Breath Grave
The dead grave I breathe
Can’t save us from a drowning fate
Drowning in ourselves, we see a light
Of green that came to grab us from our depths
A hand we hold
To reach out and sing to us
As we rot
On our bed
Death was a hand
We never let go
Drowning in a sorrow
Of life.
Waking up one day,
The horizon is bright green
Streaks of us, floating in the sky
To take us away to
Northern lights
A breathing horizon
That sucks us into it
A breathing horizon that
Lets us breath into it
As we come to rest on our graves
And sing a song
Of confused joy
When we didn’t know
How we were going to die
City of Death
A city full of people, hanging from ropes
Nooses tied to get rid of life
2, 731, 571 people, 2, 731, 571 buildings
A person for each building, handing so high
The feet can’t touch the ground
A choking day
Holding loved ones in their arms:
Babies, pets, air
Their eyes are closed so gently
They can’t see their death
They only saw the life
Of 2, 731, 571 people
Hanging from life.
Emerging from a grave,
Her hand is cast in silver
The sun of silver
Shines brilliant light
For everyone to see her
A love
It spreads over the grave
As she sees herself
In a silver
Cast for her life
She smiles
At the silver people
Standing around her
She pulls them into her
And lets them lie with her
In her silver grave, the silver sun shining over
The dead.
A false way to strike out
Against life
Ended with the life
Striking itself out
Gn to live
A striking formation of rain, sand, snow
Swallows this country of the planet
As a figure
Is reborn amidst the chaos
Of life being born
Awake now to the world it sees,
It refuses to let the woman being held in its arms
The figure will put her down in the sand
So that she may experience life
On nature’s earth
Learning to live
By herself.
City of Life
Hanging from their buildings, they need to come back to life
Reversing their lives, they feels death leave them behind
Their pasts, formed before them
They can see everything they ever wished to dream
When they were alive
A survival
They give to their babies and pets
So that animals and infants
Can carry on their life
When they grow up, in their arms
A city
Where everyone has their place in death
Where everyone had their place in life
Passed down
To the new generation
Passed down
To their companion animals
Passed down
To the animals of nature.
The new generation
Sees themselves
In the eyes
Of their parents.
Ribcage of Love
An open ribcage, open for examination
Love can be seen as the heart turns gray and dies
An empty soul, unable to reach anyone
An empty ribcage, the contents of a human
Emptied out
A feeling of nothing
A nothing feel
Confused, a ribcage has nothing to beat with
A dried-up heart, missing lungs
Too scattered to be found
Taken away,
The gray and dried heart still feels love
But there is nothing left,
So the life has no choice
But to travel in death
Pull on Life
A tugging rope, he tries to pull himself
Out from
A falling weight of suffering
He couldn’t escape from
The dying breeze of solitude
Life-fading from his mind
He feels nothing
But a need to escape
So he takes to the rope
To free himself of troubled grief
But his meaning of detah was all wrong
When his suffering was to climax
He realized and understood
The rope was no way to go out
Pulling on it to loosen himself
From a slow death
The pain has already set in
He will bleed into a hole he could never escape from
But…. The rope…. Was tied too loosely
Poor sap
He couldn’t get rid of his life if he tried!
But try, and try he might!
He gives up
“My life isn’t worth this much hassle.”
And enters into his daydreams
And loving dreams
A place, far away,
Where he feels the sunshine
Shine on him.
His circle of death was complete
And left behind.
He couldn’t find death
And it was lost, looking for whatever it searched for.
A dream of colours.
The boy feels his vision go blind, there’s too much light to see
Isn’t there
Hello, Pet
Hello, animal pet
How are you doing, today?
Are you feeling alive and well?
You know, you’ll die a lot sooner than I will
Assuming everything goes well.
How does that make you feel?
Do you feel scared that you’ll die
In my arms?
I don’t want you to die
In my arms!
You should breath with me!
You’re no better than me,
Just because I’m a human, silly!
Breath, until I have to put you down
A love, I can give to your short life
Thanks for loving me
Black Hurricane
A black hurricane that sweeps life away in it
I must admit, I jumped in
A spinning motion shaking my thoughts out of my head
A spinning motion, shaking my thoughts loose from me!
How silly, I can’t believe I didn’t see
What was so still outside the black!
Falling through the wind, I can see
My thoughts fall out on the ground
Beneath me.
She picks them up for me,
And smiles
As she gives them to me as a gift.
Light Hurricane
Spun around in circles, I pick myself up
And dust the black of me
A gift…. I felt it was Christmas
How nice. I can breathe.
How nice. I can feel.
How nice. I see her.
How nice. The hurricane had changed its colours
A black, spiralling mess of death…. Look, her gift made it
Realize it had so much life left.
The gold of the wind
Is the only thing
That makes me truly smile!
Plant Suffering/Pollen Life
The plants turned brown on the beach
Even the sun couldn’t warm them too life
The plants turned brown in the sand
They had been misplaced; they had nowhere to grow out of.
Screaming; silent, but sharp in their “lungs” and “heads”
There really isn’t any place for them to scream into
The sea doesn’t listen.
Pollen that swoops out in motions of spirals
Cancelling out the current of tropical air
There really was no feeling
To the beach plants dying
But, maybe they can absorb under the sand
And live again
Under the sea’s beach.
Cloudy Massacre/Falling Wind
Clouds seen numerous in the sky, like they would suffer
From overpopulation
Population control from a rainstorm
A crazy amount of rain, to flood the earth
With what it needs to live
A rainy sky, to take out the population
In vast numbers
Medieval times, peasants left to die by the ruling class
Sad, but something had to happen.
There’s more clouds than there are
Animals and humans.
There’s more disarray in their structures
Then there are with a person’s personality.
A wild rain, lets the clouds take part in a medieval massacre
So that peasants can be taken away with water
And so kings and queens can emerge
To rule over a sky of a dissonant personality
Sounds that seem to see
The Valley of a Monkey
In a natural world, a monkey
With green, emerald eyes
A golden body
Deep-black flesh
Lives out it’s life,
A barren tundra, so dry
Avoiding predators and seeking food and mates
Sex and food, as it climbs trees up high
To find what it eats
The Hyena’s Valley
A pack of laughing hyena’s
That will eat the monkey
Wandering by itself, the monkey is terrified
Of a barren tundra, so dry
Of the hyenas that dare to chase it down
Fleeing for its life, it runs right into one of the predators
The hyena laughs with mania
Before it eats
The golden body, green-emerald eyes, dark-black fleshed monkey
With a torn-off face
To end its life
Mania ensuring among the crazed, starved animals
The pack leads the way
To taking turns to devour the pretty monkey’s
Ended life.
Such is the way of this natural world
Nothing sad about the pretty monkey’s death.
A World of Nature
Life born, killed by predator
Life born, not removed
Predator dies from hunger
Uncivilized, but what does it mean?
It means everything, for these violent creatures
Who seem to care so little about taking a other’s life.
The Place (Where Sleep Dwells)
A place, people wonder about
That they can only feel in their sleep
A swirling mass of dreams, that ecsape them when they die
Seeing what troubles them, they realize there is no way to save themselves
But to help themselves, well that’s different
If only they could reach out for their dreams
And see what could be their saviour
But the dreams…. So far
Only in death will they reach their love
So, how to live out your days fearing something that will die without you?
Look to the sun, look to the moon
Watch them turn silver
In your dreams
Watch them turn gold
In your visions of death
That lets you feel your passage
A little more comforting
Where what you see with your visions, is where a flower you never knew existed
Is growing and starting it’s life.
Don’t be sad for it.
It can’t see you
Why would you shed tears
When no one can see….?
The Place (There is No Sleep)
A place, where no one wants to sleep
A living romance, full of red
A colour that lets you and her see
A love that will last years, and memories
That will be remembered
When a life’s fantasy finally and sadly
Fades away.
Lost, but remembered
Flower’s Centre
She sees a flower’s centre, showing herself in a reflection no one but she can see.
It’s like she’s imagining
It’s like she sees herself in a mirror
I think she heard once from somewhere
That a mirror improves the ability to think
Looking into the pollen of a plant,
She believes the flower
Shows her life story in it’s centre.
The Garden
A simple garden, overbearing with weeds and flowers
Green, the mask of the garden.
A gardener, the one who kept the garden alive.
Looking after it day by day
Having to move into a new safe home
Mr./Ms./gardener leaves the garden of green behind.
Left by itself the garden had nothing to do but just cry, without it’s love partner.
It can’t keep green alive.
Dying over the days of the move, it feels itself become a human death.
Letting itself fade, away from a neglecting master
Long since forgotten what she had planted and grown.
At a new home, the gardener dies
Sometime a year later.
Life Remembered
What was once life vanished before my eyes.
In a glow of sun we could see nothing as something was taken away.
What we lost was truly a part of life.
But maybe that wasn’t as bad
As we thought it was.
Maybe in the day
There was a beginning waiting to be touched.
No Day Outside
When time stands still and the wind blows me again on a day, I feel I have a home again.
Just me and the day. Nothing else.
My home is seen through the rain, where life awaits for me.
No need to worry.
No need to hide.
There’s only
A day waiting for us.
I really have nothing to say.
You could fade to black any moment
You could fade to black in front of me
Any moment
The final sleep
There would be nothing left
As I watched you die
Sleeping, suddenly.
A black vision
Where you and I can’t see anything
We never saw it coming.
A flash of black, leading us to death.
…. So sad.
What Is Left (In Black)
After a suffering, it seems the world fades to be anything
After a suffering, it seems the grim reaper is tired of collecting souls
There’s nothing to grab, nothing to hold onto
Only someplace empty, where dead are thrown into
When the flash of black hit us, we couldn’t see anything
But someone was holding you and I
In strong arms
To take us away
To blackness
Or an afterlife
Maybe too dark too see
Maybe too removed from humanity
To be considered human
What would we be, there?
Angels? Demons?
Black? Blackness?
When the flash of black hit, we cried inside
Someone was taking her away
I could feel the transgender’s arms around me, too
Death has no sexual preference.
But the flash of black was her final goodbye.
The flash of black was our final goodbye.
Life is black, now.
A black life has no fear or sadness.
I don’t think she has a worry to feel dying.
Sleep, Death
Close eyes at night, a black flash.
Close eyes when time is up, a black flash.
At night, at death…. You wake up.
The morning is a gift.
So…. The Morning
So, it’s morning.
What has been the feeling
You had lived
Of your colours of life.
You can tell me
There’s no one here t