Narco Fleas by Plutowe - HTML preview

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7 am, its getting late but I don’t sleep, I only wait.



Nimbus 2000{4}


I am new,

Fresh. Turning black.

Phoenix from the ashes grew.

This winter won’t be a death,

Swallowed in the void.

It’s pixelated nineties

With its wonky aesthetic,

Awkward clunkiness

From which you can find

Some video game,

Some advert

With the taped over grey lines.

This is the part where the screen splits,

This is the part where the octave of the music dips

to come back alive.

The picture wavers, toned the wrong colour,

the machine coughs and sighs.

Clouds loom over,

heavy black and grey

but if you don’t feel doomed by it

you’ll be ok

in a strange, icy, fragmented way

like it’s the nineties again

and time tripped up my friend.

Could we go back?

Could we go back

to before this life was a panic attack,

to before when colours were bouncy and bright?

It’s alright, it’s alright,

the chemical shades stand out in this light.






If poetry was porcelain,

Cracks alight

On damaged skin.

Whipping cords,

Just words to him.

Your poetry has been

Living so much

In the subconscious.

So unaware,

Half-awake, semi-death.

There has been

A fault in the matrix.

Did you know?

I could go

And go and go


Pay for my therapy,

You did this to me

But you don’t know

Yes, you do so

And if it’s not a lie

Then before you say goodbye

Read your words carefully,

Come back to me,

Tell me what it is you see.





Cigarette tongue is buzzing

Vibrating the lining of a breakable skull.

Mind is full

But leaden speech is dull.

The words, keep talking,

It’s real.

This disaster is kind of a big deal.

But no, this time we’re done,

These dramatizations are no fun.

Failed to protect the ones you love,

Failed to instil pride in see above.

More than sorry, it does no justice,

The truth of the matter and of the mess

Is that something is searching within.

Something is seeking the nightmares

It keeps finding

And there’s always a devil pushing you forwards

Saying go now, find the fodder

For when you’re bored

And disillusioned by the phonies.

You want to shake up and

Challenge conventionality.

It’s been a sacrifice to prop up this part,

To maintain the beliefs that are held at heart.

To ruin your profile in the process,

The picture our party so worship.

Our generational attention to image,

To be fake, present oneself as faultless.

Out of the past, I’ll be the first to say

I’m not that way.

Messed up beyond belief,

Way too solid to flake as fake.




Whatever will it take

To keep one awake,

In the night

A gaunt face stands out white.

Those lollipops that took forever to lick

With large rainbow swirls

Did you ever finish it?

Like, look, it’s not my fault

I remember that day

With the ceilidh, you were there.

You pushed me out in front,

I was about three or four,

I was so scared.

Said ‘I don’t dance,

I’m too shy’

Why not baby instead of I?

Forcibly, I was too tiny,

Strangers kept on lifting me.

Spinning round and round with

Raincoats surrounding.

Waltzing, I whimpered with angry tears

At mad women and old men with hairy beards

And now I stay up all night trying to forget

The memories that rush to re-enact,

It must have left an impact.

I get into fights, just to push thoughts aside,

I write trails of long words, a sluice of nonsense to be heard.

I start sentences with I, so sick of ego I could die.

You, whose main concern was

Making sure the water’s surface was unperturbed.

Wiped clean appearance but underneath is

Damaged and no longer functioning,

My royal queen.

What about when I was six or five

And on the first day of lessons you told me

I had to try

To swim without a float,

Instantly perfect with no support

But instead, I began to drown

And nearly bumped my crown.

Told off by the instructor

Who in her state of stress I did scare,

I should have floated into the shade of blue

I was swallowing then and there.

Water lungs spluttering,

Didn’t take any responsibility,

Still got a row

And where am I now?

In the winter with eyes big and brown

Like an aye-aye in a thermograph.

Scrapbooks filled with crap,

Reeling back ’n’ forth,

Pushed until I snap.

Artificial flavours,

So quiet, I am not heard.

Coffee to keep me up,


Dragged along by the cuffs.

In the library people are squinting at me

Is it her the frightened ones are running from?

I didn’t attend the party,

Too ashamed of my behaviour lately,

Sensitive to others’ perceptions of me.

My only friend calls me on the phone

I love him and trust him and him alone

But I don’t trust, I know how it goes

Abandonment can happen at any time,

No matter what the evidence shows,

Sure he hugged me, called me,

Everything seems fine

But what if it was momentary?

What if he didn’t really mean

Any of what he said? swims around in my head~

At nursery school, always last to go home

When are you coming? When will you show?

The rest of the kids already got to go.

Don’t worry, don’t worry, my guardians take care of me.

You arrive late all apologies.

I had to wait with those two ladies;

The one who is cruel and the one who is kind.

Here’s what in this life I did find:

Everybody leaves if they get the chance,

There’s no point in believing in romance

Because soon your defects will come to light

And they won’t be forgiveable

If you’re fundamentally not right.



All About U{5} (don’t go to the panto)


Cheerleader, I need your support

I’ve got something new I need to report.

No one would be here

At this time

You would think

As December death dawns

At the cusp of the brink.

Just step on the turf,

No one will resurface,

I needed to avoid being on campus.

Serpentine wingmen no longer slide,

Tires tick along as they cycle by my side.

Thought you’d be safe to turn up for a second

But soon as you do they make themselves present.

That one strides past, sweeps a swift look. Boo!

An unwelcome fright as you wait

In the quiet coffee queue

And isn’t it funny once you’ve thought it all through?

He was waiting in the room you just walked into.

There is no avoiding, as you knew would be the case,

Try to express the fact that

They’re unavoidable,

All over the place

More than this, they refuse

To get out of your face.

No, I’m not following, it’s just hard not to stare

When everywhere I go they’re already there.


Expedition to the Friend Zone


How did it feel to make a teenage girl cry?

He won’t let himself remember.

Ironed clothes on the pillow

Before being

Resigned to the doom

Of his bedroom.

The grasping hand couldn’t wait,

In the living room next to the plate

You just ate from.

All kinds of wrong.

Promised I wouldn’t let him do it,

Verbalised the fear, said just let me sit

And speak if you will.

Find something to say,

But still he was silent and got his own way.

Knew where to touch to make it meek,

Knew where to go to turn it weak

Like a branch you could bend

Underneath your big feet.

I cried, so sick of your greedy attack,

Trying so hard to get some dignity back,

Attempting in vain to regain

Normality and not complain.

So, I haven’t found the friend-zone to be,

As of yet,

Much of a problem for me,

You can bet,

Always try to land there

but it’s barren and bare.

It’s either all out or never,

once they’re gone, gone forever.


Narcissistic Victim Syndrome


How to be around Narcissa who lies

Vastly huge fibs with large saucer eyes?

That’s the tell,

Should I tell her?

Is the most hellish inhumane way any better?

Her and the other

Stark raving sadistic brother

Who polishes his own picture every day.

Come out to play, it’s OK,

You weren’t born this way, bitter and vicious

And sharp with what you say.

Number of enemies now totalling two,

What can you do?

And so it is true, they are a little bit

Threatened by you.

In constant danger, it does feel

As though the threat is very real

When their perception gets turned around

So the gun points at

Your Achilles heel.

So weak, unassuming, unrequited,

Beginning to wonder how did all this get started?

It started with mind, a magical trick,

Your own sensitivities made them so sick.

But do they not understand?

It does no harm to hold a hand,

The mousy creature just wants a warm place to stand.

Narcissa crushes with her palm

To quell the guilt of her demands,

Digs into ribs, guts wrenched by her hands.

And he, he knows I know his mind

But I don’t mind, it was almost worth the find.

Target her because I came from love

And it’s rare, they cut me bare,

Try to damage the part that’s still there.

Stare on, simple anger waves through

And its temper won’t temper

I feel as though I’m falling,

I feel as though I’m failing too.

I’m waiting on death row,

Waiting to fry my hair in the electric chair.

Anxiety, I missed the cherished child in me

And I feel so sorry for her that I’ve been so weak

For her, for you, for everybody.

In this sharp, shattering world,

Take a sweet child and make it reviled.

Love never stops loving. Not now

And not for eternity

So why does disgust discover me?

Why does hate hover insistently?

Must find love soon instead of hate.

Must find love soon instead of hate.

Must find love soon. Must find love soon.

More than anything else on this earth,

Or its satellite moon.

Change the tide, low to high,

This forgiving god is turning a blind eye.




An Interview


Open the door and let her in,

Now how to start?

Where to begin?


She looked through pursed face,

Eyes were a watery clear dead-end.

Her expression is ugly,

She just looks at me,

Asks with derision

‘What do you mean?’

And it’s just leave me alone, get out of my face, get out of

My face, it’s not my place to…


Last time I sat here at the end of the session

Dripping damp tears with psychotic depression.

She didn’t even pity

But wanted it away,

Struck with disgust

Sadistic silences lay

While she looked down.

Head of…

An authority,

They put you in that position

But you’re not worthy.

I’d vomit on you

Miss empathy

Which is supposed to come first,

Don’t forget impartiality.


When you’re at your most sick from people,

Come and see our crystalline Cheryl,

She’ll help you to retreat,

She’ll snuff you out to sleep.

Luckily I found someone else

Who prevented me from taking the leap.


Professional, I wish you would be

Eliminated, you’re of no use to me.

These people, they know

When you’re at your most weak

That this is when they can walk over you

And cut you off when you speak.

Thank you again for not listening to that,

I know you don’t care,

You were quite open about the fact.


And just remember you have no future. Yes.

I feel odd, is there something wrong with me?

What is the cure?

Yes, there is, go and see your GP,

I’m not sure.

And when she said bye! Go away and

Take all of these pills, well, I don’t still.

Fuck you, I’m ill.

Finish early with mind wired to an amplifier 

And soul distilled.

Leave off early like I’m too stupid to tell,

Get out of there quickly so there’s no evidence

And no fresh footprints to see

Where you’ve trodden the ground remorselessly.


Richie’s Reliable Removals{6}


I’m not one of those girls that would think

Like that,

If you know me,

That tells long-winded lies that stink

Of baloney,

Believe in all they fantasize

Like those sad cases who trail after guys,

Not that hardcore living in fiction,

Not prone to leaping to conclusions.

They like to make out I inhabit a dream world

Where I play the role of manic pixie dream-girl.

I never was one to assume

Anyone was wanting romance to bloom,

Never could believe in my mind

Until I’m in their bedroom

Or if I find

The brush of a touch, making it cry.

Protected myself by maintaining

The belief that I

Could never influence

But realised since

That accidents can happen

Believe it or not,

Bad enough to make you wince

when you recoil at the thought.

It doesn’t take much skill I would fathom,

It’s not impossible it seems

But I don’t ever jump to the wish fulfilment

Of my own sad and sorry dreams.

So this is why I find it hard to find{7}

Evidence of your being blind

To my presence,

I think you had a sense

Seemed pretty well aware at the offset since

You were staring so hard

I thought you might tear a hole

Through my guard.

I was trying to downplay,

Ignored the whole thing,

Kept it at bay.

The rapid speech

And the anxious leeching

When English wasn’t the only thing he was teaching

And now it’s all lies, so lazy

That bitch’s psychobabble, it’s crazy.

Dude, don’t play me,

I know you might regret

But don’t cover the hand you’ve already dealt.

You can’t cover up the fact

That I saw you and didn’t react,

Now you’ve made a statement you cannot retract.

That story last semester

Resembles something similar

To what I was put through

No point in mentioning that,

You’d deny it too,

Synchronicity on speed,

Yeah, wouldn’t you.

Whether it’s conscious or not

You were being subtle

You thought

Or made to take the piss?

Well, guess what?

I can read into it and read well,

That’s why this is an English degree, hell.

I know you’re as pure as white ivory

Took it so hard,

Well, excuse me,

Though I’d like the world to know

That what you’re trying so hard to convey actually

Seriously stinks of shit in every possible way.

What you’re trying to look like

Now kinda looks so very frail

Or will once they know the truth

And I live on to tell the tale.

You’re a square and conventional youth

Accidentally intrigued by a strange and solemn recluse

Who doesn’t want to step out of line

Scared of what it is that they would find.

The poseur that people might discover

Who mistakenly fell for something other,

Fell for a crooked witch,

A loner, an occult weirdo-bitch.

Whether they believe it or not

I’ll give all the evidence I’ve got

Because if you’d kept your mouth shut

I wouldn’t call you out.

Shout out to all those adults who can

Deal with things in a manner

That is mature and honest and

Non-manipulative rather

Than spread shit like hot fire

To everyone that they know

To protect their defensive obstacle

Of an overstretched ego.

Please, I can see through it,

Protective, preservative bullshit.

It looks so ugly and untrue,

Must be uncomfortable being you.




That love was red-

Acid reflux.

I felt it in my gut-

The shortest day of the year.

Violins were shrieking sharp notes of warning.

Crushed pomegranate,

Squashed figs in fingers.

Running, reaching-

Sweat, stepping over

Slippery grapes.

Berries under thundering feet

With destructive angst.

Blood pumping through arteries,

Ventricles pounding

Into lusty whine.

No way beneath,

No way around.

Sharp bite of teeth,

Electric shock kiss,

Fast-forward time.

Adrenal gland,

Root chakra.

Take off your socks,

Vino cava.

There was no way, blocked off,

Following the path of fear all year.

Never been through anything so violent

As the thrash of violins,

The height from which they crash,

Falling off that cliff top

Trusting somebody to catch

When there’s no one at the bottom.

Brought out a gun, a cowboy, a sun,

The blazing heat wavering in western eyes.

Pocahontas was simply listening to mother nature

Under shepherdess skies.

John Smith was an insincere warrior

Bringing despair, bringing danger,

Flashing a warning:

Red. Red. Red. Red.






‘I don’t appreciate nature much, to me it’s just there’

Not beautiful in itself, only for our use and

No gratitude, no greater meaning.

For such a small frame which could flight and alight

Gaily in an airy, breezy way

There was something very heavy in its Saturnian trundle.

Sitting there he was a wire hanger for clothes and

Simultaneously a heap of leaden bricks.

When he spoke pebbles tumbled out to hit the floor, with a thud,

Stones were sprayed into each one of its witnesses’ face.

A hard, coal core was he, or more a breeze block,

Both light and big, but used only to hit you with.

Just drop it.

November brings with it its weak, waning sunlight

And the walls we had built up were strong and sturdy

By then. In silence, we sat together,

Back to back, refusing to face ourselves and each other.

Its heaviness was that of tired exasperation, the kind

You wanted to lean on or into, the kind

That made you want to nurse or soothe

Before it became destructive

But protective barriers bore down on slow, lumbersome souls.

Something as summery as sunlight arrived too early,

Filtered in just before it was meant to be, slipping,

Shimmering and yawning as premature and paranoid as

Starlight dawning.





That year I drank my glass of poison,

Swallowed my pain and made a toast-

To my fellow companions, my contemporaries, my comrades

‘until middle age’ in the hope that it forgives us

And then left alone wandering anonymous

In the shadows,

In the space between stars.