Messages of Light and Love by Donna Solitario - HTML preview

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Violins Danced Upon the Heart


Upon the hearts drum

Echoes slipped through the morning sun

Rose petals sprung across the window pane

Chariots of fire rained

Upon the breast of a motionless heart

Anguished clusters of darts

Were thrown in the heated

Torn and defeated

Tunnel of visions

While the mission

Is mysteriously replaced

The flute expressed a golden grace

That heightened desires of the heart

The piano struck a fallen note

A chord broke

Suddenly the harp

Dressed the moonlight with a hidden glance

Deeply tucked inside a trance

Where drums suddenly awakened

To a gracious nightcap

Listening to astounding horns blowing eagerly


All music ceased as violins whispered superstitions

Replacing a peaceful sleep

The heart remembering

Its paradise of contentment in Surrendering