Gold over water by Malin Hallgren Siira - HTML preview

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Wars built on

People of unknowing and knowing

Why they fight


One side stands for the old

The other for the new

But one day the wars will cease to be


From the book Själsljus (Soullight) question N:r 136 to God By Carina Sloberg,

2013 Siljans Måsars Förlag (Publishing Company)


I’m in my sanctuary

I’m alive

I am my own holy shrine


My heart has a flame

I don’t need a church

I have the kingdom inside


I pray everywhere

In any direction

Whenever I want


Maybe I pray

When I’m on the bus

Don’t need a specific time

To keep


I have a dream

That I keep inside

That one day I hear

A woman’s call from the minaret

In a distant Islamic country


To my soul it would be a scent of lovely flowers

To the first of womanhood who does

She will be sacred while calling


We are the riders of the bulls

Acrobating to the skies

Not afraid of the horns


Daughters of Crete

Jump up

Show your skills to me


We’re riding the dolphins

On the sea

Swimming day by day

We greet you kind spirits

Who saves fishing men

Falling aboard a ship


We dance and fiest

Meeting our king

Bowing and playing

Teasing audience


Daughter of Crete

Jump up high

Dance through the air

Come down on your feet


Time masters

Sketching my body


Time masters

Checking my next life-time


I can look at some

Events happening

On the TV-screens

At ages they show to me


Spirit goes down

To earth again

Followed by love

From masters and guides

To meet a new destiny again


I circle around

The unborn body

Of a child

I remain to go back and forth

For four months

Inside the baby


Then I feel ok

Checked the body functions

Melted with the nerve-system

Suddenly I’m reborn


I’m all centuries

At the same time


Everything that happens

Flows through time

The now, past and future

Goes hand in hand


We can’t see it

But the universe knows

The heavens guide our way


I can be both in France 1700

But I’m living now

It still affects me

In a karmic way


I give you my unconditional love

Without reservations

I give you out of my well

Water of life


I give you everything I feel and breathe

I give you my friendship forever

I overflow with feelings of joy

Please accept me my love

For who I am

I can’t be no one else

Give me of your unconditional love


Up in the heavens

Your soul will rise

To live

Through its fantasies


There you can get

Whatever you want

No wish will be



Fly like a leaf

To all worlds

You want to visit

Through your thoughts

You fly like an eagle


Through God’s love

And angel’s joy

You will dance

Here’s your true home


The soul keeps whispering

About the place

Where it’s free


You dream it when you

Fall asleep

Sometimes I wish

That I was at home


When you have trouble

Finding no solutions

Talk to the angels


They will help you

To solve the problem


With peace you better

Can resolve things

They say

Worries only

Makes it worse


Not so easy

For us humans

To take in

But I think my life

Been better

Since I left

My troubles to them


Every energy you left

Made by love

Will remain


Even if you have left

Each other

God’s love

Will always be the same



It will live

A life of its own


Flying in and out

Through the universe


Every time I said

I loved you

Has stopped the time

What I sent out

Will always be alive


Every time

We have trembled

With feelings so deep

Nothing disappears


And this feeling

Is made of true

Innocent love


I feel the forest

Riding through

Hunting a dragon

On my own

I am a knight

Coming up from behind

I am sensing victory

Over the beast


I see pictures coming by

In my mind

I can feel I rush through the fields

I am the book

I’m in it

I am the book

I am somebody else

I am my thoughts I dream away


I am greeted as the mighty

Dragon slayer

When I arrive at the castle

Everybody shows their joy

I am meeting my maiden

Will shortly be married with her

I feel love to life

(Inspired by The Rubyknight by David Eddings)




Star children


The children of the blue beam

Lives together

With us

On earth now


Telling us their stories

From ancient times

From many planet systems above


Blue color has their bodies

The color that mankind

Will have in the future


Gentle and kind

Loving and wise


I can’t wait until

I meet someone of you


I greet you with love and joy

Builders of the world to come


In the third millennium

There will be no more wars

Laughter and joy

Will be surrounding the earth


Calling you all now

In the name of love


Everything around us

Is breaking apart

It’s up to us now

To fill the world

With the word of peace


All the people

Who are thrown out

On the ground in the cold

To starve to death


Being killed

In nameless fear

Crying out

When will all wars

Start to cease?


Everything’s at stake now

Stop it now

It leads to nothing

Than revenge


And so it goes on

The hate forever

No one needs it

Not your grandchildren either


But faults must be righted

Everything must be built up again

Many scares in body’s and souls

Takes a life time to heal

If it ever does

It’s so sad to see

For my soul



My joy


My world

It’s alright



I go

I celebrate

Our love


You and I

Complete eachother

When I can’t do something

You fill in


I do the same

Thank you

For being with me

In this lifetime

I couldn’t live my life

Without you


Have grown to sixteen

Coming on nice

My dear son

Fills my heart

With joy


Hello there

I say

Playing your

IPad games


A little moustache is coming

On the upper lip

Soon time

To buy a shaving machine

Says father


We love you so much

A joy to us all to see

A gentle and kind boy

With an empathetic soul

Who is sure of himself


I stand on the ground

Wondering why

The distance

Is so far away


I want to be

Where the universal light

Has its home

But I know

It’s nearer than most


I am daughter of the earth

Daughter of the sky

No one can take away

That heritage

I look up

To the stars

I know God

There you are


Silently in my heart

It’s true

The kingdom lies

In my heart


Total healing

I long for

Total enlightenment

Of the soul and body


Whatever is possible

I take it to me

So many lives

Many sighs

Mistakes made

Are now overturned


I walk now

Without fear

Or sorrow


God my friend

My nearest allied

In all mess

Called the world


I can’t see you

Nor hear you

But I know


You are my best friend

You who wants me

To feel the best

That I have inside of me


When we meet other people

Sometimes we realize

A sudden memory

Of remembrance

In our hearts


I felt so for my son

When he was born

I had it confirmed

We have lived together

In earlier life times


I remember you

There’s no question at all

I feel it with joy

That you and I belong

I give you my eternal friendship

From my heart

I felt my interest

When I first saw

A photo of you

I thought this was

A good-looking young man

I took my chance


So we’ve known each other

For so many years now

We have earlier life-times

To look back at also


So stop for awhile

Think a step more

Whole your family

Can have ties

Which goes back

Many centuries ago


The space was empty

No one were there

No time existed before

The time of mankind


Seraphim whispered

Sang, talked our

God’s intense love


Swinging high and low

In the dark

Whispering God’s name

Which means love


With soothing voices

The angels sang

A gentle loving song

With love to the light

Which gave birth

To the universe we know

And many more


Love sang seraphim

Love whispered seraphim

Love talked the seraphim out


Mary and Joseph

Both of royal birth

Were wed to each other

In a brief ceremony


They lie on a bed

Still with clothes on

When they heard

And saw


The Immaculate Conception

Seraphim sang

Intense love energy

Sank down to them

They were given

The flame of love

Which led Jesus to be born


After they were shocked

What happened to them?

It went the way it should

A savior of God’s force

Were born later to the earth


A million of refugees have faced the war

Hunger and death they have seen

But does Europe really care?


Criminals they say

Spitting on their faces


Why this anger and being afraid

Of those who has lost it all?

Both material things

And relatives


Human are we human?

I ask in anger and fear

How can we turn our backs

To those who suffer?


Shame to those countries

That don’t care


Some say they can’t be trusted

Think again

People are people

And all foreigners are not alike

They are many

Because countries didn’t care

To give money for food to the FN-camps

The meaningless war has also played its game


Take care of them and you shall be given plenty


We have to choose the light

For the world

Laughter from our children

Food for everyone


If we choose the dark side

Third world war can happen

A filthy war with bacteria

Atomic weapons

Someone to push the button

Controlling us all


Don’t let Anti-Christ through

With his guile tongue

Iran, Russia and China watch out!

He’s fooling you all


666 is his password

On his computer


A handicapped bitter pope helps him

Harassed through his school time

He’s giving back what he has suffered

He has no love for mankind


But there’s light in the tunnel

One man will rise to bring Anti-Christ down

On his knees

America and Great-Britain will win again


The great genius

Will lead us to peace

And pure spirituality


So has the great Nostradamus spoken

To Dolores Cannon

Hoping that we through our choices

Can turn the dark to light


Pole shifting

It feels in our senses

That’s something’s going on

Something from our sixth senses

Telling us of a catastrophe to come


Mother Earth will be shaking

Water will overflow the whole world

Time to run to the hills and the mountains


Makes us run but we have prepared for a long time now

We are in a great hurry

To flee from the earth’s wrath

Against Anti-Christ


He won the world

But he can’t possess this earth’s soul

She rebels and she claims her right to be


I feel sorry for every land to disappear

Grief and cries can be heard everywhere

We are a small crowd that’s left

Let’s take care of what we have


Other beings from other planets

Will help us

We will start our travelling out in space

Starting over in a new time to come


Take the cup of wine

It’s the blood of the world

Baptize in water we also do


The Essenes

Lost in history’s dust

Were the first “Christians”

Before the church was made


Came from Atlantis

Wandered to old Israel

And stayed


Library with all knowledge

I wish I could have been there

To read about the tenth planet

That your ancestors saw

The Dead Sea scrolls

Found in the desert

Only a few have been



Because the church

Doesn’t want us to hear

The truth

That Essenes made them

To what they are today


I am the seeker searching around

Mystery’s at hand

To find clues to open up

The box of truth


Sometimes I fail

Only a little piece of information

Comes by


No one can say that it’s right

I can believe what I want

Searching everywhere

For knowledge


My soul wants to know

The spirit thirsts

For wisdom

Let me find out what is necessary

For me to know


As much as I can take in

It’s food for my soul

Because in this life-time

I want to know



Sounds so high

You can’t hardly think


Here I am

Wondering upon a stone

What should I do?


Lie in the grass

Sleep for awhile

Knowing there’s peace

All around me


Birds are singing

Bees are buzzing

And I know


I have come to my



It’s within you find

Your heaven


When it’s winter

It’s there I feel

At home


Narnia felt in my soul

Carl Lewis

Made a masterpiece

Of a world

Made by love

To the whole


Adventures young children

Read around the world

I have read them all again

I love them as always

Since my childhood


Allegory of God and Aslan

As the same

Written with wisdom

And great creativity

Coming from God


High above us

There is a lady

Going along


She’s moving

With grace

And humility

Along the shore


Carrying high powers

Within her soul

Sacred knowledge

She used to know


Standing in the sea

With her feet

Singing a mighty song

Which cleanses the waters

From all filth and junk


Our Lord thinks of us

Sends his beloved servants to help

Love to all of us

Love to the earth

All will be good again


We have forgotten

To listen to the songs

Of the earth


The animals speaking

To us

Because it was taken

Away from them

For many thousands years ago

The legend says


Fairytale for many

Not for the Indians

Because they heard



We are not in harmony

With the earth

Or ourselves

Not in touch

With the waters

Or the plants


We only see us

Only thinking

We can do what we want

But that’s not true

Destroyers and intruders

Are our names

Without any feelings at all

Tuín the hunter

Hunted and killed for the tribe

Lived close to nature

In harmony with the earth


This is the legend of a starcrasch

For 10.000 years ago

They came from

Outer space


They crashed on the high mountains

In western Canada

In an isolated place

Remains of the ship

Can lie there deep

In the ground


They influenced the Indians

Genes for good and bad

Blond hair tall and slender

Violet eyes

To dark hair and golden-brown


The people from the stars

Were not used to alcohol

It was not a drug

They could handle

So it’s why

It’s been so bad

For the Indians in our time


Túin was one of them

The old people

The only people

Which they called



Came from political upheaval

Were sent away out of free will

To prevent an outbreak

Of civil war


So here they crashed

Many died but many survived

But they had trouble

They got help from the Indians

To live in harmony with the earth


They interbred with them

So that they could survive

The rays of the sun

Which killed their children

To be crippled and deformed

And die


Dolores Cannon found out

In an old National Geographic magazine

The year of 1912

That the eskimoes

Had had blond hair

Can there be a bit of truth?


Temple where God’s essence lived

In ancient times in Egypt

Priestess of the light

Sent healing through the gold

The jewels that she wore


Fragments of God in the stone

Healed everyone

Who was in pain

It was free and so is the nature

Of love


But the people at last thought

That the healing came from the gold

They were wrong

One priestess took off all her jewels

To show this

Because it only protected them

From being killed


And someone died


They executed her

Her grave is under the sphinx

It has her face on it



Of what we were


Shines so bright


Of our first birth

Born by the force of God


So many adventures

Has gone by

For many thousands of years

We still are here

Working out our karma

Against each other

Living on this planet

Let’s make good

To live here


No choice to hide

No chance to lie

Start with beginning

To sing a new song

For the earth



Let this be a new start

To overcome

All that is wrong

Heal ourselves

And this world

Micro in macro cosmos


My home

I love to come home

There’s shelter

And kind people

Welcoming me home


I lay on the sofa

With a good book

My man plays DOOM

On the TV-set


My son plays

Nicer games

On his iPad

Without violence

But there’s a lot of speed

In them


I need silence

To let my feelings flow

What will I learn today

In the book that I read


I read every interesting book

About spirituality

I’m like a sponge

Who wants to suck it all up


But I ask myself now and then

Is this true to me?

If not my intuition is in it

I skip it


There’s a household

To take care of also

Has so little time to read

I steal time when I can


When it’s time to bed

I nearly sleep with the

Book on my chest


Because I want to know

I want to remember

To inspire whoever

Comes my way

So we can awaken together


There will be

A new horizon

Away from all despair

All the wars and the destroying

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