Rabindaranath Tagores Poems III by Viswadeep Das - HTML preview

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54. Conviction

Gratifying all my thorns,

The flower shall bloom,

And all my suffering

Shall redden into a rose.

In my life-long craving for the sky

Zephyr shall rush to blow,

Maddening my heart it will

Plunder all fragrant treasures.

I shall feel no more amiss

Once I have treasures to share,

Once my intimate worship blossoms

In beauteous forms.

When by the end of night

My Beloved shall caress them,

All the petals unto the last

Will bedeck His feet.

[ Gitimalya, "Garland of Songs" No.49, 1913]


You remain ever present

Beyond my songs,

My melodies reach Your feet

Though I cannot attain You.

The wind bids imploring :

"Do not keep mooring the raft !"

Steering across, come up

To the centre of my heart.

The game of my songs with You

Is a game with the remoteness,

The aching notes of the flute

Throughout all day.

Seizing my flute, when shall You

Come over and blow into it,

In the dense obscurity

Of a joyous and mute night ?

[ Gitimalya, "Garland of Songs" No.70, 1913]


This flame of melody that You have set inside my heart,

That flame has pervaded all through-and-through.

Dances that flame while keeping the beats

From branch to branch upon worn out trees :

Whom does it invoke in the sky

With the elated hands ?

The stars stare dumb-founded in the dark,

Maddened a wind rises from nowhere

Immaculate, at the dead of the night,

Blossoms this golden lotus :

None can fathom the spell of that flame.

[ Gitimalya, "Garland of Songs" No.89, 1913]


Why did I not strew the dry dust with my tears ?

Who could guess that You would appear like an uninvited ?

You have waded through the desert sand

Without any shadowy tree,

I imposed on You this dire wayfaring,

Curse on me!

Whereas I had been whiling away my idle days

In the shade of my home,

I ignored all that you suffered

At every step.

That suffering, however, inside my being

Had resounded with a secret smart,

Stigmatising my heart with a profound wound.

[ Gitimalya, "Garland of Songs" No.91, 1913]


The moment when tears flooded mine eyes in a monsoon of sorrow,

Before the threshold of my heart stopped the chariot of my friend.

By handing over to Him the chalice of union that was brimming

With separation and pain, I have no more regrets, regrets none.

Gathering secretly in my mind, a hope, neglected for years...

That thirst for a touch was quenched in a twinkling of eye.

I knew at last for whom I shed all my tears :

Blessed be this awakening, blessed these tears, blessed all.

[ Gitali, "Songs", No.1, 1914]


O touch my heart with the flame of a philosopher's stone,

Sanctify this life by consuming with Your fire.

O lift up this body of mine to transform it

Into a lamp of Your tabernacle,

Set all songs flaming night and day.

O touch my heart with the flame of a philosopher's stone.

Let Your caress in the dark from limb to limb

Set blossoming stars throughout the night.

All shadow shall vanish from the glimpses and mine eyes

Will contemplate but light wherever they turn.

Upwards, all my suffering will blaze.

O touch my heart with the flame of a philosopher's stone.

[ Gitali, "Songs", No.18, 1914]


Holding the sword on one hand

And the necklace on the other,

He has forced your door :

He has not come to beg alms,

He has come to fight

And win over your heart.

Out of the path of Death

He emerges into Life,

Attired like a hero :

He will not return with a partial booty,

He will take possession at a time

Of whatever he finds.

He has forced your door.

[ Gitali, "Songs", No.20, 1914]


You remained asleep, O my mind,

When the man of my mind was at the door.

You woke up on hearing

The sound of His leaving,

You woke up in the dark.

My garment outspread on the floor

I spend my solitary night,

In the dark I listen to His flute,

Without any glimpse of Him.

Can ever the eyes see Him -

The One whom you left in the lurch -

Can you catch Him up,

The One whom you have driven away ?

[ Gitali, "Songs", No.27, 1914]


Forgive, O Lord, my weariness

And if I lag behind on the path.

This quiver in the heart,

This shivering, all this pain,

Forgive, forgive O Lord.

Forgive, O Lord, my miserableness

And if I keep on looking backward.

Garlands wither on the trough

In heat of a scorching sun,

Forgive that pallor, O Lord.

[ Gitali, "Songs", No.59, 1914]


The doors have been flung open, You have appeared, O Resplendent,

Victory to You.

Scatter all darkness with Your generous emergence,

Victory to You.

O Hero, O Conqueror, in the dawn of a new life

You hold the spear of a novel hope,

Mercilessly cut asunder all worn out obsession...

Let the bonds fall off.

Victory to You.

Welcome, O Intolerable, come O Merciless,

Victory to You.

Welcome, O Immaculate, come O Dauntless,

Victory to You.

O morning Sun, you have risen like a warrior,

Your horn resounds on the painful path,

Kindle the flame of dawn in our mind,

Abolish Death.

Victory to You.

[ Gitali, "Songs", No.101, 1914]


You knew pretty well, Ruler of India, O Shah-Jehan,

That surges of Time takes away all life and youth and riches and honours.

The unique wish of the Emperor was

To perpetuate only your innermost sorrow.

Adamant, even the monarch's power

Wilt while dozing like the reddening of a twilight,

Solely a prolonged sigh

Might sadden the sky by heaving constantly,

That is all you hoped.

Let vanish, vanish if it must,

The splendour of diamonds and pearls and jewels -

Even as a wizard's rainbow glow on the horizon's void -

Let there be

Merely a drop of tears,

On the cheek of Time, dazzling and white,

This Tajmahal.

Alas, O human heart !

There is no time

No time at all

To keep on looking backward

At anyone whosoever.

You drift on

Amidst the strong currents of life

From bank to bank of this world...

Embarking on one market

You disembark on another one.

The moment the sacred rustling of the west wind

Inside your bower

Fills with mellifluous blossoms2

The agitated scarf of the trellis,

The dusk of farewell approaches,

Strewing the dust with bruised petals.

There is no time !

Therefore by dewy nights

You bedeck the espalier with kunda3 freshly blooming

As ornaments on autumn's joyous tearful wreath.

2 madhavi, a particularly sweet-scented variety of jasmine, recalling Madhava, one of Krishna's names.

3 all-white fragrant flowers

Alas, O heart,

Whatever you gain

Has to be abandoned on the wayside

At the day's end, at the night's end.

There is no time, no time at all.

Therefore, Emperor, your anxious heart

Sought to entice the heart of Time

With Beauty's seduction.

Adorning His neck with a garland

Greeting formless Death

Clad in a wondrous deathless attire.

Throughout the twelve months

There is no scope

Of lamenting,

Thus under a shroud of eternal silence

You firmly buried

Your whimper without solace.

By moonlit nights within the secret chapel

The name with which you softly called

Your beloved,

You left that cooing on this spot,

For the ear of Infinity.

The sad tenderness of love

Knew how to blossom

In abundant flowers of Beauty in this serene stone.

Emperor, O Poet,

This is the picture of your heart,

A new Meghaduta 4 of yours,

Unprecedented, marvelous

In its rhythm and melody

It soars ever towards the Unseen

Where your beloved, solitude-stricken,

Waits mingled

In the glow of the rising sun,

In the sighing melancholy at the horizon of a weary eve

The bodiless and voluptuous grace of chameli 5 by a full-moon night, On a shore beyond the pale of words

Where the begging eyes roam on from door to door.

The emissaries of your Beauty from age to age

Shunning the sentinels of Time

Pass by with this speechless message :

"I have not forgotten, I have not forgotten, I have not forgotten, O my Love !"

You are gone today,

O great King,

Your empire has fainted like a dream,

Your throne has been shattered;

Carried by the wind

The memory of your regiments -

Trembled the earth under whose strides -

Is now blowing along the dust of Delhi's streets.

The prisoners sing no more;

No music from your pavilion seeks to be tuned

4 Famous "Cloud Messenger" by Kalidasa.

5 another variety of jasmine

With the murmur of the Yamuna;

Dying with the crickets' chirping

In a remote corner of the broken palace

The ankle-bells of your courtesans

Set the night-sky to weep.

Yet, immaculate, your messenger -

Tireless, relentless,

Indifferent to the rise and fall of kingdoms,

Indifferent to the ups and downs of life and death,

From age to age -

Proclaim in one voice

The message of the solitary longing :

"I have not forgotten, I have not forgotten, I have not forgotten, O my Love !"

A sheer lie : can anyone assure

That you have not forgotten, you have not opened ajar

The trap door of memory's cage ?

That the obscurity of the past setting sun

Has still been binding your heart ?

Has it not yet flown away

By the loop-hole of oblivion ?

A mausoleum

Remains immobile forever,

Clinging to the mortal dust

Carefully it conceals Death

Beneath the shroud of memory.

Who can hold back life ?

Every star in the sky is crying up to it,

Its invitation comes from sphere to sphere

From ever new eastern horizons with an ever new light.

Breaking open memory's knot,

It shoots forth unhampered

Along the cosmic path.

O great King, no great kingdom could

Hold you back,

O Vast, even the ocean-breasted earth

Could not fill you up.

Therefore, once the feast of life is over,

With joint-feet you kick off the earth

Like a clay-pot.

You are nobler than your deeds,

Hence the chariot of your life,

Again and again,

Leaves your deeds behind.


Your traces are manifest, you are not here.

Love that knows not

To drive or to rush forward,

Love that installed its throne in the middle of the road,

Its discourse on pleasure

Clings to your feet like the dust on the path,

Which you have returned to dust.

Upon that dust of your feet behind you

All on a sudden

With a gust of wind from your mind

Had sown here a seed fallen astray from the garland of life.

You are gone far away :

That seed with its immortal sprout

Seeks to reach heaven,

It sings in a profound voice :

"As far as I can gaze,

He is not there, not there, that wayfarer.

His beloved could not hold him back,

the kingdom yielded,

Oceans and mountains failed to stop him.

His chariot today

Moves on, urged by the night,

Accompanied by songs of constellations

Towards the triumphal archway of Dawn.


I lie here under the weight of memory;

Emancipated, he is no more here."

[ Balaka, "Flight of Swans", No.7, 1914]


Could you not be patient a little more ?

Winter is not yet over.

What flair very close to the trail

Drives you to sing in choir?

Oh distraught Champakas and intoxicated Bakuls,

Whom do you rush to welcome, all maddened in glee ?

Trackers of death, you are the first flock,

You didn't heed for the Moment to come,

From branch to branch your rumours ring

Enlivening and perfuming the undergrowths.

Jostling and laughing aloud before all others,

You blossomed in bounty, you fell in heaps.

The spring that was expected in April,

That would come afloat on the zephyr's high tide,

You no more waited for its hour,

You set piping your flute before term.

How could you reach the goal before the night-fall ?

You scattered all your treasures with your laughter and tears.

Forgetful of calculations, O my crazy souls,

On listening to His footfalls from far,

To cover the dust and bedeck His path

You laid down your own death.

Before you could see or hear Him, your chalices set you free,

You could no more wait for contemplating His face.

[ Balaka, "Flight of Swans, No.21, 1916]


Glistening under the twilight rays

The bend of the Jhelum gets dim

In the dark, looking like a dagger in its sheath;

Following the ebb tide of the day

The nocturnal high tide appears

With star-flowers floating on its sombre waters.

Below the obscure mountain plateau

A range of deodar 6 trees :

As though the entire Creation has grown eloquent in its dream,

Unable to articulate,

It whimpers in the dark, emitting masses of ineffable sounds.

And then, all of a sudden I hear,

Across the evening sky

A lightning of words in the field of the void

Leap up at once from a distance towards somewhere ever far away.

O flight of swans,

In piles of a boisterous laughter of joy, your wings -

Drunk with the wine of tempest -

Fly on in the firmament rippling with a rousing wonder.

The vibration of those wings -

A celestial dancing maid7-become-sound -

Passes by breaking the meditation of tranquility.

Start up the mountain-chains wrapped up in the dark,

Start up the deodar woods.

6 "trees of the Gods" < deva ('god')+ daru ('tree') : upright conifer trees 7 apsara

It seems the message of these wings

In the innermost core of a delighted immobility

Brings forth for a split second

The motion of velocity.

The mountains long to get transformed into clouds of May;

The ranges of trees aspire by unfolding their wings

And transcending the clutch of the earth

Lose all notion of direction

by pursuing the trail of that sound,

To discover the brim of the sky.

Rending this evening's dreams come surging

billows of nostalgia

For the distant,

O wings of detachment !

In the heart of the universe resounds a cry of distress :

"Not here, not here, somewhere else !"

O flight of swans !

Before me, you have undone the lid of silence tonight.

Beneath this muteness I hear

In the void, in water and on land

A similar fluttering of impetuous and agitated wings.


Are bustling wings below their earthen sky,

Below the earthen obscurity, indifferent to destination,

Unfurl wings of sprouts,

A flight of thousands of seeds.

Today I witness

This chain of mountains,

This forest, rush all... wings deployed...

From island to island, from unknown to farther unknown.

The rustling of the wings of constellations

Takes aback darkness with the weeping of night.

I perceive messages of men by flocks

Keep on flying on unseen paths

Right from a dim past

up to half emerging and distant epoch's end.

I hear within my being

In the company of myriad birds,

Day in, day out,

This nestless bird speeds across light and obscurity

From one shore to another shore.

The Void is vibrant with this song of the cosmic wings :

"Not here, elsewhere, elsewhere, somewhere else !"

[ Balaka, "Flight of Swans", No.36, 1914]


O Flower from another land, when I asked :

"What is your name ?"

Nodding, you smiled and I then understood

The name does not matter.

Nothing else matters, except

The smile that is your identity.

O Flower of another land, holding you close to my heart

I prayed : "Do let me know

where you live,"

Nodding, you smiled, replying : "I don't know it, I don't know."

Then I understood that it matters little

to know the land where you live.

Your home is the heart

Of whosoever lovingly understands you,

Nowhere else.

O Flower of another land, I whispered again in your ears :

"What language do you speak ?"

Nodding only you smiled

While rustled leaves all around.

I told myself : "I know it well,

The message of fragrance

In silence conveys your hope.

The language of your breath has filled my breath up to the brim."

O Flower of another land, when I first came, it was dawn,

"Do you know me ?", I asked you :

Smiling, you nodded and I thought

nobody regrets it a jot.

I urged : "Can't you understand that in your contact

My heart is filled with passion.

There are others who know me a shade better,

O Flower from another land."

O Flower of another land, when I enquired, "Let me know :

Will you forget me ?"

Smiling you nod; I know, well I know

You will remember me from time to time.

A couple of days later

Once I shall leave for another land,

Drawn by the distance,

in your dreams I shall look familiar...

You will not forget me.8

[ Puravi ("From the East"), 1924]

8 Written in Buenos Aires, on 12 November, 1924, where Tagore was to spend a couple of months as the guest of Victoria Ocampo, whom he was to call Vijaya ; he was to dedicate to her the collection of his poems, Puravi ("From the East", name of an evening raga known for its melancholy).


We two together shall not build upon earth

A heavenly toy,

With admiring and delicate songs all sloppy in tears.

With honeyed suffering from the Five Arrows9,

O my Love, we shall not compose our nuptial bed;

Let us not - feeble in heart -

Beg favours from Fate.

Fearless, we know it for certain :

You are, and I am.

We shall hold high the banner of Love

Across the difficult path

In a dizzy speed, on most audacious missions.

What if the harsh days make us suffer ?

We want no truce, we shall want no consolation.

If our oars break at all while crossing the river ,

If the cords of our sails are torn,

Standing face to face with Death, we shall know :

You are, and I am.

With both our eyes we have seen the world,

We have seen one another;

We both have endured the scorching desert path,

We have run after no seductive mir