as charming souls.


Be my friend,

Let us play,

Like the child,

In the house.


Pay my debts,

Set us free,

From the burden of the cell.


Hold my hands,

Let us live,

In the bliss of wondrous love.


Hold my wings,

Let us fly,

To the mountain at that peak.


Set me high,

On the throne,

Let me rule my world.


Love me I ask,

Your little boy I am,

Take me as a child,

I am so mild.


Take me now,

To my dreams,

Let us smile,

In our bliss.