Going Slightly Mad by Christine Stromberg - HTML preview

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This book is dedicated to my good friend Michael R. who has helped me to find the courage to face life, more than he appreciates. 

By not supplying his full name I am respecting his desire to remain anonymous, but he knows who he is. Thank you so much, my dear friend.


There is a movement, led by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, entitled Time To Change which encourages people to talk about mental illness. The intention is to help those who find it difficult to admit to having such problems and also remove fears of the unknown from those around them.

1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental disorder at some time in their life, so it is highly likely that you know someone affected, whether you are aware of it or not.  Mine is called Avoident Personality Disorder, which has been a life-long problem.

Mind and Rethink Mental Illness believe that talking about mental health can strengthen friendships, aid recovery, break down stereotypes and take the taboo out of something that can affect us all. 

Towards this end I have collected together a number of poems I wrote during my worst times of mental distress. Maybe it will get people talking but at least it gives some idea of how someone like me feels at times. 

The first piece is a retrospective piece, looking back at a time many years ago.  The rest were written as and when the bad times occurred. How I could write at those times I have no idea, I can only say that it helped. This was how I dealt with it in the absence of any other help. Writing is cathartic. I recommend it.

If anyone reading this can identify with any of the feelings described, I feel for you but would say this: it can pass.  I haven’t had a really bad episode for some years.

However, if you are reading this in order to gain some insight into what the depressive mind can experience, I hope you find what you seek. 

Going Slightly Mad


She sits on the floor

in the corner of the room,

knees tucked underneath her chin

encircled by her arms,

rocking, rocking,  back and forth,

softly crooning some old song

eyes unseeing, fixed and glazed

lost in thoughts of long ago

escaping from reality

a life too full of pain to bear

too frightening to contemplate.


Somewhere in her secret soul

deep within her wounded heart

she knows she cannot stay here

Her family will soon be home

and she must pull herself together.

They must never know about

the secrets of her time alone,

the inner workings of her mind.

But just for now, this little while,

her mind lets go of reason,

flirts with momentary madness,

heeds oblivion's call.


And so she sits upon the floor

in the corner of the room

and wishes she could die.


Nov 2001


A Glimpse Into My Private Hell.


Like swamp gas from its foetid lair

that bursts forth into clean fresh air,

so my thoughts arise unbidden

from the place where they lie hidden

in some stinking mental midden,

bringing me to near despair.


These demons from their souterrain

now come to haunt me once again;

memories awash with sorrow,

love I only ever borrow,

fears about a bleak tomorrow,

percolating in my brain.


They seem so very saturnine

these dark and dreadful thoughts of mine.

Is some monstrous madness lurking

grinning greedily and smirking,

watching, waiting, slowly working,

making me it's concubine?


Why must my mind be so steadfast

and cling so grimly to its past?

Why can I not just cease this travel,

let my tortured mind unravel,

hear the judge bring down his gavel

giving me some peace at last?


 Nov 2001.




My subconscious mind once opened,

like Pandora's box, releases its evils.


For Pandora, Hope remained

for consolation, mitigation, reparation.


My Hope, a mischievous sprite

lifts me high only to send me

hurtling back to earth.


A malevolent Tinkerbell taunting me.


And yet I cling to her;

like one drowning I cling to her

but my grip is weak.


 Dec 2001



Ride Out the Storm


Once again the mind descends

spiralling out of control



into a deep dark well


sorrow rises unbidden

filling me

till it overflows and runs

cascading down my face





where does it come from

this grief

this sadness?

why won't it let me live in peace?

what reason can there be

for this sense of desolation

which tempestuously

overwhelms my reason?


Once again I must ride out the storm

stay hidden within

peer through the gloom

till the sun breaks through

bringing a new dawn

of tranquillity.


 May 2002


Roller Coaster


This roller-coaster ride I call my life

has got me going every which way

wondering what each day will bring


A small boat on a choppy sea

tossed around by

mood swings bearing

little relation to events


Oscillating between rosy tints

and rosé stints

I struggle to keep

my head above water

my life on an even keel


Blue skies, grey skies

come and go

ebb and flow


No forecasts

no gale warnings

no newsflash

Just get up and - whoa!


 May 2002


Sad and Pointless


Loneliness, a cancer

eats into the soul

extinguishing, destroying it

bit by painful bit


each passing day is longer

emptier, more bleak


each sleepless night is darker

quieter, and cold


all sense of being human

is lost within these walls

no voice, no touch,

no sight or sound

exists for reassurance


emptiness is all now

all vacant eyes can see

anticipating hell and

eternal desolation


as courage steals away

reality departs

and takes with it forbearance

of this sad and pointless life


 June 2002


A Fragile Thing

How fragile a thing is the mind

Sixteen years of arduous crawling

out of the dung heap into the light

clawing and scrabbling, inch by inch

learning the meaning of blood sweat and tears

becoming too confident, thinking you're strong

till a few ill-chosen, innocent words

hurl you back headlong into the shit

sitting here shaking with re-opened wounds

bleeding afresh down my nice new persona

Oh Tinkerbell, you sorry sprite,

how long will it take me this time?

 June 2002


 A Single Word



how a single word

can tear your world



turn it

upside down

inside out


for me

that word is



in seconds

it rips away






the snot-nosed





July 2002


Another Crazy Day


With closed eyes I see them

huge and repulsive

insects entering my brain

destroying rationality

demolishing my sanity

reason in freefall

doomed to crash and burn.




Old Memories Awakened.


I found an old diary today.

which stole my peace, just briefly.

March sixteenth of ninety five

I wrote these words in bright red ink:


Have decided I've had enough.

When I feel I'm ready I'll just

kiss it all goodbye.

Life's a bitch.


I didn't do it as you see,

I was hospitalised instead,

but the memories that came to me

when I found those words and read…


I've thrown the diary away.

Such times of overwhelming grief

are dead and gone, or should be,

and deserve a decent burial.




Diary of a Troubled Mind


Day I


Curled beneath the covers

trembling, thumb in mouth,

silent tears dampen the pillow.

Once again oblivion calls

as sanity





Day 2


A mind bewildered, fogged, befuddled,

thoughts and feelings mixed and muddled,

from the confusion a thought emerges,

sobbed at first, it quickly surges:

I have - the right - to say no...

I have the right to say no.



Day 3


My birthday.

Celebrate? I don't think so.

One card, from my sister

- at least someone remembered -

with some of her poems

on how to be a better Christian.

Or something.


Day 4


It's all a matter of balance.

One wrong move and whoops!

there she goes again;

hurtling to who knows where.

Psyche on the high wire

without a safety net.


Day 5


Lavender, bergamot, ylang ylang;

a recipe for calm.

At last the heart stops pounding,

lies still the trembling arm.

Some semblance of normality

brings reason to the fore

to put my thoughts in order,

to face the world once more.


Day 6


Today I woke feeling normal,

normal, that is, for me.

I realise I'm noticing things,

becoming aware of the outside world;

the roar of traffic, next door's dogs.

A siren wails, and another,

as ambulances pass.

Next door are drilling, hammering;

sounds as if they're coming through.

It's cold today, cold and grey,

Spring halted in its tracks.

Today, perhaps, I can leave my room,

get online, make contact.

Hi Mac, nice to see you

seems like simply ages

since last I touched your keys.

But wait! The trembling threatens,

the heart begins to pound.

Perhaps another day?

No use rushing into things.

I can wait. I can wait...

No, I'm a big girl now.

I can do this. Right?


 April 2003


Becoming Nihilistic


Once more the ground beneath me starts to crumble;

once more my errant psyche takes a tumble.


The black bat, night, descends upon my soul,

as long days spent inactive take their toll.


Reason lost, thoughts heavy and ballistic

plummet now, becoming nihilistic.


 July 2003


This World is Not My Home


I've never felt at home.

Any place I've ever lived

was just like passing through

since my neonatal welcome -

a slap upon the rear - which is

somewhat depressing but

unfortunately true.


Living can be lonely,

lonely as the last leaf

clinging to a winter tree.

All alone, in company, from

first gasp to dying breath

that's how it's always been

and how it will be.


 Nov 2003


Demons Rise

Demons: again they rise

out of the dank and dismal depths;

mocking me, deriding,

taunts insinuate and seethe.

I can scarcely breathe

for the stench of my deficiency.


Too much alone, I'm preyed upon

by echoes of forgotten voices,

shadows of the past.

Malevolent, they torture me

with devastating barbs:

Failed again! How typical

of damaged goods; faded, cracked,

a ruin of a once-bright hope

in need of restoration.


How many tears will it take

to drown these pestilential imps?

So strong, it seems, their grip so tight

by night or day.  Away! away!

What would you have me do?


 Nov 2003


Black Dog


Me and the black hound

have this kind of uneasy truce;

mostly he just hangs around

out of sight, out of mind

but every now and then he

ups and bites me where it hurts.


 Nov 2003


A House

A house but not a home


Strangely impersonal

it harbours stuff

imprisons me


Without a heart

a house is not

a home.


 Nov 2003




Words. Just words.

Echoes of a former life

dredging up forgotten feelings;

fucking with my head.


Foul words, calumnies

spawned from insecurity;

jealousy and accusations

filling me with dread.


Words. Just words, but

words have unimagined power.

Will I ever really heal from

all the things he said?






When your legs behave like jelly and your body feels like lead;

when your hands won't do things properly and fog infests your head;

when you want to go out dancing but you have to sleep instead

and your life consists of getting up and going back to bed;


When your home is like a prison and you're under house arrest,

when you rarely see your family or any other guest

then it's really not surprising if you sometimes get depressed

and it's too much of an effort eating, washing, getting dressed.


And when you get a visitor it's quite a big event,

like celebrating Easter after fasting all of Lent;

you give it all you've got until your energy is spent

then it's back to being boring to a very large extent.


So spare a thought for folk like us who slog it out alone,

who only contact others or the web or on the phone;

our lives can be quite difficult though we don't like to moan,

and occasionally tears will fall though mostly unbeknown.


Like a cactus in the desert, life has forced us to be tough;

the strength that keeps us going comes from having it quite rough

but underneath the prickles or what seems to others gruff

lies a soft and tender heart that often feels it's had enough.


© 2004


Drops in the Ocean


Looking back I

feel the pain



Ahead loom years

of emptiness and



Tears of the past

will be as drops

in the ocean.




On a Day Like Today


On a day like today, when it seems too much,

I long for his presence, his tender touch,

his voice as it tells me I'll be ok,

that I've got what it takes on a day like today.


On a day like today when I want to quit

'cause l'm lonely and tired and feel like shit,

and I want him around in the very worst way,

tell me, how do I cope on a day like today?


On a day like today please forgive me, friends;

though I can't tell my future I know how it ends;

but there's always tomorrow. I hope and I pray.

It's all I can do on a day like today.


 Dec 2004



Trying, trying, to see the light

from a gloomy deep dark well of doom.

Despair and hopelessness prevail,

the future seems uncertain,

as hope once more bids me adieu

and sweet oblivion beckons.




A Familiar Foe


Struggling to stay on top.

The old familiar foe emerges:

tooth and claw and tentacles

clinging, clawing, clutching, dragging,

threatening annihilation

in the depths of dark despair.


Can one ever overcome

the emptiness of feeling worthless,

knowing that one's puny efforts

count for little in the end,

fairly sure that one's demise

will largely pass by unremarked?


Is it merely vanity,

this need to feel significant?

Or is it part and parcel of

our human sociability.

Do other creatures ever know

this monstrous, fearsome desolation,

gnawing at their self esteem?


In time, of course, this too will pass

and life will go on as before:

the demons conquered for the moment,

sent back to the grim miasma

of the mind from whence they came,

once again to lurk unseen.






I used to feel invisible,

my presence unacknowledged,

emotions prohibited,

my thoughts inconsequential.


Without appropriate response

life is almost meaningless,

dreary days of this and that,

fatuous and bleak.


Yet life went on, regardless,

filled with busyness and such,

nothing special, nothing much,

getting through the days.


Recently I've realised

it's come to haunt me once again.

The void I've been avoiding

has never gone away.




Losing it.


Losing my shit

falling apart

can't seem to hold

love don't come around

any more but hey

I wasn't worth it


life is a bowl

of Jell-O


something not quite

right there

fright there

lot of fear

lonely here

can't seem to hold it


no more

there's the window

there's the door

love don't come

around here

any more.




Major to Minor


Sunny, funny, honey’d day

expectations riding high

flying, whiffling, endless bliss

when, swifter than a maiden’s kiss,

a sudden squall,

hope plummets, falls;

dashed upon the rocks it lies

shocked and battered,



then comes the pain:

god-awful, gut-wrenching, terrible grief,

wretchedness beyond belief,

Clinging now to sanity,

I tremble, forfeit vanity,


in the silence comes temptation:

“So -  once more the die is cast.

Just let go, know peace,

at last.”






Is this what they call a crisis then?

Nothing makes sense any more.

I'm out of control, losing the plot,

thoughts and feelings run amok.


Reason is lost, takes flight and flees,

hides behind absurdities.

The desire to die or harm myself

is becoming quite persistent.


There are some spells of lucidity

when it's hard to believe the other me

who says and does things that appall

the me who would never do them at all.


Euphoria takes turns with fear,

some thoughts erotic, others, drear.

Amid the maelstrom one stands clear:

your heart is beating, listen!


Nights aren't for sleeping any more,

I lie awake for hours;

make cups of tea and listen to

the one who writes my poetry.


Right now the tears won't stop.

They roll, slowly, interminably

down my cheek, then drop.

Drip, drip, drop,

from jaw to lap,

to floor.


At other times I'm numb.

No thoughts at all, no feelings,

just cold and eerie nothingness.


Often I feel bewildered:

is this what it's all about?

I can't I won't I shouldn't I must

and who in the world is there to trust

and when and where and how on earth

and why in the world did she ever give birth

to me.


It's all too hard you see.

Too hard too hard too hard too hard

and I'm coming apart at the seams.


They have to question, can't accept,

they never see, never see...

It's what? It's me? You're sure about that?

Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?


I sometimes say the stupidest things,

no thought behind them. Words have wings,

like wasps they fly and sometimes sting.

No wonder people doubt me.


I doubted too, for far too long.

They called me stupid or worse, a liar. 

Now I know better but still desire

acknowledgement; but it's just the same

they don't believe me so what's the point

of having a view at all.


Yes, I'm not easy to understand,

I know I know I know I know

I don't have to be reminded.


It's all too much; retreat, retreat

and find some peace, for a while at least

but I'll pen my thoughts for posterity

until the storm abates.




Indiana Me


It's an Indiana Jones thing,

this journey through my mind;

haunting, harrowing,

the memories I find


Locked away for decades,

deliberately cloaked

to save the inner child from

the feelings they evoked.


Unearthing the unthinkable,

done with utmost care;

one never knows the terrors

that might be lurking there


But now I can make more sense

of things I had to spurn,

bringing them into the light

to let them crash and burn.




In My Grave


When I am dead and in my grave

then I will know peace;


not the peace of some supposèd heaven

but peace on earth

the cool damp earth

wherein my mortal self, in time,

will be absorbed into the ground


and such soul as I posses